Rating:  Summary: Book Snob Confessional Review: I am a book snob, and I do not apologize for it, either. I read this book as a member of a small online book-club, and we chose this book solely because Eric Jerome Dickey wrote it. I confess that even though I am an unapologetic book snob, I have always enjoyed EJD's work. I find his characters well drawn, the plots brisk and layered, and the dialogue is an asset and not filler in between descriptive paragraphs. I read Thieves' Paradise at a peculiar part in my own life, when I was dealing with variations of the drama the characters dealt with. I found the book oddly theraputic and soothing. It helped me to understand my own demons and the demons that my demons battle. Many people (me, mostly) accuse Contemporary Black Fiction of being trite, written to appeal to the masses at the expense of striving for a higher plane of writing. Having said that, I have read and will continue to read CBF, for books such as this. This book has few obvious weaknesses, as the beauty of Fiction is that the author makes his/her own rules. I found the humanity with which EJD portrayed his characters to be endearing and lended to the slowly building climax. I found the ending to be well done and not rushed as is so often the case in CBF. Thieves' Paradise is a book that even a grumpy, bougie, playa-hating book snobs like me can love.
Rating:  Summary: A Just Review Review: Eric Jerome Dickey stepped up to the plate and hit a Grand Slam with his latest offering, Thieves' Paradise. I absolutely loved this book and it was such a departure from his previous offerings that I look forward to the next one. Digressing, his last book, Between Lovers, pushed the envelope with its subject matter but after reading, Thieves' Paradise, I have to say that he has come into his own. I loved his other offerings but they were the same story just different characters with new names but this book gave you everything and so much more. In his past books, he wrote in the first person with his characters while in this book he just writes in the first person with one character from beginning to end and that was such a treat. This book has mystery, romance, suspense, edginess, and is a great read. I have to admit that the backdrop is my hometown, Los Angeles, and living here in Albany, New York while reading about familiar haunts and just the whole L.A. vibe made me reminiscent, that was just a little bit of why I enjoyed this book so much. I finished at the park and as I neared the end, I would close the book after each chapter as I did not want it to end. As any book, it has its moments but overall, this is a great book for your personal library. It is a beautiful thing when you see one of your favorite authors evolve and that has been the case of Mr. Eric Jerome Dickey. He challenged himself and scored with this book. Pick it up, its worth it.
Rating:  Summary: Off the Chain!!!!! Review: Yes, EJD does it again. I thought it just couldn't get any better after "Between Lovers", but I'm hear to tell you that it can and believe it or not TP is even better. EJD continues to be able to rope you into the characters and there feelings even when you say "There is no way anyone could possible be in this situation" TP pulls you in and wraps you up, with twist and turns, even from people you would be the least likly to suspect. But isn't that the way life is..... Definitly 1 of the best reads of the season.... and I Love Cool Hand Dante'
Rating:  Summary: DEN OF THIEVES! Review: I know I said this with "Between Lovers," but EJD keeps getting better and better and Thieves' Paradise is no exception. EJD continues to perfect his craft and not dissappoint. Thieves' Paradise takes us on a 3 day journey with a den of thieves who will do anything to earn the almighty dollar to survive. TP has the most action of all of EJD's books. This adventure gives us a myriad of scams, schemes, setups, fights, and of course that EJD erotica (popsicles and ice). EJD also allows us to get reaquainted with a couple of characters from Cheaters. I also enjoyed the fact that this book did not end like a fairy tale, which added even more realism to this story. This is a new type of story from EJD and shows his growth as a writer and gives us readers who enjoy his work something new and fresh. Read and enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: a change Review: EJD, has stretched and moved into a different space. this book is totally different from others that he has written.....while still dealing in love and relationships, he dips into the underworld of life...with great detail. Enter the world of Dante, a young brother dealing with unemployment, friends and the need for love. the friends are old hustling buddies from his past; Scamz, the slick Benz driving brother and Jackson, the hardworker with problems. the love is Pam, the actress/waitress.......they all come together for the lure of quick and easy money. Each brings their own problems and with-in three days, find a few more along the way. The ride is bumpy and only the truely strong survive.
Rating:  Summary: Not True To Fashion Review: I luv EJD; he's the writer that got me hook on African American fiction. But now, I don't know what's going on. This book is not his steelo at all. 'Liar's Game' and 'Cheaters' were excellet reads and I figured this book would immediately follow suit. I was wrong. Although not highly disappointed, I did sorta enjoy the book. EJD always makes you feel what the character is feeling and his descriptions are immensely vivid. The characters all fall together and this book doesn't give in to the 'fairy tale' ending that most authors play into. Good read and hopefully you can catch it on sale!
Rating:  Summary: Count your fingers after you read this book . . . Review: to make sure that you weren't somehow beamed into the pages of Thieves' Paradise without your knowledge or consent or got conned on your way out at the end by that sweet talking Dante Black. Eric Dickey always takes us in a different direction than most writers, yet he keeps us grounded in reality. He even keeps us off balance by writing novels that don't resemble each other in any shape, form or fashion. Who have you read lately who tells the story of a bodyguard's life and makes you enjoy it? Dickey's "got jokes" galore and snappy jargon. Always expect Dickey to be unique. Now he's telling the story of a thinking bodyguard/hustler and we can even like this con artist without thinking about the stereotypical muscleman image that characters such as this usually conjures up. That's because Dickey catches us before we start those preconceived notions and tells us the heart wrenching story of Dante Black's adolescent trauma. And who else have you read lately (male or female) who can write... (not love) scenes that makes you sweat! I've read all of the major male African American fiction authors, but nobody and I do mean nobody can whip it on you like Eric Dickey. Just ask Pam (Dante's love interest/... actress/partner in crime) who is much older than Dante, but admits that even with her experience with men she can't keep up with Dante's 25-year-old sex feasts. Many women would die tryin'!! The other cast of characters become someone you've met before but can't remember where. They are just that familiar and comfortable, but don't let me convince you. Just read the first chapter and then try to put the book back on the shelf. Betcha can't read just one!
Rating:  Summary: Showed out... Review: I have read all of Eric Jerome Dickey's books but this is by far the best. Cynical wit and dry humor make for great giggles while you turn the page. Everyone should grab this one off the shelf.
Rating:  Summary: PAGE TURNER Review: I was a little skeptical about this book to bein with because it had a slow start. The book is about a 25 year old man, Dante, who just lost his job. He is down in the dump and needs money to pay for the things that life requires. Because Dante needs 'loot' he finds himself going back to the only skill he knows. The skill of stealing. The skill that made him spend a lot of time in jail when he was younger. I thought that this book was a refreshing change from the previous books by EJD. Don't get me wrong, he is one of my favorite authors, but I was pleased by the way he wrote a great book that included love, violence, and true reality. :)
Rating:  Summary: Flipt the Script Review: EJD has proven that he is quite capable of writing more than one type of novel. This one was totally different from the las few, but equally as good. Mr. dicket succesfully captured life in the streets with his true to life characters. This man definitely has talent and is a foece to be reckoned with. Keep 'em coming,Eric.