Bestselling author Bob Rotella, the guru-cum-sports psychologist of choice among the world's top golfers, lines up a perfect double entendre with Putting Out of Your Mind. To putt out of your mind--to master this crucial part of the game--you've got to get putting out of your mind--to make it so second nature that you're not actually thinking and stressing once you're standing over the ball. As Brad Faxon, a Rotella devotee and one of the best putters on the PGA Tour, emphasizes in his introduction, "The secret of great putting is not in the stroke. It's in the mind. When you putt, your state of mind is more important than your mechanics." Once you can imagine yourself sinking a putt, you've exponentially improved your possibilities of actually knocking it in. It's an important lesson, and he learned it from Rotella. Rotella demystifies the mechanics, accenting instead the importance of a pre-shot routine to help you more effectively visualize your putts and serve as a security blanket when you're facing a breaking downhill five-footer with the match on the line. Most important, Rotella preaches the idea that putting is actually fun for good putters. It's the part of the game they relish most. You'll no doubt find yourself relishing it, too. --Jeff Silverman