Rating: Summary: The Moonstone Review: A mysterious murder, a suspicious suicide, the dying, hideously deformed, yet gentlemanly Ezra Jennings, the famed detective Sergeant Cuff, and three Indians wandering inexplicably around Europe in blatant defiance of their caste...all connect in a thrilling mystery revolving aroound the Moonstone, a cursed diamond taken from the very shrine of the centuries-old idol worshipped deep in the heart of India. The savvy young Englishman Franklin Blake, in respecting his recently dead uncle's will, brings the Moonstone to his lovely cousin Rachel Verinder. When the Diamond disappears on the night of her birthday, a mystery ensues and winds from the streets of the underworld of Victorian London to the very heart of India, where superstition and idolotry rule the people; the characters entangled, including a debt-ridden philanthropist, a love-sick suicidal young woman, the Englishman that passes among Indians...The mystery twists, turns, and leaves the reader breathless--the Diamond takes as many victims through murder as through the pages of this wonderful novel. The Moonstone is as addicting and enticing as the opium trance which finally solves the mystery; as ensnaring as the evanescent light of a diamond. This is a wonderful novel equal to any of today's thrillers.
Rating: Summary: A master of plot construction Review: Like his earlier novel "The Woman in White," Wilkie Collins's "The Moonstone" is a prototype of the modern mystery: A crime occurs, it is investigated, witnesses are interrogated and give their points of view, there is a reenactment, and it all comes together in a tightly knit conclusion. Collins's mastery of his material is so evident that it's difficult to argue with T.S. Eliot's opinion that this is the greatest of English detective novels. The mystery concerns a sacred diamond called the Moonstone which had been stolen from a Hindu temple in India centuries prior to the novel's events and made its way from owner to owner until it finally came into the possession of a British military officer who bequeaths it to his niece, Rachel Verinder... The diamond is delivered to Rachel on her eighteenth birthday by her cousin and suitor, Franklin Blake, at a party attended by several of Rachel's family members; but the next morning, it is discovered missing from her boudoir. Theft is suspected, and the suspects are numerous: Besides a number of servants, including Rosanna Spearman, an abject, deformed housemaid who is enamored with Blake, Blake and Rachel herself can't be ruled out, nor can their cousin (and Blake's romantic rival) Godfrey Ablewhite, a comely young man whose charitable works belie his lecherous lifestyle. Also present in the novel as a constant reminder that the Moonstone's ties to India are not so easily severed, are three Brahmin priests who are slyly tracking the diamond's passage throughout England using disguises and subterfuge, waiting for the right moment to retrieve it and restore it to its holy place. As in "The Woman in White," Collins uses multiple narratives to relate the events and effectively introduce a bevy of colorful characters and some surprisingly wry humor. We hear from Gabriel Betteredge, head servant of the Verinder household, whose personal bible is "Robinson Crusoe"; the sanctimonious Miss Clack, who dispenses religious tracts like a cow gives milk; Sergeant Cuff, the reputable, meticulous police detective with a green thumb that might have been a model for future sleuths with personality quirks; and Ezra Jennings, an assistant physician with a topical and curiously valid theory about the possible role of opium in the crime. Comparing this novel with "The Woman in White," I feel that "The Moonstone" has a more satisfying ending, but its predecessor has a more interesting setup and premise. Although Collins's plots are undeniably clever and tricky (I now dub him the King of Red Herrings), these two novels are pervaded with a certain gentility that deprives them of the level of menace one finds in the grittier American noir detective fiction that I prefer. This is more of an observation than a criticism, however. A mystery writer who could successfully combine Collins's prose with Raymond Chandler's style would elevate the genre to its artistic pinnacle.
