Rating:  Summary: A pastel version of the campaign Review: A real disappointment. I thought this book might offer something tantalizing on the Clinton campaign, but it failed to shed any new light on the good old boy from Arkansas. What we get is a fast-paced novel that pulls you along with some of the energy of the campaign, but tinted a bit too heavily with moral tones for my tastes. There's some good humor, and ultimately we find the all-too typical disillusionment with the campaign as Stanton/Clinton fails to measure up to the expectations of the young campaign worker. "The War Room" is much more informative on the campaign, and you can't beat Carville when it comes to assessments of the campaigns. He has to be one of the most candid campaign managers in recent years with a caustic sense of humor, which this book was lacking.
Rating:  Summary: Very interesting peak into politics Review: During the Presidential primaries was a great time to finally getting around to reading this book. I'd seen and enjoyed the movie some time ago and it was hard to get the image of John Travolta sitting in a donut shop out of my head. But I wasn't distracted enough by that image to realize I was seeing a murky and fictional picture of Bill Clintons rise to the White House.
I did enjoy this reading, and while I'm a conservative, I think that those on either side that like to follow politics would be entertained and enlightened by reading this fictional novel because it is based on real events to a degree and on real emotions and feelings to a larger degree.
Perhaps when Hillary decides to make her initial run for the Democratic nomination for president, this book with get another look, for there is a distant and shady picture of her here too, and while it is, I understand, fiction, there is something here of her true self, trying to pick that out is part of the fun.
There are some flaws here, in my opinion, one being that some of the fictionalization just went too over the top, and I'm not saying I wish it would have made the main character look worse, he looks bad enough as it is, I'm saying some of the general events in the story were just too overdone. But such it is with a lot of popular fiction. A second complaint was that I got the feeling that this was worked on by more than just a good fictional writer, I sensed some consensus, perhaps a collaboration between an on the scene witness and professional writer. It's hard to put a finger on it, but I guess I'm saying it didn't quite feel like great fiction, and while I understand it was only loosely based on actual people and actual events (even though there is the standard disclaimer "this is total fiction") I was left feeling a bit left out. I wanted some more.
In any case, I do recommend this to anyone that has an interest in the "inside" of politics (at least as they played out back in the early nineties as an unknown Southern governor plotted his way into the White House).
Rating:  Summary: An outsider's view Review: I am not an American. I am not really into politics. And i first read this in 2003, in the era of Dubya rather than Bill. But i still found this to be an entertaining novel. The premise is a good one - the presidential candidate in question, Jack Stanton, is obviously meant to represent Bill Clinton - a southern governor commited to Kennedy style politics with a strong wife and many weaknesses, a major one being the inability to keep his hands off other women.The narrator of this story is Henry, a political animal who is roped into Stanton's campaign, thriving on the politics, never quite sure if Stanton is sincere or a purely political animal. There are other interesting characters, from the mad 'dustbuster' Libby who has been with the Stantons from the start to Daisy who works in communications and becomes Henry's on-again off-again love interest. (A plot device that doesn't always work) Henry is the grandson of one of the black leaders of the civil rights movement, yet this never seems to get a full outing in this book - it is one of the many complexities of Henry's character that needs further exploration. There are times when you wish the author would either stick purely to the campaign and politics or work more on Henry as a character, rather than trying to mix both. Even for those who don't necessarily read 'Political fiction' (is there such a genre? There is now!) 'Primary Colors' is worth a look, even as an insight into a period of American politics where the gloves were off and people still voted for a candidate coated with slime. It will have you questioning the motives and appearances of your politicians, wherever you are voting.
Rating:  Summary: Politics yes! But still a great book for your average Joe! Review: I really don't think you need to be a "political junkie" to read this book in my opinion! I certainly am not and I thought the book was excellent! A very entertaining account of one man's run for the big office. Of course, before I even picked up the book, the press had already suggested that this book was based on Clinton and I can certainly understand why after reading it. Anyway, it was an account of day to day happenings as Governor Jack Stanton hits the campaign trail. So much of the book reminded me of Bill and Hillary that I began to imagine them as the title characters. I'm giving the book five stars for the enjoyable read, not for the topic.
Rating:  Summary: Tickled (teehee!) Review: I was definitely tickled by the idea that the plot (however debatable its existence) for this book was somehow prompted by the equally intriguing (and non-fictional, if I may add!) on-goings in the Whitehouse. The mere thought that someone had the guts to write and publish such a story during the most opportune (or perhaps *in*opportune time, depending on who you are), tag it written by Anonymous (in big, bright lettering of course! Put an arrow on it saying "You don't know who it is!" why don't you!) and then claim it further from the truth (than anything the Whitehouse ever admitted to???) after Mr. Joe "Anonymous" Klein comes out in the open is simply a mastercard: Utterly Priceless! Just for that, I read the book, enjoyed it in all its political hullabalooishness, and constantly recommend it to all I think would be interested, even the ones who said they were above the whitehouse scandal (which rocked the world of entertainment.) It's a rather fresh perspective as well with the main character struggling to take all matters seriously, yet the inherent humor of the situation keeps the material free of angst. There were times I found it dragging. Perhaps it was the author's attempt to thicken the moral fabric that supposedly makes Henry Burton better (or maybe more affected) than everyone else. For the most part, speculating how much of it is true and how much of it is exaggerated (I'd rather not use the terms "made up". That would suggest that some of it is purely fiction!) gives it its distinct flavor; the tang I like every once in a while in my books. An informative read. Very well written (it followed all the rules like a good political pundit). Great for coffeeshoppe talk on the Hill (or for those who prefer to think like them hillbillies). Republican and Democrat friendly (because it *isn't* friendly to either).
