Rating:  Summary: Watership Down; a Tale of Rabbits Review: Richard Adams' Watership Down is a tale about a small group of rabbits who decide to leave their home, when a young rabbit says that danger will be coming to the rabbits' home. In order to avoid the danger, a small group of rabbits leave at the warning, and start a search for a new place to live. After some time of wandering, the rabbits encounter several homes of unknown rabbits, who behave in strange ways. As they continue their search new mysteries and hardships are uncovered that must be overcome if the rabbits want to continue their journey, and live. After a prolonged trip the group learns new ways to live and a new place to begin their home. However, the new home not only brings new happiness it also brings new pains and sorrows. Watership Down is a great novel that really brings out how hard it is, for creatures of any kind, to move out of their home and into the wild, just because of what someone says. You begin to like many things about the rabbits and their many adventures that they have. Some great things about the book are when then the rabbits move from their home and first encounter what they have only dreamt about or heard about in stories. Some parts of the story are sudden and unexpected, but in most cases these happenings only add to the excitement and the thrill of the rabbits' adventures, however, in other cases these sudden happenings can make the story harder to understand if the reader was not paying much attention to what was happening. Another small downside is the book is a little long and it starts at a slower pace. But, this quickly changes into a fast paced story about survival and life. Novels can open up new experiences that many people won't see in their life, but only hear about. Books can also show people what the world is like, outside any one country. Novels about animals don't appear as often as novels about other things appear, but when a good subject is written they create great novels such as Watership Down. Some novels are as long as or even longer that Watership Down, but most novels are not nearly as fun, for any age, as Watership Down. Watership Down is a book that many could enjoy, and a book that many children, and adults could read with ease. I would say that if you enjoy reading books and can read English, Watership Down is a perfect choice for a good book you can read. The novel is not only easy to understand, but it also quick to draw people in. Even when a person hasn't read the book in a long time, Watership Down will still be in memory.
Rating:  Summary: A Cultured Review of Watership Down by Robert Balint Review: For a summer reading assignment I read Watership Down. This was an excellent book with well-developed characters and great plot twists. I liked the action and many challenges in the book for the traveling rabbits who escape from there home "warren" (rabbit settlement) to find a better place to live, as the old warren is in the middle of a field that is marked off for construction. The rabbbits face many difficult challenges, like when the two smaller rabbits, Fiver and Pipkin, cannot swim accross a pond that the expedition of rabbits must cross. Blackberry, the cleverest rabbit in the group, solves the dilemna by putting the small rabbits on a piece of wood and floating them accross. This is only one example of the challenges Hazel, the leader, and his group faces as they try to find a home. Watership Down is more exciting than other novels I have read like Dicey's Song and Homecoming. There is more going on in Watership Down. Homecoming and Dicey's Song were not very exciting and they were predictable. Watership Down has many plot twists. Some times it is impossible to know what is going to happen next. Watership Down is a great book that gives the reader a frightened rabbit's point of view. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes animals, science fiction/fantasy, or anyone who wants a good long novel to read. The story is a little complicated, but a slightly above average reader will be able to read and enjoy Watership Down.
Rating:  Summary: Watership Down, A Review. Review: I like how the book dragged me in, but at first the story was not that interesting. As I started to get into the book I didn't want to put it down, I wanted to find out what happend next. I was stuck to the book. I liked how they had a special language for the rabbits. The use of such rabbit words like ni-frith, siflay and hlao-roo gave the book a unique flavor. The only thing that sort of thing that made me feeling like letting the book down were the El-ahrairah stories told by Dandelion, I just didnt enjoy the certain repetitiveness of the stories of El-arairah, those parts were very, very boring to me. This novel was one of the better novels that I have read in this past year. It had a certain glow to it. My overall impression of this novel was great, although I am not sure that I woukd reccomend this book to many other people. I say this because I dont think that many people would be so drawn to this book.
