Rating:  Summary: Must reading, stands the test of research, adds balance . Review: The South Was Right, The South IS right! read this book for a new and fresh interpretation of history that should be included in every classroom, both North and South. Where else can you find a discussion of the illegal "passage" of the 14th Amendment. Northern Myths are exploded. The Slave trade and slavery are well researched and proper conclusions drawn. Americans will be stronge supporters of the Constitution of United States after reading this excellent book. DEO VINDICE!
Rating:  Summary: Tells the other side of history Review: Being a student of miltary history I noted this book in stores years ago. Passing it by each time as skinhead rants. Then two months ago a work place friend of mine(a PhD)asked me to read the book and check out the history. Was it real or a fake? My answer was, based on my own research, it was very true. This book tells the story of the war that few will ever hear, or want to hear after 135 years. Read it. Research the history yourself, and make your own informed decisions. Years ago, under a goverment that would not take no for an answer, half of a young nation paid the highest price for freedom they could. Is time to take up that battle again? You make the call
Rating:  Summary: This book is way off base embodying many errors. Review: This book is incorrect in many so-called facts.
It can only can serve to cause friction where
there should be none. More people have more
opportunities for the good life in this country
than in any other country in the world. If the
south had succeeded in seceding chances are we
would now be like many European and Middle Eastern
countries, constantly embroiled in wars and under
seige. This is not the way to live as the south
saw during the Civil War. If all races don't
start to get along in this country soon this is
exactly how we will wind up.
Rating:  Summary: This book's premise is garbage. Review: Well, I've seen the praises for this thing being sung by the black helicopter crowd and really didn't want to let this go unchallenged. Yes, it is true that slavery was not the only or perhaps even the primary issue behind the Civil War. It was a question of the Nation's ability to preserve its self by force of arms if necessary. The loonies in Montana may wish to emulate Davis and his crowd and they will be dealt with in a similar fashion, God willing
Rating:  Summary: This was THE best book I have ever read, the truth was told. Review: I have read many books on this subject, and there have been many that I liked. There have also been many
which have been utterly untrue or the author will hold back
some of what he feels because he is afraid he might offend
someone. Mr. Kennedy held back nothing. That is good
The truth is the truth no matter who likes it and who doesn't. I am a patriotic Southerer and I, like many of
the Southern people, am tired of hearing people tell half of the truth about the way things are. Mr. kennedy does a good job of explaining how most of the Southern people
were for ending slavery and that it would have ended soon
without the interference of a tyrant. He also points out to many bleeding heart liberals that the United States real interest wasn't in freeing the slaves as has been taught falsely to our children until now very few people in
the South really know what the war was really about. If
every true Southerner would read this book, and they should, I believe some emotions would be stirred up.
PLEASE, if you love the South, as I do, read this book
Rating:  Summary: Are we going to let this happen again? Review: I could not put this book down! I have just finished and I'm going to read it again. This time, I will make notes along the way both of the documents where the information was obtained and of important historical facts that I insist my children learn. Recalling basic high school government and history classes 10 years ago, I don't recall learning much of what seems like it should be a basic for all Americans to learn. In relation to today's world, it does seem as though we will soon be at a point similar to then. Will we sacrifice our few remaining (and getting fewer every day it seems) liberties to the UN (under disguise or not) or will we regain the original rights intended by our founding fathers? I do feel somewhat sad (ignorance is bliss?) after learning so much from this book. The mistakes this country has made are so obvious! And it really can't get much worse before another event of historic proportion, a modern day revolution, happens. This book and many of the sources the Kennedy's used, should be read by more than Southerners. This is the start of a call to action to all patriots
Rating:  Summary: Rebel Yell Review: A fascinating book, this. It argues that the ConfederateStates of America had every right to secede from the Unionand that the War for Southern Independence was nothing more than an act of conquest and agression against a people who only wanted to take Mr. Jefferson at his word. For the most part, it is well-argued, although parts made me cringe. Concerning slavery, I would not have advanced the Kennedys' it-wasn't-as-bad-as-all-that argument. But it deserves a wider audience, if only for the history lessons it would teach and the conclusions the Kennedys draw.
