Rating:  Summary: Wow! If you love science fiction, you'll love Captain Nemo! Review: This dramatic, powerful underwater adventure of rogue submarines and warriors battling for control of the oceans is the next wave in science fiction. Captain Nemo actually makes science and the oceans fun and exciting. But, who is this dark avenger who emerges from the depths of the oceans, daring to call himself Captain Nemo? Stay tuned.
Rating:  Summary: Captain Nemo is the next Harry Potter! Review: My wife and I take our three children on camping trips and sometimes the long drives can be uneventful, so, we take the kids to the bookstore and let them pick out books to read and audiobooks to listen to. When we went to get Harry Potter's latest novel, Goblet of Fire, I was surprised to see my fourteen year old daughter with a copy of the Captain Nemo audiobook. At the register I looked it over and asked her if she really wanted it. She told me a bunch of her friends in school read the book and have the audiobook. So, all of us listened to this tape and I must admit, my wife and I were very impressed. The story of a group scientists struggling with the need to do good and a secret crew of submarine commanders was a brilliant mix of literature, science and adventure. Captain Nemo takes you on a magical journey with a crew of sailors and soldiers who battle an evil warrior named Uriah. Along the way there are gigantic sea creatures by the name of Goliath, Hermes and Brutus. All these creatures of the deep oceans have a connection with the legendary Jules Verne captain as he discovers one of his sons is a traitor. For parents sake, I would rate this a great story for teenagers. The morals in this story are just what the book world needs.
Rating:  Summary: Mythical and Magical! Review: The way Captain Nemo begins, slowly draws you in to understand the desperation in his heart and the ocean filled with dark, enchanting secrets. I'm 16 and I really thought this was one of the most exciting and innovative science fiction stories to come around in years. I think the author has a great style and is probably going to continue to expand on this idea. I hope to see more adventures and journeys with Mr. Carbajal's Captain Nemo. Great work.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic idea. Exciting and breathtaking. Review: I don't know what it is about this Captain Nemo story, but you will feel your heart pounding with excitement as you get more involved with the crew of the Nautilus, Trinity and the Avenger. Even the way the sea creatures are written about makes this underwater adventure seem real and excitingly dangerous. I enjoy science fiction that respects true physics and sciences. I have seen some of those qualities in Star Trek, a few in Star Wars but now- wow! Captain Nemo truly has some talent behind the pen of Xavier Joseph Carbajal.
Rating:  Summary: Amazingly Fantastic! Review: I happened to find a copy of this remarkable Captain Nemo book on a shelf in the law office of my friend in New York City.The only way to describe Captain Nemo is to read you some of the exceptional story: Steam and condensation drifted in a thick mist about the air, with an ominous ceiling a hundred feet overhead, allowing light into this sanctuary. Three baby whales ventured curious over to the divers and then shyly swam fast away. Captain Riley scooted himself backwards onto the shore by the others. he noticed that Captain Nemo had removed his helmet. "Balaenoptera musculus. Listen to them sing". The blue whales songs and calls reveberated up into the vaulting stone of this cathedral. "They're laughing at us".Nemo was always moving around. His eyes tightened-those eyes of a tiger. His eyes rabid and edgy to pounce. A dance of many nocturnal dancers began. Harmonic and flowing. Captain Nemo smiled, "Tomorrow is Tammuz." "So, your religion is Judaism?" "Captain Riley, I am all religions". Now, Captain Nemo confused himself and became furious. Captain Nemo raised his arms to the blistering sky. He stood screaming, "No one does this to me! Do you hear me Lord! Do you hear me Allah! I am the one! I am the one who rules the oceans! And the one who rules the oceans, RULES THE WORLD!" I must return to read this novel again. I also have ordered a few copies of the Captain Nemo audiobooks. I've read some reviews and understand the book on tape is equally as intriguing. This writer, Xavier Carbajal, has brought new life to the Jules Verne captain. Only this time, deeper, darker and more otherworldly.
Rating:  Summary: Captain Nemo is a great audiobook! Review: I like science fiction (Stars Wars, The Mummy, X Men, Digimon and X-Files stuff)and I picked Captain Nemo for a book report. My teacher said this Jules Verne captain and his story started back with 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and Mysterious Island. My friends and I think this Captian Nemo is cool! We especially like how smart he is. I think it is important for heros or people who have power like Captain Nemo to be intelligent and fair. My dad read Jules Verne books when he was going to high school and college. He thinks Captain Nemo is also very cool.
Rating:  Summary: Captain Nemo is wonderful! Review: My bookclub has a bunch of people who travel and listen to aubiobooks. All of us thoght Captain Nemo was and is one of the best new ideas in science fiction/fantasy writing since Frank Herbert, Jules Verne and H.G.Wells. The sound effects on this audiobook made you think and feel you were right there with Captain Nemo in his submarines. My kids even loved this. We hope you will write more soon.
Rating:  Summary: Captain Nemo is FANTASTIC! Review: It's great to see some new science fiction with a twist. Not only is this novel classical the audiobook is also out of this world. The sea creatures, the submarines, just this whole idea is great-especially the arrogant Captain Nemo and his crew PLAYING GOLF OFF THE TOP OF THE NAUTILUS? What a bunch of gutsy guys. My friends and I can't wait until the sequel.
Rating:  Summary: A CLASSIC CAPTAIN NEMO! Review: Captian Nemo is one of the best new additions to science fiction. I have the novel and just recently bought the audiobook. This Captain Nemo has something for everyone especially those of us who enjoy true science fiction with a great story. I am most impressed by the technology of Nemo's submarines the Trinity, Avenger and his New Nautilus. This story deserves to be recognized with Jules Verne, Frank Herbert, H.G.Wells and other great writers. I hope this author gives us a sequel soon.
Rating:  Summary: Captain Nemo is the greatest thing ever! Review: Usually I just like to read comic books along with my brothers and most of the X-Men, Spiderman, Spawn, or Blade stories do not create good, strong female role models but Captain Nemo was all that. Captain Nemo was not only a great story it also had special women like Captain Nemo's daughter Sonja who was one of the most important crew members of the Nautilus. Also Sherry Lynn who was running the gallery on Marco Island. I guess you'd have to see Marco Island and the Everglades to visualize this story of a scientist trying to save his oceans. My brothers and I also thought the music was cool-it made this audiobook sound like it was a movie. We also think this would make a cool movie, if its done right. My brothers and friends at school would go see it.