in a translation by Duncan Steen. In fact, some might find it a little too modern with its use of idiomatic expressions such as "You can't pin that on me"--which might be taken as an ironic reference to the final horrible deed of the hero. But when the messenger the agonized Oedipus as calling himself a "mother f..." (although he stops at the "f") the effect is far too "modern" for comfort. You see, given a sound recording, we can only assume that the action is taking place in the nearly prehistoric past. I do not know the tone of Sophocles' Greek; but I do read that it is elegant and decorous. Therefore, I can only assume that this translator is doing his source a great injustice. On the other hand, the dialogue MOVES. There is an excitement to this performance, although the Creon of Adam Kotz lacks some force. Michael Sheen is good in the title role, as is Nichola McAuliffe as Jocasta, Heathcote Williams as the Chorus Leader, and John Moffatt as Tiresias and the Narrator at the start of the recording. The Chorus itself is cut down to four voices, but they are handled nicely with stereo separation and are quite comprehensible. The music is meager but effectively used.
All in all, a very good if not perfect attempt at making one of the greatest Western plays accessible to a wide audience.
Summary: The buck stops with Oedipus.
Review: This is another boonie dog book review by Wolfie and Kansas. Usually plays should be seen and heard, not read. "Oedipus the King" by Sophocles is an exception to this rule. Why do booksellers hide this play in such unappetizing categories as "literature" and "drama"? With the violence, gore, sex and new-age prophecy and paganism in "Oedipus the King", it should be placed in a better-selling category, such as mysteries, thrillers, horror, or sword and sorcery.
We did become concerned when we read one scene early in the play. After a priest tells King Oedipus how a plague has ravished his kingdom, Oedipus responds with a speech that boils down to "I feel your pain." Whenever a head of state sounds like a certain notorious cat owner, we get nervous. Fortunately for the plot of this play, if not for Oedipus himself, once he became a suspect accused of patricide and incest, he did more than just claim that he had never inhaled.
Summary: Not the typical loving marriage!
Review: You have to think about love, murder, sex, incest, and self-relinquish. This is not what one might call the typical lifestyle. This is an overall excellant book. Somehow Sophicle's created a story of sex, love, murder, incest, and guilt. One might call it a fight for self awareness. You must admit, after reading this novel you feel a little remorse for the main charcter, Odeipus. I mean, anyone who falls in love with his own mother and kills his father sub-consciously needs pitty. I would recommend anyone to read this book.
Summary: Not the typical loving marriage!
Review: You have to think about love, murder, sex, incest, and self-relinquish. This is not what one might call the typical lifestyle. This is an overall excellant book. Somehow Sophicle's created a story of sex, love, murder, incest, and guilt. One might call it a fight for self awareness. You must admit, after reading this novel you feel a little remorse for the main charcter, Odeipus. I mean, anyone who falls in love with his own mother and kills his father sub-consciously needs pitty. I would recommend anyone to read this book.