Rating: Summary: A Stolen Gem Review: The Moonstone is a slow-paced detective novel written in the 19th century in London, England. The Moonstone was first obtained by Colonel Herncastle who bequeaths it to his niece Miss Rachel on her sixteenth birthday. She is thrilled with her gift and sets the gem in her bedside table that night. When she awakens the next morning, the moonstone is nowhere to be found. The loss of the moonstone is told by Mr. Betteredge, a servant in Miss Rachel's house. Mr. Betteredge offers an outside opinion, as he is not directly involved in the mystery, but sees all that goes on. The rest of the book is split up into different narratives from various characters of the book. Each character's narrative is able to give the reader more pieces to the puzzle. Wilkie Collins wrote this book so well that the characters stand on their own during their narratives. Their personalities surface and are not supported by one another. This was very helpful in keeping the characters straight due to the detail and character that Collins gave them. I really liked this part of the book because all the clues to the mystery weren't given to the reader on a silver platter. Every character in the book had a separate identity. They had more purpose than just happening to be involved in the mystery. The Moonstone is also unpredictable. Collins will lead the reader to believe and act on other facts before turning the evidence completely around and ending up with a conclusion that throws the reader for a loop. I appreciated this because it kept me reading. I found out who stole the moonstone along with the characters. It was refreshing not to know the answer and having to wait for the other characters to figure it out. I also found the little subplots that were created during the story. They showed the interactions of the characters and helped to explain the personalities of the characters even more. The only problem that I found with The Moonstone is that Collins has a lot of patience. He is content to examine every detail before moving on with the next piece to the puzzle. He also encourages his characters to wait with the solving of the mystery. It is almost exasperating to be so close in solving the mystery that only one character must be interviewed. Almost always, the character will be indisposed or out-of-town. It was a little frustrating to have to wait for the characters to return and having to read about what they had for dinner in the meantime. On a positive note, reading The Moonstone was like watching a movie. However, instead of watching the characters eat, the reader reads about it. This still only adds to the detail of the book and makes you appreciate Collins work on making sure that every element of the story is attended to. All in all, The Moonstone was a great novel, and I would recommend it to anyone who likes a good puzzle to solve.
Rating: Summary: Careful With that Opium Review: Still speaking to us across the ages is Collins' archtypal detective story, the lengthly tale of a stolen diamond consisting of no less than eight major narratives. While Collins' meticulously plotted mystery is most famous for its complex construction and detailed detective work, its "solution" has aged so appallingly that it is really the narrative voices that most appeal to the modern reader. It's problematic then, that the most interesting narrators, butler extraordinaire Gabriel Betteredge and wonderously mortifying spinster Miss Clack speak first, while the endless wrap-up is given over to tediously forthright hero Franklin Blake. Things perk up at the end as poignant Ezra Jennings briefly takes over, but Blake quickly dispatches him and continues with his own colorless narration. Considering its advanced age, the first half of this book works surprisingly well, but the latter sections sag badly. For those interested in the period or genre, The Moonstone is a fascinating relic, but not quite a fully functioning mystery.
Rating: Summary: "The first, the longest, and the best ..." Review: It was T S Eliot who described Wilkie Collins' "The Moonstone" as "the first, the longest, and the best of Modern English detective novels". Not everybody might agree with this, but all practitioners, readers, and fans of detective fiction will find much to admire and enjoy in this magnificent 1868 publication. Although not exactly the first example of detection novels, it provides the archetypal sleuth, Sergeant Cuff, an astute though idiosyncratic detective who leads the chase to the solution of the mystery, easily surpassing the dim-witted local police authorities. It also explores the full potential of the whodunit formula. Arguably, it is still the longest example of detective fiction. Unlike most other serialized novels of its era, this one is meticulously plotted. You'll find red herrings, suspense, the unexpected, climaxes that overwhelm or fizzle out, and a satisfying denouement. It is narrated largely by some of the principal characters. All are revealed in well-rounded perspective while carrying forward the story line. The most popular has always been Drusilla Clack, "that rampant spinster", a self-righteous tract-dispensing lady who likes to eavesdrop and to be judgmental. Is it the best? I would unhesitatingly award it the prize, while welcoming other internet browsers to name other contenders. Wealthy internet browsers are recommended to download the unabridged audio reading of the book. It is a novel that reads well, and the full length reading available is a model of its kind. Naxos has produced an abridged version. It has the benefit of multiple readers, but most of the charm and all the atmosphere seems to disappear in the abridgment process. Book format will put you in touch with the original text and, provided you have the leisure and disposition for tackling a 20 hour read, will provide your imagination, your mind and your literary appetite with rich material.
Rating: Summary: The Best Detective Story Imaginable Review: Although I have heard many criticisms concerning Wilkie Collins' masterpiece, I strongly believe this was his greatest creation. The main problem many people have, deals with the book's end. Taking the diamond, the moonstone, in delirium, and hiding it somewhere "I-know-not-where," deprives the culprit of any MOTIVE, and that's what we, as readers, want to understand- the motive behind the crime. No wonder you can never guess who the "thief" is- how can you, when there's no possible motivation?! Despite all of its inaccuracies, however, "The Moonstone" is the only detective novel produced by a Victorian author that deserves to be read. The prose is superb. The style is unique. Collins' decision to tell the story from the point of view of many, if not all, characters, brings something personal to the narratives on many levels. Ranked second only to "The Woman in White," "The Moonstone" is still a popular classic today- and perhaps the most accessible of all Collins' novels.
