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Rating:  Summary: Hit and Miss Advice Review: "A Man's Field Guide to Dating" is full of mixed messages that could frustrate an average guy who is looking for clear-cut answers and advice. For instance, Mr. Wray starts out by saying that the book will give non-judgemental advice. Soon after that statement, he writes something to the effect that "married men should pass this book on to their single friends" and should not cheat. Good advice? Maybe, but that's definitely a judgemental attitude, considering that Mr. Wray can't possibly know the circumstances in every marriage. Later, this supposedly non-judgemental attitude comes into play when Mr. Wray makes statements that seem to condemn men who are dating primarily to fulfill sexual needs. If that isn't making a judgement, I don't know what is? Who is he to decide for his readers which is more important: sexual needs or emotional needs? Imagine for a second a woman writing a book on dating that mildly chastizes women who are dating to fulfill their emotional needs and states that instead the focus should be on sex. Improbable? I think so, but this is that kind of book, only for men. Robert Wray should stick to pragmatic advice and leave judgements about the reader's motivation out of the book, or he should entitle his book, "Dating to Meet Emotional Needs -- For Men" or "Dating for Men Who Think Commitment is the Ultimate Goal in Life." Even if those aren't reflective of the explicit advice given in the book, it is definitely reflective of the feeling the reader will have upon finishing it.Then again, Mr. Wray's practical advice is found wanting in some sections. He actually advises that guys approach women in a way that would result in projecting an image of a perfect "nice guy." Ask a thousand guys who have been called a "nice guy" by a woman, and I would bet that 90% would tell you that being a "nice guy" and a "perfect gentleman" is the quickest way to be frozen permanently outside of a woman's bedroom. That's not to say that guys should act like jerks and be total boorish louts with no manners, but to come across as a sexless, passionless Ken Doll is a libido-killer for most women I've encountered (even most of the "quality women" that Mr. Wray refers to throughout the book). In many places, Mr. Wray advises men to avoid any sexual comments or discussion with a woman early in initial converstaions. While one shouldn't necessarily saunter up to a woman and utter lascivious comments, it's important to make sure the message is clear that you, the man, are a sexual being, unless of course you are comfortable being told "let's just be friends" the rest of your life. This book is not without good advice, despite these flaws. There are many sections that, once one filters out the opinions of the author, are full of solid, pragmatic tips that many of my fellow men could benefit from. In closing, if you aren't put off by Mr. Wray's obvious editorializing, you will find worthwhile nuggets here and there. If you buy this book, make sure you have several other books on dating and relationships to read, since reading this one alone and following all its advice is a sure way to frustrate a guy who may not hold the same values as Mr. Wray. This book does belong in a syntopic analysis of the subject, but it certainly isn't an authority on successful dating.
Rating:  Summary: As a woman, I hope every man on the plaet reads this book! Review: I am also an author of a book about dating. It is beyond rare for me to endorse a book about dating written by a man. That is because most of them treat women as objects and men as sex crazed fiends who only want to know how they can get as much sex as possible on a regular basis. This book will teach men who are looking for a great partnership with a woman exactly how to get what they want. Oh, and for those of you men out there who responded to that statement, "But I am a sex crazed fiend who just wants to know how I can get as much sex as possible on a regular basis." I have this to say to you--geting into a great relationship with a fantastic woman and being a quality man/great spouse is, in fact, the number one best way to get as much sex as possible on a regular basis! Logical?! This book respects men and women and gives clear solid advice that will definately improve all of our love lives! It is fun to read and easy to digest. If your not getting what you want out of your love life, get this book! This book is also great for women to read. One of the biggest things that prevents women from attaining the love life they desire is that they do not understand men and what their dilemas and confusions are. This book will be invaluable in helping you with that. My favorite part has got to be the part about hygiene. It has never ceased to amaze me that men don't already know some of this stuff, and yet they don't. Someone had to tell them and Bob Wray is just the man for the job. Sincerely, Felicia Rose Adler Author of Master Dating: How to Meet and Attract Quality Men!
