Rating:  Summary: Let's be honest with ourselves Review: Warned by some of the reviews, I was a bit wary reading The Last Day, expecting something irreverent and anti-religious, or at the very least, trivial. To my surprise, that's not what I found. I was very moved by the story. As a Methodist minister, I've encountered more than a few individuals disgruntled with the conflicting images presented by many of today's organized religions. This book gives vent to these concerns, and I feel it does so in a compelling way. How might God judge His churches were He to return? Can any of us clergy be so certain that some of the frightening scenes depicted could not happen? Yes, criticism like that expressed in this book often hurts. But we should not fear it nor attempt to stifle it. What does that say about your faith? Organized religion has often taken an arrogant, indignant and closed-minded attitude toward contrary opinions. That approach only serves to delay legitimate reforms (re: over-emphasis on fund-raising, the role of women in religion, elitism, hypocrisy, etc.) that such books as The Last Day might help bring about.
Rating:  Summary: A great read, couldn't put it down. Review: This was a truly engrossing book, and after all, isn't that what we as readers are looking for? I read a lot of books, of all types, and I found this book to be one of the best I have read. Ken Follett's "Pillars of the Earth" was the last book that grabbed me like this one. I read most of this book in one, long 6 hour stretch. WOW! Let's put the religious aspect aside. I can't tell you whether every biblical reference was 100% correct (gives you some insight into those who scream so loud <g>). I do know this: It was an interesting plot, some very original ideas, and a few brilliant twists (such as, when DOES the millenium end?). I hated to see it end; every page kept bringing more pleasure. I read a lot of books, all kinds. From Clancy to Follett, Marcinko to Fowler, Buffett to Asimov. This was fun, and I hope Kleier's future books are half as good as this one. PS> I hadn't heard anything about this book before I read it; I tend to not read the book sections of the paper, as I like to make book choices "unblemished". I was just strolling down the aisles of my local library, and it "jumped" out at me. An OMEN, eh <g>.
Rating:  Summary: For the open-minded Review: This novel has been the topic of discussion at our reader's club for the past several weeks. No one wants to move on! No other book we've read in years has sparked so much debate. Granted, the novel certainly does upset some establishment apple carts. But like many new and controversial concepts that aren't always embraced when they're first put forth, this one deserves to be heard, not suppressed. The novel takes you on a wild and breath-taking ride, startling you one minute with provocative and sometimes unsettling images, teasing and challenging you the next with clever subtleties and ingenious plot twists. Our group rates it a "Must read."
Rating:  Summary: Loved it! Review: Without question, this is one of the most mind-boggling books I've ever read! It reminds me of Victor Hugo's "Hunchback of Notre Dame," or "The Agony and the Ecstacy" in it's penetrating drama and the timelessness of its story (only much faster paced and more suspenseful). This is a genuine, contemporary classic, destined to live on as a defining literary high-water mark of the turning millennium. A "must read"!
Rating:  Summary: Who wrote this book? Review: Can anyone confirm for me that Koontz is the real author behind this book? Have to admit, it has the Koontz genious for suspense, but this is a more complex and personally spiritual book than I've ever seen Koontz write. Maybe he just let his hair down and spent a little more time on this one. At any rate, I would rate this his best. A thoroughly abosorbing and challenging novel. One for the permanent library collection.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: Some people have no sense of humor. This book is to the stuffy organized religions what 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest' was to mental institutions. It's a terrific story, exceedingly well executed, a lot of fascinating, head-turning things happening here, and maybe it does tweak a few noses along the way, but folks, IT'S FICTION! I can't believe people are getting bent out of shape over this novel any more than architects were upset over Ayn Rand's 'The Fountainhead'. It's a fantastic book. Relax and enjoy it!
Rating:  Summary: Seriously Folks Review: This is very entertaining if not taken too seriously. Very well written and plotted. Only minus: the author gets too heavy handed at times and preachy. Except for that, it's a funny and interesting story.
Rating:  Summary: A marvelous read Review: I would have bought this book even if I wasn't intrigued by its subject matter, just to make a statement to the "Thought Police" out there. Your charges against this book ring hollow, and in reading THE LAST DAY, I can see why the "Moral Majority" are trying so hard to convince people not to read it. This is the most refreshing and witty expose of religious self-righteousness I've ever encountered. The only people who might be offended by this book are the ones whose feet so perfectly fit the shoe. Maybe it is only fiction, but it sure reads like the real thing! A courageous book with a very relevant, meaningful message.
Rating:  Summary: Katy bar the door! Review: Boy is this a rock 'em, sock 'em thriller like you don't get to see much anymore. So many unexpected twists and turns, you can't anticipate what's next. Action-packed, scary, funny, suspenseful, complex and very clever. Truly original and highly enjoyable read. You won't stop thinking about this one, long after you finish it. Bravo!
Rating:  Summary: Old Bigotry in New Format Review: Some of the enthusiastic reviews here are perplexing and must come from the publisher. Even truly great literature doesn't receive such raves. For an ordinary thriller, this novel has surprisingly touched upon and for a moment legitimized anti-Catholic bigotry for the narrow minded. The delight taken in this by certain readers is disturbing. In every other way the book is unexceptional, but the underlying prejudice, hatred, and venom towards the Church is unique. One would think people might be more tolerant and enlightened, yet this kind of thing is still embraced by some. This novel will encourage those that hold on to old hates and offend the intelligent reader.