Rating:  Summary: wow! Review: This book is exiting and fast-paced. You'll get your money's worth. This is a must for any Star Wars fan. You have got to get this book!!!
Rating:  Summary: great!!!! Review: This book was very good. It had new characters and old. In fact, the whole Corellian Trilogy is very good. But this book is the best book in the trilogy. This book sort of reminds me of Return of the Jedi and The Empire Strikes Back. It has an unexpected war from Jedi, but Han Solo is away from Leia, Luke, Han, and Lando, at the end. I give the book a 10 because it was VERY good. The only downside is that they hardly spent time on Corellia. I'm glad that Roger Macbride Allen made the alien creature Drall. I always wanted a creature like a Drall. Drall creatures are like ewoks, but a little taller and they don't have tails, and they speak English. This book was good.
If you buy it, I hope you enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: Not my favorite of all Star Wars books Review: This book was a nice, easy read. It takes place 14 years after the death of Darth Vader in Return of the Jedi. Han Solo is married to Leia Organa and they have 3 kids. Jacen and Jaina are twins and their other child's name is Anakin. Leia and Han plan a trip to Corellia, Han's home town. They find out that a group called the Human League is trying to overthrow the government. While Han is with his family dealing with the Human League, Luke Skywalker is with Lando Calrissian. Luke is trying to help Lando find a wife. When they find a nice woman for Lando, they are forced to leave because of the Human League. Lando and Luke get stuck in a large interdiction field and are unable to use hyperspace. Luke and Han must meet together and take care of the Human League!
Overall, I felt this book was just ok. It was a decant start of the trilogy but it could have been better. The author isn't as great of an author as some of the other Star Wars books.
Rating:  Summary: Good beginning for a better than average trilogy Review: The first book of the Corellian Trilogy, Ambush at Corellia is a better than average beginning to the trilogy. It deals with the return of Han Solo to his home Corellian system after decades of exile. Allen has a decent grasp of the characters and he writes the Solo children very well. The plot all about exploding stars and solar system wide planetary blackouts is a little hard to take seriously, but overall the story is very well-written. Han Solo is the same rascal often portrayed in previous books, but his more serious, fatherly side does come out strongly in this book. Luke has lost the brooding quality that plagued him in pretty much every book after the Zahn trilogy making his character much more interesting and entertaining. Leia after several books dealing with her being the chief of state still has government work to do, but Allen takes a better more personal approach to her. The Solo mistrust of Mara Jade is out of character, but two memorable scenes really make this a good book: 1. Mon Mothma telling Luke off and his subsaquent preentation of a lightsaber to Leia telling her that she too is a trained Jedi and their subsaquent dual. (The New Jedi Order seems to have overlooked this point). The second is the much more memorable incident early in the book where we see that Han Solo is still the same person with his attack of a better armed probe droid. OVerall this book is a better than average star wars book, and while not the best of the trilogy is certainly a great start.
Rating:  Summary: An enjoyable, yet slow, read Review: Ambush at Correllia is an interesting read. The only reason why it was given four stars instead of five was because of the extremely slow pace of the novel. The pace almost seemed to be non existent at parts of the book, but that was because Ambush at Correllia seemed to be written to support the action in the other two novels. Ambush at Correllia, though just background for the other two books, does deliver its story with an interesting narrative. The depth of story and characterization is enough to forgive the very slow pace of the book. As a matter of fact, the action does not begin until the last twenty pages of the novel. Still, with the extremely interesting build-up, it is worth the wait. I hope the other two novels live up to the expectation that the first novel created.
Rating:  Summary: STAR WARS: Ambush at Corellia Review: Ambush at Corellia was an excellent prelude to what will be coming next in the trilogy. At times this book wasn't exactly the most exciting, it was more of a mystery of what is to come next. The events taking place in this story are shrouded, and revolve around the conspiracies created by the "hidden leader". I enjoyed how the author depicted the characters, and how he seemed to know exactly gow each one felt, and how each one thought. The book is mostly filled with puzzles that don't seem to mean anything, until the end when everything almost starts to make sense; but not quite. I can't wait to see what will happen next in the series, or what will become of the seemingly hopeless heroes.
Rating:  Summary: Fun and entertaining, but no work of art Review: Well, this was definitely an improvement over some of the other Star Wars books. While it's no work of art, the writing style is straightforward and entertaining and easy to understand. Plot wise, the book is excellent, and most of the characters are intact also. Anyway, it's now fourteen years after Return of the Jedi, and it is a time of relative peace in the New Republic. Han and Leia decide they need to get away with their kids for a while, and they go to Han's home planet of Corellia. However, once they get there, they discover (of course) that things aren't as tranquil as they thought. Meanwhile, Lando cons Luke into coming with him on his latest money making scheme: find a rich wife, fast. Altogether as a trilogy starter, this book was pretty good. Not the best series out there, but definitely worth reading. However, I thought Luke was portrayed as being just a little too stiff and formal and akward, and Mara Jade (my favorite character I might add) was just awful. Hasn't she learned anything in the last nine years? She is not the Mara Jade we all know and love, but rather an untrusworthy, half-criminal, and altogether unapealing character. If there is one thing that is Mara Jade, even when she was evil, it was honorable and trustworthy. While she doesn't give her trust often, and she will never give it to just anyone, one she does she would stand by that person to the death. I sincerely doubt this author read the Thrawn trilogy. While naturally not trusting Mara at first, Han and Leia eventually came to like her, and we all know Luke was always her friend, even when she really, REALLY tried not to like him, so why are they so wary of her motives now just because nine years ago she happened to have grudge against Luke for destroying something she was brainwashed from a small child to think was right? Luke forgave her, and they have been friends ever since, so what is the problem. Anakin's character was poorly portrayed as well. The kid is seven years ald and he honestly acts like a three year old, talking in broken sentences and such, and the twins, who are nine or ten now I might add, still play with blocks! Anyway, while casual fans might find this series confusing and silly, I liked it and I would recommend it to any fairly serious fan.
Rating:  Summary: what do you expect from a trilogy opener? Review: The cover of the book tells you that this is book one of the Corellian Trilogy. Therefore, anyone who has ever read a trilogy (much less one of the several Star Wars novel trilogies) should know exactly what to expect: lots of character development, a slowly building plot, and no resolution whatsoever. That having been said, this book actually does a great job of living up to those criteria. Let's face it, the writing in this one is not that great. However, it's definitely worth reading. For one, Han is the central character, an automatic plus. Second, we get to see some scene's with Han and Leia's children (what a novel idea!) and some sense of the "Solo family." And we get a very in-depth look at Corellia, too, a planet often referred to but rarely, if ever, seen. All things said, it' a pretty neat book, just not a really great one. The best thing about it is that it's not about the Empire. I get rather tired of the Comeback Kings surfacing over and over again. Sure, this trilogy may not be of the same sweeping scale as the films or even Zahn's trilogy, but that only serves to work in its favor. It's different, which is something the universe of Star Wars novels needs more of. (Frankly, I don't really see NJO as the saving grace everyone labels it as; the Yuzhan Vong are just the Empire in disguise if you ask me). Read this book folks. It ain't great, but it is fun. Besides, it's a necessary opening chapter to the trilogy, which does get better.