Rating: Summary: What a Gem! Review: Just finished The Moonstone not five minuets ago. I am still reeling from the effect of its greatness! Really, how can anybody consider this novel tedious is beyond me, this is riveting stuff! What raises this novel above the level of all the other detective novels I have read, is the characterization. Wilkie Collins created a fascinating class of characters here. Usually in a detective novel the most interesting character is The Great Detective himself, in this role Mr. Collins gave us Sergeant Cuff, who reminds me a little of Inspector Poirot, but the novel does not revolve around him, it revolves around the Moonstone, and the events as seen from the point of view of several characters. Gabriel Betteredge, the sweet, quixotic house-steward being a particular favorite. The plot is complex and mystifying, the pacing is just right, the language is elegant and not at all difficult to read. If you have never read a classic before and would like to be able to boast of at least one title I'd say this is the one. You will have a ripping good time reading it too!
Rating: Summary: Like Dickens? Conan Doyle? Try Collins! Review: I first learned of Wilkie Collins while studying the life of Charles Dickens, with whom Collins had an up-and-down friendship. For those who've struggled through a heavily-footnoted Dickens epic, you'll be pleased to know Collins' writing is much more "modern" and accessible. Reading "The Moonstone" today, it's hard to believe the novel caused an uproar when it first appeared. It seems quaint and harmless. But Collins' Victorian audience was thrilled with his depiction of dark doings at the House of Verinder, and his gentle (by today's standards) satirizing of Victorian mores and manners. The novel is organized as a series of "narratives"; my favorite is that of Gabriel Betteredge, faithful servant of Lady Verinder. Betteredge is simply delightful, full of gentle humor and insight. Here, Betteredge is relating his early days with Lady Verinder and her husband, Sir John: "Well, there I was in clover, you will say. Placed in a position of trust and honour, with a little cottage of my own to live in, with my rounds on the estate to occupy me in the morning, and my accounts in the afternoon, and my pipe and my Robinson Crusoe in the evening - what more could I possibly want to make me happy? Remember what Adam wanted when he was alone in the Garden of Eden; and if you don't blame it in Adam, don't blame it in me." So yes, Betteredge gets himself a wife. He's just one of many vividly-drawn characters in the novel. And while the plot moves along with appropriate twists and turns, it's the quirky characters who provide the most satisfaction. "The Moonstone" works on many levels and always leaves me happy to have fallen under its spell.
Rating: Summary: The Moonstone Review: The Moonstone was an awesome book. I really like mysteries and this one was especially good because it came from the point of view of so many of the characters involved. It let you see everyone's personality from different perspectives so that you could judge which character had the mind of a criminal. My favorite character was probably Gabriel Betteredge because he was really quirky. His devotion to Robinson Crusoe and distrust of anyone who would not believe in it were amusing. He was the most informative narrator with respect to the time period. I learned the most about the treatment of women and servants during the mid-1800s from his portion of the novel. I think Rosanna Spearman's irrational conduct where Mr. Franklin was concerned was a bit beyond belief. I doubt that any servant would expect attention from a man from the upper-class society or that she would have gone to the lengths she did when her feelings weren't reciprocated from a man she had known such a very short while. I didn't like the part narrated by Miss Clack as much as I liked the rest of the book because her evangelical attitude kept getting in the way of the plot. It may be normal or slightly humorous to other readers, but it really annoyed me. I didn't particularly like Rachel Verinder because she never should have agreed to marry Mr. Ablewhite while in love with another man. At first, when Mr. Jennings experiment was introduced, I felt like it was all nonsense, but I didn't mind the scene too much because the improbable experiment didn't reveal the whereabouts of the diamond and the plot continued despite the interruption of Mr. Jenning's test. I wish Wilkie Collins had cleared up the mystery of Ezra Jennings' past. I would have liked the book better had we learned who the person he had saved his money for was and possibly what the crime he was never absolved of could have been. I liked the final solution to the disappearance of the moonstone, but I think it could have been more creative. I think the best mysteries are the ones in which the criminal is above suspicion until the very moment the author reveals the truth to his reader.
Rating: Summary: Go ahead and yawn, you won't miss anything. Review: I understood that The Moonstone is a classic so I decided to read this to be culturally literate. Well the story line may be interesting but the writing is atrocious. It is curricular, bloated, and seemingly pointless. The characters just keep rattling. A lot of writers fill in the story with descriptions of time and place to give an atmosphere to the story. This writer (Wilkie Collins) just fills it with unrelated trivia. I under stand that this verboseness may be part of the writing style of the era, if this so he has it down pat. Dickens was quite verbose but every word had a relation to the story. Every once in a while I would go back a few pages to see what I must have missed. When I read again there was nothing there to miss. Ether Wilkie is extremely monotonous or other writing from this period is and I am just now lucky enough to find out. I talked to others about this and they said; "Now you know why Sherlock Holmes is so popular"