Rating:  Summary: Watership Down; a Tale of Rabbits Review: Richard Adams' Watership Down is a tale about a small group of rabbits who decide to leave their home, when danger is said to be coming, by a young rabbit. After some time they encounter several other warrens, or homes, of other rabbits. They finally find a place to stay safe and encounter bigger difficulties and troubles. The rabbits need to deal with all these problems and find a solution so they can thrive in a strange inviroment. Watership Down is a great novel that really brings out the how hard it is, for creatures of any kind, to move out of their home and into unfamiliar surroundings where they must find a way to survive and prosper. While reading the book you begin to like many things about the rabbits and their tale. Many great things about the book are when then the rabbits move from their home and first encounter things they have never seen and reading about how they deal with their problems personally and the problems of the group. Certain parts of the story are sudden and unexpected but in many cases these only add to the excitement and thrill of the adventure, however, in other cases these sudden happenings are unexpected and can make the story harder to understand. Another small downside is the book starts out a little slow. Reading novels has always been a fun experience. Some of the other novels I have read are also about animals, but rarely are they about rabbits and other novels usually do not deal wit real time problems that occasionally happen to animals of all kinds. Also other novels are not as long or as fun to read. Once you get into Watership its hard to stop reading it. Watership Down is a book that I enjoyed quite a lot, and that many others could enjoy as well. I would say that if you enjoy reading books that are a little bit longer, Watership Down is a book that many people would enjoy, though it starts out a little slow, it quickly gets very exciting and addictive. In the long run Watership Down was a book I will always remember and enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Richard Milne's review on Watership Down Review: I think that Watership Down was a good book because of how it is so specific on describing what happened. Like when Holly got back from Efrafa, he told the story on what happened and what it was really like there. I also like how they tell story's about The Black Rabbit and El-ahrairah and how that comes to blend in with what is really happening. My favorite character is Kehaar. I like him because of how he saved the rabbits every time they were in trouble from other rabbits. I also liked the way Kehaar talked. He was a good friend to their warren ever scence they saved him. He is very protective of his friends. He also comes just when you least expect it. This novle is similar to others I have read because it is about animals. I don't really like to read books that are about animals, but this book I really enjoyed. When I first got the school assignment to read Watership Down (a 490 page book) and right a review on it I was scared, but now that I read it, it turned out to be a really good book. You don't have to know a lot about animals to read it. That is what else is enjoyable, It explains everything that happens in a very simple way. I would recomend this story to others because as you read it you feel like your there with the characters and you care what happens to them. You also start to trust them. It is really fun to guess what happens next. I liked the suspence when the characters were in danger. I think that this novel was well written and the characters were well made up.
Rating:  Summary: My view on Watership Down! Review: When I first picked up this book, saw the cover, and read the beginning, I thought to myself... "This is this going to be a long, dull book about rabbits!" As I got more into reading it, when the adventurous part of the book started and a rabbit named Fiver ( who has a special gift where he can predict bad things that will most likely happen) told her brother Hazel that something terrible was going to occur at their warren, I realized I might be wrong. Fiver, Hazel, and 9 other rabbits, took off into the night, not sure where they were going, but knowing they needed to go find another home. Along the way, they had to deal with crisis and hardships, but they stuck together and got through them. The rabbits met many new animals that they received help from and gave assistance to. I liked how even though many of the other rabbits in their group were larger and stronger than Hazel, every rabbit agreed that Hazel would be a better leader because he knew how to think for the group and knew how to please the entire group not only with his ideas but with others' too. I valued how this is a different kind of book to read because it is away from people and cities. Who would have thought a book about rabbits could be so intriguing! It is fascinating to learn, read and compare how rabbits react to things differently than people do. I also really liked how the rabbits always fixed problems and never left anyone behind even if they were hurt. For example, when Hazel goes and saves 3 other rabbits from a farm, but is badly injured and his friends think he is dead. Luckily, Fiver goes back, just in case, and finds Hazel okay and still alive. What I disliked about this book is how the author uses female names like Hazel, Holly, and Dandelion for male rabbits. Some of the names were very unique like Bigwig, Hawkbit and Fiver. I thought it was sad and weird reading about rabbits fighting, but it was necessary for the plot, or else there wouldn't be any action. I especially didn't like when General Woundwort was fighting Bigwig. Fortunately Bigwig won, but it sounded gory! I don't think I have ever read a book this long that I can remember. I know it is one of the most touching and powerful novels I have ever read. Overall it was a good challenge for me. It was interesting, well-written and I learned a lot. I think if you're looking for an adventurous book, that is exciting, then this is the book for you. I would recommend it for any age. I really had fun reading this and I hope you will so you can find out even more about the different rabbits and animals like dogs, cats, birds and others Hazel and his group met. Also what finally happened to them.....I'll give you a hint, it has a very happy ending.
