Rating:  Summary: After reading the other reviews - what more can be said? Review: just buy the book already!
Rating:  Summary: Hyper-Calvinism At Its Worst Review: Mr. Pink is very deep and insightful in all of his books. I have several. He tends to spiritualize a bit much, but the pros greatly outweigh the cons in most cases. However, this is not the case with "The Sovereignty Of God". Before you read any of his books, you must realize that he was (admittedly or not) a Hyper- Calvinist. The most dramatic error of this theology is to say that certain people on this earth have been predestined by God for Hell and that there is nothing that they can do about it! This theology does not agree with countless Bible passages. Romans 8:29 says "For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren." Predestination is based on God's omniscience. He simply knows who will accept Christ and who will not because He knows everything. He did not predestine anyone for Hell. Man chooses Christ or rejects Christ. That choice determine his destiny. God simply knows what people will choose. The following Scriptures will clearly tell you that Jesus Christ died for everyone, and not just the elect! Isaiah 53:6 - John 3:16 - Romans 10:13 - I Timothy 2:3-6 - I Timothy 4:10 - II Peter 3:9 - I John 2:1-2 - Revelation 22:17 - God wants all to be saved and that is why He sent His Son to die for all! The result of this poor theology is lack of concern to tell people about the Savior's ability to save. Because if a person is predestined to Hell, they cannot be saved (according to the Hyper Calvinist). This is not a book for the Browse-Through-Bible-Student! If you are not strongly rooted in the Bible Doctrine of Salvation by grace through faith, I cannot reccomend that you read it! As a matter of fact, I discourage it! Many a weak Christian has fallen prey to the Deadly T.U.L.I.P. through Mr. Pink's work on "The Sovereignty Of God"! Be very careful and prayerful! I was not allowed to rate this at less than 1 star otherwise I would have.
Rating:  Summary: A must for all Christians Review: Next to the Bible, this book changed my life in 1966. I believe it should be read by all thinking Christians. It is biassed. The author admits that in his preface, but it is biassed deliberately to focus upon the greatness and grandeur of the Godhead. After reading this book, your understanding of God will never be the same again.
Rating:  Summary: A Blessing For All Who Search For Truth Review: One of the joyous facts of all of Pink's works is his use of scripture to prove, explain and clarify scripture. The Sovereignty of God is no exception. I used it to teach a class on this subject and all who attended claimed new insight and were awed by the extent of Pink's knowledge and use of scripture, and clarity of his explaination of what is to many a very difficult doctrine to believe and put into practice. I recommend this loving work to all who desire a knowledge of our Lord God. It will surely be a blessing to them.
Rating:  Summary: THE SOVEREIGN GOD WILL SET YOU FREE! Review: Search the scriptures and you will see there is a Sovereign God near you.After doing just that and reading this book,He pulled back the veil and revealed himself for who he really is to me. In the midst of persecution,trials, and blessings he's still in total control of this universe!
Rating:  Summary: Puts God Back on the Throne: High, Lifted up, Exalted! Review: The apostle Paul wrote in the book of Romans that God is not the "author of confusion." As you listen to Christian radio and TV programs, another picture emerges; a picture of a Christ that is a product of antinomian folly, and mawkish sentimentality who is reduced to the status of a beggar pleading with recalcitrant, stiff-necked worldlings to "accept Jesus," when the Bible teaches no such doctrine. Enter AW Pink, an oftimes tart-tongued pastor who puts for the question "Who is regulating affairs on this earth today-God, or the Devil?," then meticulously embarks on a scriptural study that provides the answer "...though the world is panic-stricken, the wod to the believer is 'Fear not! All things are subject to His (God's) immediate control: all things are moving in accord with His eternal purpose, and therefore, all things are working toether for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose." Rev. Pink himself knew that "It would be foolish for us to expect that this work will meet with general approval." He saw the trend in modern Christendom (so-called) as being toward the "deification of the creature rather than the glorification of the Creator." This book presents a relentless defining of not only the sovereignty of God, but also His sovereignty in Creation, Administration, Salvation, Reprobation, and in Prayer, to name a few. Arthur Pink exposes the modern gospel as a weak, apostate faith that has "relagt(ed) God to the background." After reading this book, the Bible will become a new book to you. You will never be able to look at scripture, the world, yourself, or God the same again.
Rating:  Summary: This is the book that ascertains God as He truly is! Review: The God that the modern church worships is a much different God than that of Scripture. As a minister, this book challenged everything I had been taught in my very popular Arminian seminary. I fought the commonness of God as absolute Sovereign (truly) in scripture, until God's grace and scriptural truth effectively won out. Thanks God, you alone are in control.
Rating:  Summary: Biblical Truth Uncovered Review: There's nothing like the doctrine of God's sovereignty that can cause a man to be humble and yet at the same time confident of his salvation. When I first read this book, I must admit that I found it hard to accept the doctrine of calvinism. Like many Christians in the charismatic churches, I was taught that I could lose my salavation, that Jesus Christ died for every person, and that free-will triumphs over God's sovereign will. Even so, this precious book has made me reconsidered my arminian beliefs until finally I began to see that salvation is from the Lord from the beginning to the end. How God has caused this book to impact my spiritual life is beyond measure to me. My whole outlook of life has changed dramatically, now that I know that He is in control of my life and my salvation. To Him alone then, be all the glory.
Rating:  Summary: A great book that portrays God as He is seldom seen today. Review: This book has probably influenced my view of God more than any book other than the Bible that I have ever read. It presents God as the ruler of the universe who "works all things after the counsel of his own will. Pink writes in a linear fashion and constantly backs up what he says with a combination of logic and scripture. He answers just about any objection one might have especially when dealing with the sovereignty of God in salvation. Whether you agree with him, it will introduce you to Calvinism as no other book can.
Rating:  Summary: Once in a while a book comes along that changes your life... Review: This book is not suited for the spiritually squeamish or for the church-going theological relativist. Arthur Pink's book, though certainly not original, is the definitive book on God's sovereignty. This book is, without a doubt, a masterpiece. No other book is better suited for introducing Christians to God's sovereignty and yet still challenges those long acquainted with the subject. Pink's reverent treatment of the subject goes far beyond the typical dry theological essay, underscoring the importance and practicality of the doctrine. Pink carefully unfolds the secret counsels of God as revealed in Scripture - truths which few of today's churchgoers ever hear. Of all A.W. Pink's works, this is his finest. In this reader's opinion, this book is probably the most influential theological work of the Twentieth Century. Individuals who stick this book out and read it entirely through will have changed lives. (Readers should be aware that the Banner of Truth edition is greatly abridged and bowdlerized. I recommend the unabridged Baker edition.)