Rating:  Summary: A Day No Pigs Would Die Review: A Day No Pigs Would Die is a great book. It's written by Robert Peck who tells his life as Shaker who lives on a farm with his mother,father,and Aunt Carrie. One day his neighbor gives him a girl piglet Robert grows very fond of her. One winter they didn't have any food and the pig couldn't breed so Robert's father had to kill the pig. That chapter I thought was really sad, but I really did enjoy the suspence of the book. So if your a person who likes action and a little bit of comedy on the side, I reccomend this book for you.
Rating:  Summary: A Day No Pigs Would Die Review: Aaron 6th Jackson Middle School A Day No Pigs Would Die by Robert Newton Peck A Day No Pigs Would Die is compelling and action-packed. It takes place on a small farm in Learning, Vermont. This book is about a Shaker boy named Robert,his pig Pinky, and his tough life going from boy to man. I thought this book was very funny when Robert was at the Rutland Fair. This book is also very sad towards the end. I hope you read this book and enjoy it as much as I did.
Rating:  Summary: A Day No Pigs Would Die Review: Our class read a book called A Day No Pigs Would Die. I think this book was a really cool. I think whoever hasn't read this book should read it. My favorite part was when Robert helped the cow, Apron, and she was having a baby calf at the time. He ripped off his pants, wrapped half around the baby calf's neck, and half around the tree. After the mother cow had her baby calf, she fell to the ground and couldn't breath. Robert put his hand in her mouth and pulled a goiter out. The cow jumped up and grabbed Robert's hand, dragged him across the ground, and through the sticker bushes. When Robert came home, they had to pick all the stickers off of Robert. I would recommend this book because it shows a lot of love and care about their family. I would give this book *****! I think it was a really great book! This book shows a lot of love and care. That is what I recommend about this book.
Rating:  Summary: A Day No Pigs Would Die book review Review: I think "A Day No Pigs Wold Die" is a good book. Altough it was gorey, bloody, and very blunt, it had it's good parts too. Robert Peck wrote a very interesting book. It's about a boy named Robert and he's always getting confused with words and their meanings. It explains how a poor Shaker family lives in Vermont in the 1930's. My favorite part is when he takes his pig to Rutland. I hated the part when he and his dad try to weasle a dog. I would definately recomend this book to anyone who wants to read a sad and humerous book.
Rating:  Summary: A Day No Pigs Would Die Review: This book is written by Robert Newton Peck.It is about a boy named Robert. Robert is a Shaker boy who lived in Vermont in the 1930's. He gets a pig as a gift from his neighboor. He raises it for years until something tragic happens to the pig. My favorite part is about the restrooms and the perverts. If your in for some good laughs and some tragic endings, then please read this book.
Rating:  Summary: A Day No Books Should Sell Review: I disliked the book A Day No Pigs would die because of the extremely slow pace. The content was boring. This book is definetly not appropriate for high school readers. Also, the book is not right for those who like books a little deeper and challenging to read. Parts of the plot disgust me. Overall this book is good only for those who read at an extremely low level.
Rating:  Summary: A Day No Pigs Would Die Review: A Day No Pigs Would Die is a fantastis book. The author, which is Robert Newton Peck is the main character in the book. He lives in Vermont with his parents and his aunt. My favorite part is when Rob gets dragged by the cow . One of the parts I didn't like was at the end, which you can read without me telling you. I would also recommend this book to anyone who likes to read novels.
Rating:  Summary: A Day No Pigs Would Die Review: This book is one of the best books written by Robert Newton Peck. The book takes place in Learing,Vermont 1930. The main characters are Robert, Haven Peck, Mrs.Peck, Pinky, and the Tanners. It takes you through a funny, heartfilled, adventure with Robert, Pinky, and Haven Peck. As you read, you will be touched by many things such as my favorite part when Robert gets good grades on his report card except for the D in English. Aunt Matty tries to teach him, but it was hopeless. There are no bad parts in this book, and I give it *****! I would encourge you to read this book laugh, have fun, and enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: A Day No Pigs Would Die Review: A Day No Pigs Would Die may be the best book ever written.It is a true story written by Robert Peck, a Shaker living in Vermont.He got a pig from his neighbor for savig his calf.It was his first ever own pet.He named it Pinky.My favorite part was when his neighbor and him went to the bathroom.His neighbor told him to watch out for perverts, and he didn't know what one was.He said he would really like to meet a pervert.My least favorite part was when the dog and the weasel were in the barrel fighting.The dog's paw didn't look like a paw,and he barely had an ear.So to stop the suffering they shot the dog.If you like funny and sad books i reccomend this book.
Rating:  Summary: A Day No Pigs Would Die By Robert Newton Peck Review: A Day No Pigs Would Die is one of the best books I've ever read. The setting is in the 1930's in Learning, Vermont. It is about a boy named Robert who gets a pig and drems of raising it as a prize sow, but finds many other tradgedies along the way, and something about his pig that will ruin his dreams forever. It was so disgusting, bloody, and full of death that it was enchanting. After you've read it, you'd call it "horrific". I give it five stars because it is detailed (perhaps a little too much) and descriptive. For a true story,this book was awesome!