Rating:  Summary: watership down review Review: Austin Johns Watership Down Watership Down is an extraordinary book about a group of rabbits and their struggles to find a new warren. The group is forced to set out and establish a new warren when one of the most sensitive of the rabbits, Fiver, had a premonition of impending doom on their old warren. When this group of rabbits set out to establish or join a new warren they had no idea the hardships, or elil, that were in their future. The leader of this group was a buck named Hazel who was advised by a runt named Fiver. It was Fiver's idea for the group to leave the warren because he felt something terrible was going to happen to it. A rabbit named Bigwig was one of the first rabbits to join this group. He was part of the owsla (rabbit police), he was tough, and he was anxious and ready for anything that came his way. Bigwig did not like it when there was not action. One example in the story happened while the group was waiting for a fox to leave a field so that they could continue their journey. Bigwig, however, felt he had to do something besides sit and watch, so he burst off running past the fox to lead it away from the group. Bigwig accidentally ran into a wide patrol from Efrafa. When the fox followed Bigwig to the wide patrol the fox killed some of the patrol. In this group all the rabbits had very different personalitties, and they were all so valuable in their own special ways. It was the appreciation of this that made the group successful in their journey. This book inspired me because this group of rabbits kept working together despite all their differences. "Risk is Risk," said Bigwig once, and he never let fear overtake him. Each rabbit was valued for its own personal contribution. None was mocked or scorned because they were different. Each rabbit was encouraged to be the best that was in them. They met danger everywhere but they never stopped chasing their dream.
Rating:  Summary: Watership Down Review: Blake Thomson August 10, 2003 Watership Down The classic novel Watership Down was one of the best adventure stories I have ever read. I couldn't help but read this novel for hours at time. I really like how the characters never gave up hope, for instance when Woundwort came to take over their warren. They didn't choose to run or just give up and die. They fought to the very end. I also really enjoyed how the author gave a lot of detail, and how he said certain things. One example is the very end, when Hazel died. He made it seem as though he were going on to better things, not really dying, but continuing his adventures. This novel is like no book I have ever read. Most books didn't include so much detail and I really wasn't as sucked into the other books I've read. This book is just what I would hope for in an adventure book. This is without a doubt the best adventure book I have read. This is definitely a story I would tell my friends to read. I really think kids my age would like it because there's a likeable main character, a bad guy, and the books based on an animal. The fighting is also a very positive aspect of the book, but if it were more serious I think it would become excessive. These are all things kids my age would enjoy in a book, especially one with a plot so interesting. I think this is a great story of hope, adventure, and plenty of action. I thought this was an excellent book and I wouldn't be surprised if I read it three more times!
Rating:  Summary: Watership Down, the Thoughts of a Seventh Grader Review: Watership Down, The Thoughts of a 7th Grader Watership down is a very different novel that any I have ever read. I like how Richard Adams added suspense and made you want to cheer for the rabbits at times like when they are escaping from Efrafa. I will not lie, I thought that some parts of the book were very uneventful. When they left the very first warren I think that they should have taken some does with them. I thought that their journey was not my favorite part but I enjoyed trying to put the pieces together when they reached Cowslip's Warren. The most exciting part was when they were escaping with Bigwig from Efrafa and they went on the boat. It was suspenseful when Dandelion almost missed the boat. I also had fun reading about their trip to Nuthanger farm. I was very surprised that they beat the cat. Another one of the best parts was when they had the fight when the rabbits from Efrafa came to take the does, Blackavaar, and bigwig. I also liked the part when they first discovered Watership down. My overall impression of the book is that it was a pretty ok book but I think adults would enjoy it more than kids would. It's like an acquired taste. Some like it and some don't. I would recommend this book to people who don't mind reading a little while until they get into it. For people who want action from the start I strongly do not recommend this book to you. I thought that I didn't understand the book as well as I do after writing about it. It was an interesting novel.
Rating:  Summary: Watership Down Review: It thought that Watership Down was a wonderful book. It gives you an idea of what it was like to be in a rabbits world and all of the fears and challenges that rabbits have to go through every day. All though I thought that Watership Down got off to a slow start, it really picked up at the end. I also liked the stories that were told about El-ahrairah in some of the chapters of the book. I thought that it was interesting how Fiver could always tell what to do and had foresights about things that were going to happen later in the story. For instance, Fiver knew that something was going to happen to their home warren and got as many rabbits as he could to leave the warren. Also when their group of rabbits came upon a warren of rabbits that seemed perfectly fine, Fiver somehow knew that their was something different about their warren. I also liked that even though their were so many problems, they were finally able to overcome them, the main one was getting does to their warren from Efrafa. This Novel is different from the others that I have read because it gives people of an idea of another animals life and how what we do really affects other animals around us. This is a different kind of fantisy then other books. In this book, instead of having whichs and wizards or wrinkles of time, it is about rabbits on an adventure to do the impossible, but finally come through and complete what they had sent out to do. I think that people should read this book, because it gives you an idea of what it is like to be a rabbit, and all of the many fears and challenges that happen in their everyday life. If you are a person who doesn't like to read long books, I would not recommend this book for you. But if you don't mind long books, I think that this is an amazing book and I think that you should read it. It has adventure, challenges, comedy, and many other things that make books so great. I would highly recommend this book and hope that you will enjoy it as much as I did.