Rating:  Summary: Solid documentation of a 135-year propaganda war... Review: The Kennedys have provided a thoroughly researched and solidly documented expose of a propaganda and disinformation war waged against Southerners (black and white) to justify bending the constitution, waging a war
of ruthless aggression and culturally and economically raping a country and its people. From the lies about slavery, the hiding of the honorable Confederate service of tens of thousands of black Southerners, free and slave alike, to Lincoln's deceit and cunning in issuing the so-called "Emancipation Proclamation", every event, character and quote is painstakingly documented with references from suppressed Federal archives and documents. Upon reading this work it becomes obvious that the South is still suffering the worst treatment the Federal government has ever visited upon a conquered foe.
Southerners should use this sterling work as a rallying cry to sue for their own "Marshall Plan" to finally rebuild what was destroyed and stolen from them. Black Southerners who served their Confederacy emerge as unrecognized heroes. Truly a "must-read" for anyone who thinks they understand the era.
Rating:  Summary: True Southern Patriotism! Review: Upon reading this book, I was filled with a sense of disgust over the Federal governments handling of the "War for Southern Independence". The Confederacy had an unquestioned legal right to secede and Kennedy provides ample evidence to this effect. Read it for a look into cultural genocide
Rating:  Summary: Indisputable facts, poorly written Review: I have enjoyed reading the typical knee-jerk "reviews" written by those who hate the South via this book. I wonder if any of them have read it. Nah, that's not possible, else they wouldn't be so stupid as to make the same tired propagandist's arguments that the book disproves. (Would they? Please tell me that they wouldn't; please lie to me and tell me that they aren't all Jerry Springer alumni.) Anyway, the facts are well-documented by original sources materials from the North. By contrast, the "history" that we were all taught in school is based upon secondary and even tertiary sources. It is a classic case of being based upon books about books about books . . . about books about something. This book is invaluable for its sources alone. However, it becomes difficult to read. It does not seem to be able to decide between becoming a dry, dusty tome of the sort that gives academia its stuffy reputation and the outrage of two men whom have suffered prejudice at the hands of their "betters" all of their lives. I well understand this bottled frustration. I was born and raised in the South, lived in the North, and have returned (Thank God!). Despite popular convictions that continue to be held quite seriously by the vast majorities of those north and west of the Mason-Dixon line; we do indeed have shoes, and wear them; we do in fact enjoy the benefits of running water and indoor plumbing; we do not as a rule engage in sexual activities with relatives (although recently I have met an ALARMING number of Northern young people on Yahoo who claim that incest is widespread in their world); and growing up quite literally in otherwise black community, I did not learn what racism is really like until I moved to a suburb of Chicago, that any person of ANY color or ancestry is truly jeopardizing their life in any large city simply by being in the wrong place wherein one is not one of "theirs"; and The Dukes of Hazzard was neither a documentary nor even adequate television; speaking of which you may be amazed to learn that most of us avoid TNN like the plague - sorry folks that is feel-good-TV for cultural bigots in other parts of the country. And by the way, where is he only place that the Ku Klux Klan survives in any appreciable form? Indiana and Ohio, of course. Anyway, back to the book. The facts are indisputable (doubtless the reason so few "reviewers" even try), the sources impeccable and the writing acceptable for a first draft. It is needlessly offensive to poor little northern sensibilities (see what I mean, did you like that little bit of condescension). I understand full well that we as a culture and perpetual favorite whipping boy are treated to a daily diet of far worse; however one cannot expect to show masses of people how wrong they are by employing an irritating attitude. If history teaches anything it is that nothing in this world is so universally hated as any form of Truth. Why make matters worse by causing offense needlessly. Unfortunately, the authors treat those who subscribe to Federal "history" only a few orders of magnitude better than they treat us. Read this book or admit that you are too much a coward to admit that you might have been wrong. Or, did you really know it was wrong all along and deliberately choose to pretend otherwise?