Rating:  Summary: And These Is My Words...about a wonderful book! Review: Like many other reviewers, I read this book in a few sittings, staying up until the wee hours of the morning, and neglecting my husband and kids (except for reading parts to my 7-yr. old daughter), because I was so involved in Sarah's life. I read it on the treadmill, in the car, making dinner, at work...just couldn't put it down. I love how the story starts, with Sarah's "quaintly uneducated" narrative, watching her prose progress to the likes of a great teacher. I loved all the main characters, especially Jack, Sarah, and Savannah and feel as though I've learned much about life from them. Pioneer women are truly heroes, and I want to know more about them and their incredible experiences. My eyes have red rings around them today as I totally lost it at the end. I had water coming from every hole in my head and snuck to the bathroom before my husband could see me and make fun of me. I've even begun to cry numerous times just reading these reviews. Jack wasn't perfect but his love and devotion to Sarah and the kids was amazing. I hated the irony of what finally happened to him and was hoping he would stay. The romantic parts of the book were tastefully done, yet I couldn't get enough of those either. I just didn't want it all to end and will reread it immediately, savoring it this time and picking up things I missed before. Ms. Turner: Thank you for such a riveting work. Please do a sequel! I kept thinking and hoping that Sarah would end up a Professor of Latin at the new University in Tucson. (It was also baffling to me that Sarah didn't explode in anger that her husband opened her test grade, presenting the paper to her as a gift, for her birthday) She's only what, 38 when the story ends, so there's so much left for her to do and share about herself and family! Sam Elliott and Sissy Spacek would have been good for the movie 20 years ago. Now, it's questionable who could carry these characters, but please bring this story to life! Movies are NEVER as good as the books they portray, but bringing this beautiful story to the big screen, even if the movie's not altogether worthy, would be better than nothing at all!
Rating:  Summary: absolutely FABULOUS STORY!!! read it! Review: I don't want to ramble on and on about how much I LOVED THIS BOOK, but I've got to say a few things at least. This book was sooo sweet, and was action packed, and made characters seem so real that they jumped out of the page when they spoke. In ways, I know that I can relate to Sarah. I love books with heroes or heroines you can relate to, because they can so easily put your feelings into words. The story is about Sarah Prine, an 18-yr-old Texas-girl who is "pioneering" to Arizona Territory. She suffers lots of hardships, like family memebers dying, friends dying, indian attacks, stuff like that. Well, guarding the wagon train is the handsome(yet one whom Sarah despises)cavalry officer named Captain Jack Elliot who has lost his heart to her. When they settle down in Arizona, Sarah marries an old family friend name Jimmy, entering into a loveless marraige. When Jimmy dies, Sarah is left with her baby named April, when Captain Elliot enters her life again. She finally falls in love with him, and the rest of the book is about their wonderful marraige. But, a word of warning, all you emmotional readers, beware. The ending of this book left me bawling like a baby. It was so heartbreakingly sad!That must mean that the story is really powerful, for I've read lots of saddish books, but this is the only one I ever cried for. I'm not kidding...I literally bawled. Also, I'm glad the book ended when it did, cause I don't think I could bear wondering how Sarah lived on after the tragedy that happens. Anyway, though the ending is really sad, that doesn't mean that this marvelous book isn't worth reading, so READ!
Rating:  Summary: A Wonderful Book!! Review: The immediacy of the first person narrative coupled with the author's use of understatement in Sarah Prine's journal thoughts and writings made this one of the best books of the year for this reader. From the first sentence, I was completely immersed in Sarah's world and felt priviledged to meet all the members of her family and to witness her relationship with Capt. Jack Elliot. There are unforgettable men that we as readers all carry in our hearts, and Capt. Jack Elliot certainly deserves to be included among them! These Is My Words is just one of those wonderful, sink-right-in-to-the-book stories...tailor made for a cozy winter weekend reading experience.
Rating:  Summary: I travelled with Sarah all the way Review: I work casual hours in a bookstore and my manager picked up These Is My Words to let me know that it was on the New Releases list. The title had me at once. I bought it immediately. Never have I felt so as one with a novel. Reading Sarah's entries, I too fought those Indians, felt the hurt with the loss of loved ones and loved Jack. On more than one occaison, I found myself in the most absurd places reading this story, (one morning for an hour sitting on the edge of the bath tub). I have been waiting for a book like this my whole life and now that I have found it, I doubt anything can replace it. Nancy Turner's characters are vivid, believable, real. They grow through the course of the novel to become your friends, family and loved ones. I have never cried, laughed and siged with relief so many times through one book. I just hope that this treasure stays safe within yellowing pages and bypasses the big screen. Truly amazing, an adventure everyone should have. Thank-you so much Nancy Turner!
Rating:  Summary: Great Read. Review: I love books about pioneer life & this is one of the best. The characters are very believable & by the time the book is at its end you feel as if they are your good friends. I didn't want this book to end.
Rating:  Summary: A Compelling Read!!! Review: "My face feels all pulled down and I declare I don't think I know how to smile no more." These are the words of Sarah Agnes Prine. She documents her life from 1881-1901 in her diary as she travels through Indian territory, endures loss, raises her family, and discovers her own strength in love and in life. Sarah is talented from an early age with her shotgun. So talented that she puts men to shame with her precise shooting. But Sarah is a more than just a stereotypical "strong" female character. The reader is able to understand her thoughts and emotions as she encounters varied circumstances including Indian wars, inclement weather, prejudice against women, death, relationships, and physical hardships. As the story begins, Sarah is in her late teens. Her ongoing love affair with Captain Jack creates a longing in the reader as we see Sara evolve from naïve young woman into a solid mother of character and wit. The diary format allowed me to know Sarah personally and helped the pacing of the novel. I loved the old look of the cover and was a bit disappointed that the book was not offered in hardback. Turner's first novel is a heart-felt story is written in a raw, honest style. Female readers who crave realistic fiction will enjoy this book for years to come.
Rating:  Summary: Couldn't put it down! Review: I've read quite a few pioneer stories in my life, but this was one of the best. There is nothing complicated about it. The text is simple and to the point, but somehow very powerful and more than a little compelling. Sarah seems so real. You never want the book to end! Overall it's just a wonderfully simple story about one of the many brave pioneer women.
Rating:  Summary: Wanted it never to end Review: I'm so glad I found this book. And, I've heard there is a SEQUEL COMING!!!!! I can't wait to read more about Sarah and her family. What a lovely, genuine story about good people facing the trials of pioneer life! THis is one to read again and again.
Rating:  Summary: Not A Keeper Review: Doesn't come close to its marketing hype: "...melds the sweeping adventures and dramatic landscapes of Lonesome Dove ..." Give me a break! The author doesn't know the first thing about good description to give you a feel of location. I had to keep searching backwards to find where she might have mentioned the name of territory or state or town to give me a clue. The characters are never fleshed out. Nothing and nobody, not even the dogs, come off the page. Through one third of the book, I started skimming and skipping just to get to the last page. I could have fed a lot of quarters into a one-armed bandit and at least had fun losing my money. I've read a lot better pioneer women stories, written by men! Just bad story telling. And exactly that. Dry telling. No showing. Nonfiction history and "real diaries" are more interesting. I don't think I'll buy anymore Regan Books if this is an example of what they publish.
Rating:  Summary: These is my Words Review: I am Sarah Prine. I so connected with this character that I thought we were two souls tied together. I am also glad to hear that I am not the only "crazy" person out there who stayed up until 4am because I could not get enough of her! Please continue with a sequel the strength of Sarah and let me play Juana in the movie!