Rating: Summary: Only a true Clinton hater could enjoy this book Review: For republicans concerned about real issues, like myself, it completely fails to live up to the teasers on the dust jacket. The dust jacket tells you the First Lady's "direction" turned the White House Christmas tree into "sneering, pornographic sacrilege". It turns out the only "direction" from the First Lady was to use unscreened decorations sent by high school students. The First Lady's only mistake was to leave tree-decorating volunteers in charge of selecting which ornaments went on the tree. The author of the book, who is clearly far more concerned with creating scandal that furthered his own book writing career than in preserving the dignity of the White House, selects the pornographic decoration and hangs them on the tree as his volunteer service to the White House. All true republicans will be far more disgusted by the author's behavior than that of the Clintons after reading this book.
Rating: Summary: Decent, but incredibly biased. Review: I guess when one writes a book such as Unlimited Access, it's hard to stay totally objective about the subject matter. Gary Aldrich is clearly a Republican, and it shows through in his book. I will give the man credit for doing what he thought was a service to his country, but at the same time I want to tell him to quite whining. The book becomes very repeptitive, i.e. Aldrich has trouble getting background checks noticed by his supervisors. He'll tell you this a million times. But then he'll tell you how sloppy Bill and Hillary Clinton are with security in the White House, and it might make you scared. That is unless, of course, you are a Clinton hater.A decent read but far too subjective to be taken extremely serious.
Rating: Summary: A great expose on security breaches but still biased Review: As an expose on security breaches in the White House, this was an excellent book. The Author certainly has much credibility as an FBI agent and he has demonstrated an exemplary record in his profession. Why Congress did not do more to respond to the book is a mystery. However, it is clear that the author laces his book with his biases. For example, he is willing to forgive workers having sex in the White House but his jaws dropped when he was told it was homosexuals having sex with each other. He also says his hero is Edwin Meese - I thought it was a typo and the ":)" was missing from this passage. He also claims the Reagan Administration was a cut above the corruption in the Clinton Administration. Didn't Aldrich ever hear of Irangate and Contragate? Considering his book about security breaches, he sometimes strays into personal territory such as the alleged affair between the First Lady and the late Vince Foster. What does this have to do with White House security breaches? Still, an excellent book.
Rating: Summary: Frightening Review: Mr. Aldrich, by virtue of his training and responsibility for security in the Clinton White House, has a keen eye for the abuses and insensitivities so rampant in the Executive Mansion. He goes a little far in detailing Presidential exploits which have little or no evidentiary corroboration; still, I found him to be credible and this book is must reading for anyone who fails to grasp the cavalier attitude of our President for matters of national security.
Rating: Summary: Aldrich gives an excellent account Review: Clinton sympathisers should leave this man alone. Here is a man who committed his life to law enforcement in the Reagan, Bush, and Clinton presidencies. He has the courage to report events which rightfully outrage him and the Clinton team attempts to ruin him. If it comes down to Clinton's word verses Aldrich, I would take Aldrich any day for he has not been impeached for perjury. This account is suspenseful and shockingly representative of the Clinton administration. Clinton sympathisers: leave this man alone. He has served his country in a much greater way than Clinton ever will
Rating: Summary: "Rule by chaos and cowardice" ... Review: ...if not through a co-presidency by stealth, deception and deceit, or governance by shouting, profanity, and childish temper tantrums. Aldrich's book raises a plethora of questions. How is it possible for a couple to govern in such a fashion as to demean the office of the presidency, violate national security issues, and surround oneself with a host of questionable characters, many of whom who have had no FBI background checks prior to being nominated? How is this possible? For example, how was it possible for Janet Reno to become attorney general without one, especially in view of the fact that she has been accused of being an aggressive lesbian predator and a drunk by "Votescam" author James Collier and many others. Or, the appointment of Patsy Thomasson, who is responsible for drug testing at the White House, and who is a former business partner of a convicted