Rating:  Summary: Great Read Review: I really enjoyed NTR's 'Abuse of Power". Rachael Simmons stands for what all good cops should, honesty, integrity, and truth. When Rachael is thrown in with some truly rogue cops, it really become a novel of what's right and what's wrong. Rachael never compromises her principles, even when her life at the police department becomes a total nightmare. Interesting and intreging, and just when you thought the novel was winding down, it escalates.
Rating:  Summary: AN ENGROSSING READ! Review: I started reading Rosenberg with her first novel,Mitigating Circumstances and have eagerly awaited all her books. I was disappointed in Trial by Fire but this book was worth the wait. Rachel Simmons apears to be a saint, but in this novel her virtue proves to be her fatal flaw. I approved of her honesty and sense of values. But again she appears to good to be true. Her daughter was a perfect counter balance and was a typical teen albeit and overworked one. Rachel's sister was also believable and would like to see her in a follow-up novel to see what happens to this powerful lawyer in a small town setting. Rosenberg is one of my favorite writers because usually her protagonists are normal people who battle almost insurmountable odds and they maintain a code of decency. One of the villains in the book was very despicable, but I sympathized with the others and could see how they were caught up in the power of the main villain. Rosenberg, continue to write and please bring back some of your previous characteres in future books
Rating:  Summary: Well.... Review: It was a page turner, BUT I felt unsatisfied when I finished the book. There was something missing. I don't know what exactly, but I'm not sure I want to read another book from this author. It was the first one I read from Rosenberg. The characters were not developed enough. I didn't really like the ending because I was expecting something much more different, so I was disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: "Abuse" is Powerful Review: Nancy Taylor Rosenberg has created another powerful book of a feminine based legal thriller.In, "Abuse Of Power", we meet Rachel Simmons. Not a lawyer but a policewoman who witnesses a fellow officer planting false evidence. Almost as if in a tug of war with her conscience and her job expectations, Rachel progresses to show what happens when it is truly one against the world, her world. I found alot of characters to keep up with, but a good read for non-graphic legal thrillers. Thanks--CDS
Rating:  Summary: "Abuse" is Powerful Review: Nancy Taylor Rosenberg has created another powerful book of a feminine based legal thriller. In, "Abuse Of Power", we meet Rachel Simmons. Not a lawyer but a policewoman who witnesses a fellow officer planting false evidence. Almost as if in a tug of war with her conscience and her job expectations, Rachel progresses to show what happens when it is truly one against the world, her world. I found alot of characters to keep up with, but a good read for non-graphic legal thrillers. Thanks--CDS
Rating:  Summary: Made for TV Book Review: Once again, I am misled by the cover jacket. This seemed like a long painful public service announcement against rape with a little corruption thrown in. The easy way to get rid of the baddies is to have them fired. The skies open up and all is well with the world again. Even the teenage daughter didn't have to "put out" to save the day. I could normally deal with such a contrived ending, but it seemed to be there almost to balance the unbelievable luck of not having to actually INVESTIGATE to find the killer. I just hope they don't cast Suzanne Sommers when it goes direct to video.
Rating:  Summary: Ms. Rosenberg can do so much better . . . Review: Rachel Simmons is a police office in Oak Grove, California. During her tour of duty on the graveyard shift she witnesses several incidents of police brutality and corruption. In an attempt to do the right thing, Rachel blows the whistle on her fellow officers and suffers some severe consequences as a result. This book started off well, but it began to lose its credibility about half way through. The characters are not well developed and seem somewhat stereotyped. The violence reached the point of almost being gratuitous presumably to make the readers hate the brutal police officers all the more, and to keep an already weak plot line moving. I almost quit this book after the halfway point, but I stayed until the bitter end hoping it would get better. It never did. As if that wasn't enough, the book reached a very abrupt and unsatisfying conclusion. I was sorry I did not follow my original instincts and quit while I was ahead. Hopefully, Ms. Rosenberg's next book will be of the quality of her earlier novels
Rating:  Summary: Lots of pages, lots of great plot ideas that went poof! Review: Rachel was intriguing from the beginning of the novel - I wanted to know more about her. The flashbacks were not too distracting, at times they actually made sense in the situation Rachel was in. I hated the fact that the author felt it necessary to have Rachel become a victim time after time. She followed all of the cliches, horrible childhood with abuse, single mother trying to make it in a "man's world", falling into the arms of someone who had abused her trust, justifying her own lies but unable to forgive others and then having everything end in a dismal, but forseen situation. There are still loose ends when you are done with the novel. Yeah, it kept me turning the pages, but at the end I felt like I had been taken advantage of. Was that the point? Other books by the author have left a better impression and is what led me to this book - Lots of pages, lots of hope it's gonna get better, great plot ideas, but in the end - poof- a marshmallow.
Rating:  Summary: A horrible book! Review: Think of as many of the terrible things that people (particularly men) can do to other people (particularly women), cram them into one book, and you've got Abuse of Power. I finished it only because I hoped the ending might somehow justify the suffering of the main character, but it just kept getting worse. Well, at least there won't be a sequel.
Rating:  Summary: Action Packed Review: This book was scary. It is about police officers who abuse the system for their own personal gain. The main character is a female police officer with integrity who tries to right the wrongs being done. She is put through the wringer by her fellow officers but her integrity remains intact and she fights until the end. Definite page turner.