Rating: Summary: A man of honor, duty, country; philosopher, leader, Patriot! Review: Ward Connerly is continuing the quest and the dream of his Uncle James. A man who knew that it took sacrifice, tenacity and perseverance to reach any goal.Ward's Uncle James also knew that sometimes it takes the ultimate sacrifice by one generation or even two or three to provide that golden opportunity, which America offers to those who know the prize that waits at the end of that long road of trial and tribulation. The prize that can and does wait for the next generation, or the next, or the next of every American who can still dream. This is a realization lost at most levels of government and social activism today, but not by average Americans and those special immagrants who flock to our shores and our boarders"legally." Ward was able to more easily live and fulfill the American Dream, for himself and his family due primarily to the efforts of his Uncle and others like him. In this book and in this ground breaking and rediscovered ideology and philosophy from our founding past, within the minority community, Ward elevates himself to equal status with many great historical figures of our past like Patrick henry, Booker T. Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. In addition he joins ranks with the likes of Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, JC Watts, Clarence Thomas and so many others over the past 200 years. In short those who refuse to claim victim-hood but who rather claim full and equal citizenship. They do not hate America, they love it, and search for the brass ring wherever it may present itself, not just at the top of the economic ladder. These giants of the minority community looked at the timidity of those around them, who knew a wrong was being ignored, allowed, permitted and yes even encouraged by segments of society and decided to stand on their own two feet. They bravely turned away from the spiritually, morally, professionally and civilly deficiencies of the victicrates of the modern civil rights movement and took a courageous and decisive stand against them. They claimed full citizenship and full responsiblity for their own destinies and actions and thereby took their place among the great Americans of our time. In defiance of the thought police, the status quo, political correctness and reverse discrimination. Mr. Connerly led a crusade to battle racism, quotas, preferences and anti-American social corruption, which had seeped into the very fabric of the American education system, mainstream thought, politics and high-society. As more and more Americans now turn away from the belittling hypocrisies and bigotry of the progressive movement in this area of preferences that claims eternal victim-hood. Ward Connerly needs to be recognized and remembered for his Paul Revere like gallop across the Aemrica scene exposing the degenerative affects upon our country and our freedoms and liberties by this now mutated, oppressive and ineffective force called quotas and preferences. Creating Equal is an inspiring book, about a family with a commendable and praiseworthy past who chose the path of honor, duty and country. It is a book about a true American Hero who had "True Grit," who has definitely joined my list of highly respected American authors. A book with a revelation for the future and those not so reasoned, rational and patriotic, those minority icons stuck in the past and filled with vengeance, greed and hate. A great read.
Rating: Summary: Powerful thought Review: Ward Connerly speaks the truth. Whenever audiences get a chance to listen to this man's eloquent arguments uninterrupted by protests and hectoring, the simplicit y of his message is apparent. His detractors, many of whom have exposed their tw isted and convoluted agenda by attacking his character in the most fascistic manner, have spent much of their time trying to silence him rather than win on the battlefiel d of ideas. Ward Connerly has the capacity through his speeches and writings to change minds by validating common sense. This is obviously very threatening to some. The beauty of Ward's message is that there is a path to racial harmony if one is prepared to t hink for one's self outside of current civil rights dogma [eg:] ...'America is racis t and there is no hope except for remedies that themselves are discriminatory'. Also, 'to transcend race one must immerse oneself in racial thinking'... These notions are in direct conflict with the ideas of 50 years ago that shaped the direction of civi l rights legislation. Like Ward, I grew up in the "civil rights era", being taught citizenship 101 at an early age by parents who did not tolerate conscious, knee-jerk, or otherwise cowardly prejudicial thinking. A lot of intellectual capital I'm afraid has been squandered by subsequent generations who've been spoon fed neo-racism (non-whites can't be racist) and revisionist history (nothing has changed since slavery). The current heirs of this capital (what Ward calls the "civil rights establishment") have retained only the moral posture of a once great movement, not its enduring ideas . The popular culture buys into this faux morality because we are either lazy thinkers or guilt ridden sheep. Americans have become obsessed with race at a time when all indications are that race is receding as a determinant of success. Curiously there are those as Ward says, "Look through the rearview mirror of our racial past rather than the windshield." In the arena of political thought, skepticism IS good. There ARE hidden agendas. But to read Ward's book is to understand his motivation and the process he uses to r each his conclusions. This book I think lays to rest any thought that Connerly has motives other than his genuine concern with digging ourselves out of our national obsession with race and victimhood. A thinking person has no choice but to judge Connerly 's arguments on their merits because the integrity of this man's life and his efforts are beyond reproach.
Rating: Summary: Fine, engaging account of struggle against race preferences. Review: Ward Connerly, a University of California Regent, forced the school to become 'color blind' in its admissions policies, promoting both praise and condemnation for his actions. Here he tells of his commitment to racial justice and his family background, from his interracial marriage to his proud back family's struggles. Creating Equal is a fine account of his beliefs and struggles against race preferences.
Rating: Summary: A Real Hero Review: While not completely convinced by his arguments, I was greatly impressed with his own life story and the integrity which shone through this book. The cowardice and underhandedness of those on the other side of his fight is disheartening.
Rating: Summary: A Voice of Reason Review: [This is] a story of one man's path intersecting with a modern-day moral, political and legal dilemma about how we continue on the road to equality. Do we do that, as Connerly titles his book, by creating equal? People forget there's more than one way to do achieve equality, and it doesn't necessarily have to be by the way of "affirmative action" as we've come to know it. Connerly's book shows us another way, not a perfectly smooth or risk-free road but one whose virtues are too easily dismissed by Connerly's fearful and hysterical detractors.... Click on that "buy" button and decide for yourself.