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Rating:  Summary: A NEW AND INTERESTING SETTING FOR THE KIDS Review: "The Hostile Hospital" This time, the kids search for clues concerning their parents' deaths and attempt to clear themselves of a false murder charge while being pursued by the evil Count Olaf, who is after the family fortune. While attempting to escape arrest, the siblings join a volunteer group (VFD) and enter Heimlich Hospital, where they soon find themselves working in the Library of Records. A picture with an important clue surfaces just as Olaf's girlfriend discovers them and captures Violet, who is then readied for a cranioectomy, a surgery in which the head must be removed. The trio's talents are put to good use in a daring escape from the burning hospital.
Quite Violent, but in a funny sort of way. The hospital is an interesting change of pace setting for the kids as hospitals can be quite scary places, even to adults, trust me. Perhaps not as good as it's predecessors, it's still quite a fun ride.
Rating:  Summary: Quite Interesting Review: Book eight of A Series of Unfortunate Events was quite Interesting. After all of that (what happened in book seven of A Series of Unfortunate Events The Vile Village), they had to go through more, of course. Like always.
They pretend to be volunteers of (not going to ruin the story for those who haven't read it yet), the three Baudelaires, Sunny Baudelaire, Klaus Baudelaire (who spent his birthday in book 7), and Violet Baudelaire.. Erm.. Klaus and Sunny almost had to do Surgery on Violet Baudelaire, as you see in the book cover. But she awoke, they escaped, in the end, they hid in.. A place which is horrible for me to type and I won't tell you anyway (or type to be exact) because if I do, it might ruin the story for you. >>;
Rating:  Summary: Will the mystery of V.F.D. ever be solved?! Review: I got into the Unfortunate Series books nearly two years ago because I was looking for something to tide me over until the 5th Harry Potter book came out. I was not disappointed! The books are quick and easy reads, and I can read them over and over again and not get bored.In this book, the orphans seem closer to the mystery of V.F.D and the mysterious circumstances surrounding their parents' deaths. Here, V.F.D. stands for Volunteers Fighting Disease, a group that goes around Heimlich Hospital attempting to cheer up the patients. The Baudelaires are assigned to work in the Library of Records, and it is there they find some startling evidence, and it seems that things are looking up. Alas, Count Olaf makes his appearance, along with his henchpeople. The Baudelaires must stop him or face tragic consequences, a phrase which here means a violent near-death. Lemony Snicket's books are good for young readers because he uses a broad vocabulary and explains it so they can understand. Readers will learn words they probably haven't heard before, used in interesting ways. I thoroughly enjoy this series and recommend it to all ages.
Rating:  Summary: a sour joy Review: If you are interested in stories with happy endings, you would be better off reading some other book. In this book, not only is there no happy ending, there is no happy beginning and very few happy things in the middle. This is because not very many happy things happened in the lives of the three Baudelaire youngsters. Violet, Klaus, and Sunny Baudelaire were intelligent children, and they were charming and resourceful, and had pleasant facial features, but they were extremely unlucky, and most everything that happened to them was rife with misfortune, misery and despair. I'm sorry to tell you this, but that's how the story goes. Thus begins Book 1, A Bad Beginning, of Lemony Snicket's immensely popular series of dour children's books, A Series of Unfortunate Events. Of course, I only know that because I found an excerpt on-line. The rotten little kids in our town have had every installment in the series checked out of our library every day for the past year. But the other day when the K-Mart one-hour photolab took about four hours, I picked up and read enough of volume 8, The Hostile Hospital, that I more-or-less had to buy it. So now I see why they're so popular. You'll often see Lemony Snicket compared to Roald Dahl or Edward Gorey because the books have such an edge of dark humor to them. But more than anything, they are reminiscent of The Phantom Tollbooth or the works of Lewis Carroll, for the author's great love and witty use of language. Many of the in-jokes will go over the heads of children, but serve to make the books more appealing to adults--for instance, the children's names : Klaus and Sunny (as in von Bulow). But the central theme of the book is that it is the children's skills and learning that will enable them to escape from dire predicaments : When you read as many books as Klaus Baudelaire, you are going to learn a great deal of information that might not be useful for a long time. You might read a book that would teach you about the exploration of outer space, even if you do not become an astronaut until you are eighty years old. You might read a book about how to perform tricks on ice skates, and then not be forced to perform these tricks for a few weeks. You might read a book on how to have a successful marriage, when the only woman you will ever love has married someone else and then perished one terrible afternoon. But although Klaus had read books on outer-space exploration, ice-skating tricks, and good marriage methods, and not yet found much use for this information, he had learned a great deal of information that was about to become very useful indeed. It's become commonplace to say that JK Rowling has gotten kids to read again, but the Lemony Snicket books go one step farther and encourage kids to read, to learn, to expand their vocabularies, to value knowledge and use it to solve problems. Add to this the fact that the books are packaged beautifully--they even feel good in your hands--with excellent illustrations by Brett Helquist, and you've got a series that belongs on every kid's bookshelf. Although, if the local library's any indicator, they'll never actually be there when you are looking for them. GRADE : A (for this installment, A+ for the series)
