Rating:  Summary: Was the Civil War about slavery? Review: The central question in these days is about the nature and reasons for secession and the civil war. Was the civil war about slavery? If the answer is no like this book tries to prove, then why so many black people, or anyone who is not white and protestant, were tortured, kill, abused, discriminated, etc... I do not think that the economy has anything to do with this. It is plain and simple racism, ignorance and hatred. If the south had won the war, the United States will not be the great country it is today, there will be two much weaker territories, continually fighting between them,one of them with apartheid, and you know wich one would that be.
Rating:  Summary: Bravo to James and Walter Kennedy Review: Having been born and reared in Ohio, I have had the opportunity to live and work in the South some 20 years and made the most unfortunate mistake of moving back to the midwest a couple years ago. I have come to love the South and the people of the South. This book helped me to understand some southern traditions and attitudes I had noticed while living in the South. Though the writing style is too subjective for my tastes, the ideas and arguments are worth the price of the book and any truly openminded person should read this book. Thanks to the authors for the courage to write such a book!
Rating:  Summary: After living in the South... Review: After living in the South for more than 5 minutes, I have come to the astonishing conclusion that it would have been wise to let the south succeed. They could have inbred themselves into genetic oblivion while drinking moonshine, wearing their white robes and thumping bibles. Now the rest of the thinking free world thinks we actually WANTED to be associated with them.
Rating:  Summary: "The South Was Right" is right. Review: "The South Was Right" is worth the read, no matter your politics and preconceived view of American History. (...) "The South Was Right" exposes many flagrant lies, and many oft repeated and cleverly created myths conspired by the North about the South, slavery, the War for Southern Independence and a host of other fabrications. Slavery is not defensible, but it's time to tell the truth about it, that the North was as guilty as the South. And it's time to tell the truth about the war: it never was about slavery; it was about money and power as are all wars. The Kennedys do a very good job of proving all this with great research and documentation. This is a must read for all who are tired of being lied to.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent summary Review: If you need a nice, tightly wrapped package, this is the work. After pouring through scores of works written during and shortly after the War for Southern Independence, this work shows the careful scholarship of the authors and represents and fair and honest portrayal of the records from that period. Raised in a New York government school, I was taught only lies and myths and am glad to have a single volume to recommend to others. Racial harmony was disrupted, and trouble has been going on for 150 years...all as a result of a war fought over the cause of most all invaders: money and wealth. Don't miss this work!
Rating:  Summary: Something all Americans should read Review: On first glance, the book seems inherently biased and full of inflamatory language. This comes from someone who is actually sympathetic to most of the themes in the book. The authors bring out facts that must be presented embraced, accounted for, and made public in the current conqueror's story that is presented as the truth about the war for Southern Independence. Yet unfortunately the authors go other the top in calling what has happen culture genocide and ethnic cleansing. Most Americans will probably dismiss the facts that are presented becuase of the tone of the writing. That being said I think this book should be read by all Americans for two reasons. First to realize that the blame for the ethnic divide and racial tensions in this country do not rest solely on those who fought for Southern Independence. Secondly becuase the authors have a keen insight on the current election process. The problem with the authors is that they hinted to the most important point in this book but never fully exploit it. Rather than showing that racial tensions are an American problem which the North and South both played a large role they seem to try to say well the North was just as bad as our Southern ancestors. The important point here is between the lines. Never do you hear a discussion about civil rights or slave without the blame falling solely on White Southerns. This is patently false. In the post-civil rights world we have seen race rights in Chicago, Los Angeles, and lately Cincinatti. Yet are we still to beleive the South is the only region where racism exist? Are we really to believe that decisions made to withdraw from the Union are responsible for racial profiling and a high number of shootings of black men by the Cincinatti police? To answer these questions we must address the facts. The authors point out how Northern states barred blacks from moving into their states. They point how Northern states barred blacks from voting low before the Jim Crow laws. It is an intolerable hyprocisy, and a statement of how strong Marxism is in historical circles, that elementry students learn about Northern merchants trading rum for slaves then trading slaves for rum, as if it is acceptable business. Suddenly when the chapters on the 1860's come around we forget about triangle trading routes and suddenly the South is the part of the US that ever embraced slavery. This is nothing more than outright hyprocisy. If the US is going to heal racial tensions we must stop scapegoating and take up responsibility. The South has long taken up the responsibility and for been scapegoated. We must recognize that not only was Selma Alabama segerated but that the Cotton Club was one of the few places in Harlem where whites could go to hear Duke Elligton play. We must remember that Louis Armstrong had to sit in a segerated theather to even see his prodigy Bigs Bixby play. We can't gloss over the fact that the Watts riots weren't about how poor Southern blacks were treated but a lack of or at least feeling of a lack of civil rights in the North as well. The riots in Los Angeles and Cincinatti were not caused by Southern Whites either, yet do we hear them blamed on Northern Whites? No instead there is an interesting lack of blame on Northern Society when these things happen. Yet if one incident happens in the South suddenly it is though white Southerns again. In order to heal racial divides we must embrace the problem as a nation and quit scapegoating. This book helps to give examples of how slavery and ethnic tensions are an American and not Southern problem and how the North played just as much of a role in forming these tensions. The book's blueprint for change is also an important read for any American. Perhaps you don't agree with the ideals, still you must listen to the method. The basic line is that you have to get up and become part of the process. Voting is not enough if you want changes in the political system. The best blueprint for change starts in your own communinity. Many Americans complain about the way their cities are run or how the school boards operate. Yet few Americans run for office or even preticipate in selecting candidates. Many Americans complain about the two party system and the blur of parties. What this book shows is how to change this. Simply put if you don't like the candidates who are running do something about it. This book outlines how to go from a grassroots movement to a national movement. It really details what is important in the system and calls for Americans to become active not only at the polls but in the selection system itself.