Rating:  Summary: Forgettable Review: I wasn't too impressed. The author's sophomoric style of writing and melodramatic caricatures cluttered too much of this book for it to be truly enjoyable. It's redeeming quality was the behind-the-scenes look at an insider's view of political campaigning.
Rating:  Summary: Politics 101 Review: I went to a rally this afternoon. As usual they (the rally organisers) invited some politicians to address the masses. How good they are, I thought, the politician-cum-speakers, talented and all-knowing in what they know best.
Politics is now becoming more and more innovative, creative, even dirty. But, apparently, some people are born for the job. "It's in the bone." Governor Stanton is a clintonesque candidate for the Democratic primaries. And Clinton as we all know was born for the job
PRIMARY COLORS (by author Joe Klein aka Anonymous, a supporter of the Clinton administration and the man himself) is a funny yet intelligent novel of politics about a Southern governor's presidential campaign.
This is a novel that deals primarily with the often unchartered domain of power (and the understanding of power, and the people working for it and within it) without having to confuse the readers with political jargons and academic themes. PRIMARY COLORS is a strange handbook for political enthusiasts, an insider's account, and one that is effective.
By Jonard Ubalde
Rating:  Summary: It's aight Review: I'm not 'gon say much 'bout this book but since I bought it used I found it'll be more interesting since I seen the movie with John Travolta in it. Yeah this book talk more 'bout politics and how it's creating in our nation. I think nobody should be disappointing 'bout this 'cuz it has so many shortcuts and all of that knahmsayin. (e.g. y'know's, y'see's (I don't even use that word much as often), y'understand's, y'knawhattasayin's, y'knawhattamean's, etc.). I'm not saying it's all bad, but it's still good tho but need a lotta information on the discovery of Bill Clinton b/c I wanna check out his memoir he put out last year before his undying health. I pray that he'll go well and do just fine. Anyway check this book b/c it has a lot of information about it.
Rating:  Summary: Cynical Look at Politics Review: Joe Klein, no not of NBA infamy, takes a poke or two at the political foundation of America - in a humorous manner. Told in 1st person narration by Henry Burton, a young African American with political and civil rights lineage, Primary Colors proves to be a satirical look at the election process, the genuineness of the political candidate, the many faults of the system itself, as well as the intricacies of running a campaign from the inside - the staffers' points of view. Having read All the King's Men by Robert Penn Warren, I felt compelled to pick up Primary Colors and have a look-see. Although not on the Pulitzer Prize winning level of its predecessor, Primary Colors provides for biting political satire and insight as well as just pure entertainment. I must admit that despite the lack of redeeming value that the book provided, I read it tirelessly as I found it entertaining & humorous.
Rating:  Summary: A novel of politics, but still a novel Review: Primary Colors is supposed to be a novel of politics, but it also creates interesting characters and a wonderful story about choosing right from wrong, and love over a career. It begins with Henry, who finds himself involved in the Presidential campaign of Jack Stanton, an unknown southern governor. Through the course of the book, Henry has to deal with the moral issues raised by the campaign and his budding love with another worker named Daisy. He must decide if he wants to ruin the life of another candidate who is a good man that has made some mistakes, or stick to his morals and quit Stanton's campaign. I can't say that I've read a lot of political novel's or any of Joe Klein's previous work, but based on this book, I would. I am an avid reader and Klein does an excellent job of showing a behind the scenes look at a campaign, as well as creating an intersing and humanistic plot. This book was really well written. It is a novel of politics, but also included the feelings and aspirations of normal people. It was written to entertain as well as to raise questions in the readers mind about the direction of politics in America today. It makes one think about the validity of today's debates and news articles, whether or not a candidate should really promise things to the people. It also makes one think about all of the mud slinging that goes on during a presidential race. Is it really necessary? Does the American public have a right to know all of the mistakes a candidate has made? The author uses simple methods of writing to get his message across. He doesn't use extravagantly large words, or complex political terms. It was written for the average citizen, so that he can have a better understanding of American politics and make better choices and ask more questions about the morality of campaigns. Klein also uses imagery and flashbacks to get to a hidden meaning in the story. "It reminded me of a time at the beach when I was very young. I was with my father... He had me in the waves; he was behind me, holding me by the shoulders, walking me - pushing me - out, deeper, chuckling...Calm, casual, sort of mocking - as if my fear were a silly thing, a kid thing. But the waves that capped his knees crashed me chest; to me they were scary, brute explosions, a buckshot of sand and shell fragments." Throughout the book Henry often flashes back to times with his father, and then relates these stories to what is going on in the campaign, or how Stanton may be using him like a slave. There are times when the book can be a little vulger. Klein is not afraid to use inaproprate words or have his characters make obscene metaphors out of situations in the campaign. At one point a campaign worker compares something going on in the campaign to going to the bathroom in the woods and encountering a bear. If the reader doesn't like vulgarity and is offended by it, I wouldn't recommend this book. However, I feel that it adds to the atmosphere Klein created with the campaign; the cut-throat do or die attitude that most everyone involved has about winning. I liked this book. It helped me understand more about a presidential campaign as well as making me think long and hard about the way things are going in America today. It raised questions that I hadn't thought about as well as helping me become a more intelligent voter.