Rating:  Summary: What a Joke! Review: Mr. Wray's book is the perfect book for any man looking to increase his chances for meeting the perfect woman. After having read the book, I am certain that men of all ages and situations could benifit from its wisdom. The author gives clear, easy to understand advice that is 100% applicable to the current dating scene. It gives great information on what women want, what to expect and most importantly, how to conduct yourself. If you are someone who has trouble meeting women or is just a little unsure of some things, I strongly urge you to buy this book. It is worth every penny and is packed with valuable information you'll be thankful to learn!
Rating:  Summary: Where Did I Find This Book ? Review: Somewhere I was recommended to buy this book but I cannot recall where. It is very well-written and very readable, but it is also very, very good. It is succinct and to the point, it uses words sparingly and is not glib, no, not at all ! It is a book about why relationships screw up...not for teenagers, or twenties, but for men of all ages.......they make bad choices for good reasons, but the wrong reasons - cart before horse - and they pursue the object of desire without really knowing the person....yes we have all done this......it seems so good...at the time......but that awkward feeling comes when you wonder if this is quite right and how did I miss that, why did I ? Well, this book hopes we learn from our mistakes and read it before we rush to repeat them. I like it, it is not full of psychological babble and sentimentalism.......it is a book for men written by a man who found himself amid the ruins looking to start out again without the naive enthusiasm of youth to guide him into repeating the past, but probably with the painful thought of wondering how he had got into that position the first time around. I feel i can learn from this book.......anyway, I am enjoying reading it and I am reading it slowly.........I sometimes wonder if sometimes my dates found me rather than vice-versa, and that somewhere they thought I was there to solve their problems and service their needs only. Maybe, this book will show me when to switch on the hazard lights
Rating:  Summary: A man's field guide to dating Review: Thank fully this book is for men who are interested in dating outside the 'meat market' scenario. It's about relating to people and knowing yourself well enough to present a positive image while you're trying to get to know others. Robert Wray presents practical, non threatening advice for men that will not send mixed messages to women. If men behave in this manner the women they encounter will be sure that their intentions are noble. I think it's important to make a woman feel like you respect her enough to behave like a gentleman instead of treating her like a sexual object and hoping for the best. Mr. Wray isn't judgemental for the most part. His introduction is a disclaimer. Lots of books have them. He's saying, "I wrote the book with these type of people in mind." Other's can read the book and benefit as well, however; the book is geared for those with the intent of dating and creating a healthy relationship. He is very clear and upfront about this, and his candid nature made me trust him to steer me straight as a reader. I would recommend this book to any one who just feels like they aren't handling the awkward parts of intial dating. I think too, he gives insights for all the parts of the relationships. Following a lot of the practical advice has been a confidence builder for me, and opened my eyes to a lot of small things that I wasn't previously aware of.
Rating:  Summary: A woman's view on this book Review: The problem about becoming friends before entering a relationship is it becomes very difficult to go from a friendship into a romantic relationship. I believe that this book is written by a man, that has been influenced by what he thinks women want. The fact is most women dont know what they want. This leads to the problem of trying to be something that may or may not be right. Women, like men want to be turned on by someone...they are not looking for friends, ideally during the process you become friends and lovers but the platonic/advice giving/exchanging type relationship goes nowhere 90% of the time. In fact, if you develop a good friendship first with a woman, she will not let it become intimate because of fear of "ruining the friendship" this is a well intentioned book, but not helpful in the real world.
Rating:  Summary: Not your typical "how to get laid" book Review: This book has as its main focus helping you to learn how you must improve yourself so that one day you will be able to find a "quality" woman. This book is NOT for people looking to learn how to score one night stands but it is the single best book that I have ever read for men who really want a serious long term relationship with an intelligent attractive woman.
Rating:  Summary: Want do women want? Read this book and find out. Review: This book is best book about dating in the history of recorded literature! It is simple and easy to understand. There is none of that philosophical nonsense that is typically portrayed in relationship books written by women. 18 bucks is a small price to pay for information that could change the rest of your life!
Rating:  Summary: Where Did I Find This Book ? Review: This book is different from many books on the subject. Like the book Doggiestyle that followed it, Robert Wray's A Man's Field Guide to Dating's observations and insights stand out because of their sincerity. The author's quest to both find answers to successful dating, and to then pass them on to the rest of us, comes across as very heartfelt. It is that organic nature of the writing that establishes such a lasting connection with the reader. No stupid rules, just straight talk. Very gutsy, indeed.
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