Rating:  Summary: No need to embellish.. Review: Watership Down by Richard Adams is one of those rare novels that seem to create a world within a few pages. You know what I mean. The books they place high on the shelves as timeless classics, which are read 50 years from now by your grandchildren. It is a masterpiece. I have no reason to embellish, and in truth, doesn¡¦t need to. After running through the first chapter, I was hooked. I could very well have sat there and read the whole book from cover to cover. The novel is about a group of rabbits who have decided to leave their current warren to escape a disaster that was about to fall upon their homes. From there on they are thrust into a journey of fear and joy, where they finally discover their true ¡§home¡¨. The chapters where I had enjoyed this book the most were the parts that included the rabbit¡¦s references to man¡¦s strangeness. The Lapine try to explain tar-layered roads, cigarettes, boats, bridges, and automobiles from their view. And are usually not far from the truth, I guess the author is trying to show animals are not that different from us. Not only was I attracted to the suspenseful atmosphere of Fiver¡¦s forewarnings, I also cheered as Hazel, Bigwig, Blackberry, and the crew finally managed to learn the art of working together. Elation filled me with each scheme the rabbits hatched, and I jumped around with glee at each of their hard-won successes. Richard Adams has created life. He provides the rabbits with their own culture and myths, not to mention their own language! By constantly inserting vocab from the Lapine Glossary in the back, Adams enriches the story¡¦s realism and bedazzles the reader. He has created society after society with his seemingly parallels to communism, tyranny, and monarchy. An allegory, Watership Down has been called, and one that is said to reflect his personal views. Personally, I don¡¦t care. He has ensnared me with his loyal and intelligent rabbit character crew, and I have no wish to free myself from them.
Rating:  Summary: Watership Down Review: This book is certainly one of my favorites. I have read few novels that have such incredible character depth. However, if you don't like the concept of talking animals, you may not like reading about talking rabbits. On the other hand, though, most people with an imagination will be able to follow the story of a group of rabbits just as easily as they would a story about a group of humans. If for nothing else, read this novel for the story and the characters. If you are into though-provoking novels, Watership Down will also fulfill that aspect of literature.
Rating:  Summary: it was ok Review: this book was different. it was wierd that it was about rabbits. it did have many different layers and metaphores that gave it a deeper meaning, along with characters that were very skillfully developed, but the fact that it was about rabbits was hard for me to get past. if it wasnt about rabbits i might have enjoyed it more. i personally didn't like it too much but if you can get past the fact that its about rabbits than it really is a good story.
Rating:  Summary: Bunnies are cool Review: When this book was assigned to me in English class, I was eager to see what this book was all about. I thought it was a joke. How could someone possibly write a novel consisting of rabbits adventuring around inseek of a new home. As soon as I began reading Watership Down I realized it was more then just a silly book about rabbits, but a heart-warming tale. It taught life lessons and showed the emotions of inferior beings to the world. Though this book is about rabbits it still is a book that should be read by a mature audience. You need to have an understanding of life and why the rabbits react to certain situations. The rabbits were just the chosen characters to present this real-life novel, any character could have been chosen. Don't back down just because they're rabbits, give this book a try.
Rating:  Summary: awsome book Review: at first this book was hard to get into, but about into the second chapter it was very interesting...you had to "be the bunny" to understand it it was different to read a book from this point of view. we usally read books that are from a persons point of view, this is why this book was interesting to read. i deffinetly recommend this book to everyone & anyone.
Rating:  Summary: mehhhh Review: when i first started t0 read the b00k i th0ught it was quite p0intless 0f a st0ry. But as it went 0n it g0t more interesting but als0 kind 0f hard t0 f0ll0w al0ng with. Watership d0wn tells ab0ut things that happen t0 the bunnys in their everyday lives and s0me 0f these things even happen in 0ur lives as humans. N0t just t0 the bunnys. 0ver all i w0uld say that Watership D0wn was a O.K b00k. It just wasnt what im int0 reading.
Rating:  Summary: Watership Down good or bad? Review: I personaly didnt like Watership Down but that doesnt mean it isnt a good book. Watership Down was a good book in the way that it was written well.Also it would be a good book for anyone who likes bunnys and advencher.
Rating:  Summary: - - Not a good book @ all - - Review: I did not enjoy Watership Down. It hink that it was pointless to write a 400+ page long book about bunnies having problems. It was way to boring for my liking. As a junior high school student this book was assigned to me. I do not suggest this book at all if you have the choice...Save yourself. This book did not reflect any of my interests and I disliked it alot.
Rating:  Summary: The worst book i have ever read! Review: I really did not enjoy Watership Down. As a student in juinor high school it was very boring to read. I did not want to read a book about rabbits and their problems. The book did not match my interests, so it made me dislike it even more. If i didnt have to do a project on it, i would not have finished reading the book.
Rating:  Summary: It will make you think Review: This novel is without a doubt the best ever written. It is a book that will make you think about life and death. When I found out about it I thought that it might be a little silly. But after I began to read it I realized how wrong I had been about thinking it was going to be silly. It was anything but silly. Watership Down makes you see what it is like from an animals point of view. I thought this story was sad but very good. If I could rate it more than 5 stars I would. Do not hesitate to buy this book. Buy it because you won't regret it.