cocaine distributor, one Dan Lasater? The degree to which Aldrich reveals what has been going on in the White House (and probably still is) is truly appalling. The incompetence, the calibre of the people the Clinton's choose to surround themselves with, is as staggering as it is almost crushingly incomprehensible. Never mind the slovenly and sluggish demeanor and deportment of many in the White House, nor White Water, Chinagate, Filegate, Fostergate, Travelgate, and Monicagate, the contents of Aldrich's revelations would and should be enough to impeach any president. Is this the road to a New World Order -- rule by choas and unaccountability? It would appear so. It all profusely raises the issue, as stated by Aldrich, and begs the question at the same: How is it possible to trade in the American Constitution "for a new, bizarre experiment in the Executive Branch, a co-presidency," virtually out of control with accusations of perjury and obstruction of justice? How is it possible? How is it possible to ignore all that by both Houses in their impeachment deliberations and the American people as a whole? How could a nation with so much promise and with a Constitution so unique as to give the appearance of sitting on it, or wrapping it in fish-heads for the furtherance of political expediency and domestic peace while at the same time settle for ethical and moral insolvency? How can this be? Honesty, integrity, duty and the desire to uphold and defend the Constitution is not apparently present in this administration, but is thankfully evident in Gary Aldrich. To him goes the accolade given to "Generation of Vipers" author Philip Wylie by Harvard anthropolgist, which stated in a wire to him (Wylie)after mounds of vituperation and vilification, something which Aldrich has undoubtedly experienced: PUT OUT THE LANTERN OF DIOGENES FOR HERE BY GOD IN THE PLAIN LIGHT OF DAY IS AN HONEST MAN.
Rating: Summary: Reads Like Fiction - Because it is! Review: The moment that you pick up this piece of garbage not worth the paper it is printed on, you will realize how this is just another book written just to try and make Clinton look like a terrible person. Gary Aldrich, no doubt a Republican, makes his secret agenda so obvious through dialogue that is unbelievably fake, and comments that make you want to vomit. At every opportunity possible, the author says "it was never liked this with Bush or Reagan," or "She ain't no Barbara Bush." He didn't make one comparison to a Democratic President because he only wrote this trash to lie about the President, and make foolish conservatives think worse about him. DO NOT BUY THIS BOOK. BUY A LESS PARTISAN BOOK.
Rating: Summary: You won't be able to put it down, once you start to read it! Review: Excellent, very informative and easy to read in plain English, keeps you interested, it should rank high in non-fiction world, but in real life it should be used as a guideline for future presidents on "how NOT to run the White House".Be careful how you vote, it's all candy coated B/S.
Rating: Summary: Terrifying!! Review: I think every American should read this book! It shows what really goes on in the White House. This book is very believable and yet I wanted for it to be untrue. It is terrifying to find out how the national security of this country is being compromised on a daily basis. How is it that the American people have been so completely wrong about the President and his wife. And why is Congress, the FBI and CIA overlooking the problems within the Clinton administration. Mr. Aldrich gives facts not only on the unprofessionalism of the white house staff but also on their refusal to complete the necessary background checks and the fact that many of them have used drugs numerous times and may still be using them while working there. The counsel for the president actually allows this behavior. Then there is the president and first lady who often compromise their own safety by not allowing the Secret Service to protect them. The first lady allowed sex and drug paraphenilia to be hung on her Christmas tree. What kind of message is that to be sending the American youth. The list of atrocities goes on and on. The only reason I did not give this book 5 stars is that it gets a bit redundant at times. Mr. Aldrich tends to make the same point over and over. Other than that, it is a must read. My husband is reading it now and I have at least 6 friends who also want to read it. Thanks Mr. Aldrich for the information and thanks for having the "guts" to publish it.
Rating: Summary: One-sided, but worth the read Review: I am impressed by Mr. Aldrich's courage in writing a book like this (Hope the IRS audit went okay). He obviously has a lot of respect for the White House and what it stands for. However, the book doesn't seem to be very objective and the nature of the information (and informants) causes a serious lack of verifiability. Scary, if true!!