Rating:  Summary: Is it just me or... Review: is a rather important fact being overlooked by this point in the series? I haven't read any further, so maybe this is addressed later in the series, after book 8. Weren't the kids supposed to be adopted by relatives according to their parent's will? When they were adopted by the whole town, that wasn't a relative. Therefore, the adoption by relatives thing must no longer be in effect, and if that is the case, why can't they be adopted by the nice judge from the first book? (Other than the realistic, then there wouldn't be much more misfortune.) *sigh*
Rating:  Summary: The Hostile hospital Review: La couverture annonce d'emblée la sinistre tournure des événements : les orphelins Baudelaire vont être au bord du gouffre - façon imagée de dire la chose... Car Violette, Klaus et Prunille sont désormais en fuite, pourchassés par la police et la journaliste du Petit Pointilleux. Seule issue : se réfugier à l'hôpital Heimlich au sein d'une troupe de joyeux lurons, les Volontaires pour Dérider les Convalescents. Les trois enfants vont s'enfermer dans la salle des archives, dans l'espoir d'y trouver certains indices concernant les zones d'ombres les entournant. Un certain dossier Snicket pourrait dénouer des liens douteux et hasardeux, toutefois les choses s'annoncent, comme à l'ordinaire, plus compliquées que sur le papier. Poursuivis, chassés, démasqués, capturés, anesthésiés ou menacés de chirurgie crapuleuse ... les orphelins enchaînent les mésaventures, les catastrophes, les déveines. Du début à la fin, ce tome 8 est une nouvelle fois très captivant. L'étau semble se resserrer, mais sitôt le but presque atteint, la solution se faufile telle une anguille. Pas sortis de l'auberge, sommes-nous tous - lecteurs et orphelins compris. A peine fini ce huitième épisode, forcément on se plonge dans le livre suivant ! "Panique à la clinique" vous laisse sur votre faim, son intérêt croissant et sa richesse de plus en plus époustouflante ! A lire, sans plus attendre.
Rating:  Summary: The Hostile Hospital Review: The Hostile Hospital is a great and exciting book. It is about three children named Violet, Klaus, and Sunny who don't have parents anymore. Their parents died in a fire and now our living with relatives. These children also have a evil man after them named Count Olaf who is after their fortune. When ever they are with another person Count Olaf always shows up. The Hostile Hospital keeps you interested the whole time you read it.Can Violet, Klaus, and Sunny survive Count Olaf?
Rating:  Summary: ok, horrible at times Review: This book is horrible. All of the other books are good but this one is just to simple and boring.
Rating:  Summary: kid's review Review: Title: The Hostile Hospital
Author: Lemony Snicket
ISBN: 0-06-440866-3
The Baudelaire orphans have led some bad adventures since their parents died, and this one doesn't get any better. Klaus, Sunny and Violet just escaped from a village and a bad guy that wants to kill them, and have just hitched a ride to a hospital that's only half built. The bad guy, Count Olaf, has found them again, and is trying to steal their enormous fortune that was left behind when their parents died. While they're in the hospital, Violet gets captured by Count Olaf's girlfriend, Esmé Squalor. Now, Klaus and Sunny have to find their sister before she gets operated on and dies!
I think this book was good because it had some suspense, and the author had good details on how things were inside the book. I would recommend this book to people in middle school because it's not a really difficult book but it's not a kid's book. It was a page turner because at the end of some chapters it got suspenseful, and there were a few suspenseful parts during the story that were interesting and made me want to read more to see what happens. I wouldn't say the plot is unbelievable but it's not one that is always used, but it is a very interesting plot. Someone who would enjoy reading this is someone who likes books with suspense, but not a lot of it, someone who likes a good book where people go through bad things, but find away out of them.
Rating:  Summary: Pietrisycamollaviadelrechiotemexity! Review: Yeah, I know, the title means something along the lines of "I have no idea what's going on" (you'll understand once you read the book), but I couldn't not use that for the title. Pietrisycamollaviadelrechiotemexity is one of the words that the infant Sunny Baudelaire uses to communicate (however, her speech skills are quickly improving).
In what is the best entry yet in Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, the three Baudelaires find themselves at Heimlich Hospital. They have been cut off from Mr. Poe, the man charged with placing them in the homes of new guardians, their friends Duncan and Isadora Quagmire are floating in the sky somewhere with Hector from the Village of Fowl Devotees, and they have been framed for the murder of a man everyone thinks to be Count Olaf, but in reality, Olaf is still hot on their trail. Once again, the Baudelaires have pursued the wrong V.F.D., this time they join Volunteers Fighting Disease, which is how they end up at the hospital.
However, just when things seem as if they can't get any worse, a ray of light shines through when Violet, Klaus, and Sunny discover something very interesting in the hospital's Library of Records... However, things go back to their usual unfortunate-ness when Olaf and his associates attempt to perform the world's first cranioectamy on a young girl named Laura V. Bleediotie (think about the name for a second or two), and things keep going from bad to worse as the story goes on.
This is definitely the best book yet, but it is partly due to the fact that this is the most unfortunate outing yet for the Baudelaires (if the levels of sadness and unfortune that they encounter can even be quantified). I can't wait to see what happens to them next at the Carniverouos Carnival...
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