Rating:  Summary: Only those who know both sides are informed. Review: Buy it and read it! This book is about a critical point in American history, the fight for Southern Independence. That is, the seperation of America into two seperate distinct countries. The book presents the less known story of the Southern States. It addresses several reasons for the War, many which are not widely known and may not be popular. It demonstrates without a shadow of a doubt that the Confederate States of America achieved constitutional legal independence. The book brings forth the atrocities that the American government (Northern nation) inflicted upon the newly formed Confederate nation. It presents an account of slavery that is startling, but supports the position with strong documentation. For credibility and accuracy the book uses the American Constitution and other American Federal, State and local government documents. It also references documents by several individuals of the time, from Senators to slaves.Many people hold emotional views why the war was fought, without ever getting the facts. Some of those people are quite outraged when they encounter historical facts that do not align with their unfounded emotional beliefs. This book presents documented historical information, it is not written to incite, but to inform. And inform it does! Even today the events of those four years are still impacting our daily lives. Isn't it time you got informed too !!
Rating:  Summary: THE SOUTH WAS WRONG - AND STILL IS !!!!! Review: More hokum from right-wing disaffected white trash. When will these unreconstructed racists go away? The Confederacy was all about maintaining SLAVERY, and its accompanying tortures, mutilations, rapes, murders and degredations of an innocent and captive population. The very statutes that the various treasonous Southern states passed EXPLICITLY mention the retention of SLAVERY as a vital component of Southern identity. Many present-day racist whites long for the days of Southern slavery and segregation that lasted into the 60's. These people herald this poorly researched book as some sort of antidote to "liberal lies and deceit". Not so. The Southern system perpetuated inequality and was a stain on America's moral fibre. Supporters of this book are proponents of white supremacy, racism and genocide. The federal policy of RECONSTRUCTION ought to be re-instituted tomorrow and the various CONFEDERATE states broken up into African-American controlled republics.
Rating:  Summary: Finally, vendication to the continuing Northern Aggression! Review: I am thrilled to know this book is still available for more people to become enlightened. I only wish it was better advertised and its reading more encouraged. Too few people understand that the victor of a war creates the history text. This book dispells the lies, or propaganda for the politically correct zealots, pounded into our heads by the oppressor. The Kennedys have done an excellent job of documenting their statements. I found some statements unbelievable because of years of brainwashing by the public schools. After requesting copies of cited sources I was overwhelmed and wanted to scream the truth to the world. The sad part is the world hears what it wants to...not always the truth. Southerners, read this and hold your head high. Yankees, read it and follow up with some serious introspection. Descendents of former slaves (like myself and anyone else from the south), read it and learn the truth of Lincoln, "the long-legged liar", and the north's propaganda campaign for support. Learn how the yankees truely felt about blacks in society. I cannot praise these men enough. They put forth tremendous effort, energy and time in this wonderful book for which many will dismiss them (and others who adore the book) as unintelligent or wasting their time on a lost cause. I applaude them for their sacrifices while attempting to enlighten the public.
Rating:  Summary: Thanks to the Kennedy twins Review: This is absolutely the best book I have read in my life. With the dumbing down of history in our school systems, any and every detail about why my heritage has been under such violent scrutiny has been reveal in this absolutely amazing book. The truth, with backup to prove it's contents, from official united states records makes it as clear as it could be! I keep this book in my library next to my Bible and have purchased three additional copies due to friends wanting to read the book out from underneath me! I especially loved the political proofs offered to back the view of the authors which, of course, are politically incorrect under today's standards! To learn about the roots of Southern thought and belief one would not be disappointed or mislead with this book. This book has given me insight about the ignorance of America's views on Southern culture and why such ignorance is rampant today.