Rating:  Summary: DO NOT READ THIS BOOK FOR ANY REASON! Review: Garrison's easy, relaxed prose sucks you in, until you believe everything he writes. DON'T! Garrison constanly ignores the true facts about the Clay Shaw case. The whole story has absolutely no basis in fact. For the true story, read "False Witness" by Patricia Lambert, a very enlighting read.
Rating:  Summary: Oh, give me a break! Review: Hey folks, this is a very interesting read. But pay it no more creedence than you would any other work of fiction. I give this book one star, not because of it's lackluster showmanship, but rather that it masquerades as the truth that it is clearly not. Garrison relies heavily on evidence that has been discounted, witnesses that have been shown to be uncredible, and enough hearsay to drown a fish. The problem with this book is that people read it and think that it is in some way a definitive source on the Kennedy assassination. It is most certainly not, you would be well advised to do more research on the subject before taking this work of fiction at face value. An excellent suggestion is the highly researched book Case Closed, by Gerald Posner, who took the time to check his sources. Posner also spends a good deal of time addressing Garrison's, as well as other conspiracy theorist's, "evidence."
Rating:  Summary: THE ONLY TRUE INVESTIGATION OF JFK ASSASSINATION Review: I have read this book several times..plus read many other theories, but I find that Mr. Garrison's investigation was the most thorough of any government investigation. He new where to look and who to look for, since he was right in the middle of the New Orleans scene, during the trying times of the Cuban problems. This book goes into great detail about the search and contacts of many of the witnesses, plus gives numerous cases where witnesses for the case were killed or never found. I am with Mr. Garrison, I believe the government knew about the assasination and were involved with it in covert operations. This book really elaborates on all the fine details of cover-up at it's best.
Rating:  Summary: Jim Garrison is a modern day hero! Review: I think Jim Garrison did the right thing trying Clay Shaw for conspiracy. Garrison stood up for what he thought was the right thing to do. He stood up against the government and the media, even though he paid a high price for it in his personal life. In his own words "I don't know how long they (jury) can withstand the drumbeat obligato of charges exonerating the defendant and convicting the prosecutor." He said he was only doing his job, but I still think he was a hero.
Rating:  Summary: The Fact's Don't Lie Review: I was absolutely blown away by Jim Garrison's account of the killing of J.F.K.. Over the last couple of years, "Big" Jim's claims about the shooting have been vindicated by newly surfacing facts about the conspiracy to kill the president. Jim Garrison was berated and torn apart by the media during the investigation and was destroyed time and time again by the press over the years, however as time passes, we are all learning he was right. This is a MUST read if you want the TRUE facts about the investigation, because it's coming straight from the mouth of the ONLY person with enough courage and strength to actually prove a conspiracy occured. A DEFINATE 5 STARS! and hopefully, this title will eventually be back in print. Rest In Peace and God Bless you Jim Garrison!
Rating:  Summary: Unknown American Hero Review: If you are even remotely interested in the Kennedy assassination then you have to buy this book. I am not ashamed to say that I have read this book at least a dozen times. It is that good. Garrison not only shows us the errors of the Warren Commission but anyone reading it is guranteed not to put it down until they are finished reading it. Not only is it well written but all the evidence Garrison provides to prove that the murder was covered up and even committed by individuals in our governments intelligence community is undenialble. This book truly made me a believer. Although Garrison was humble in response to some of the praise he received there is no doubt in my mind that he is truly an unsung hero of our nation. Unfortunately this work makes one question the greatness of of our government.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining... Review: Indeed an entertaining book, as the Oliver Stone movie "JFK" was, but beyond that? Jim Garrison was a disturbed, flamboyant, vacillating District Attorney whose views on the assasination shifted and changed depending upon who he had spoken with that particular week. Sure, 80% of Americans believe that a conspiracy killed Kennedy. The reason why: Americans have dogmatic conspiracy theories rammed down their throat constantly on 'informative' reports, movies, articles, and more. It usually sounds good, and the production and presentation of the 'facts' are designed to spin anyone into doubt, and then unquestionably, uncritically swallow the research whole. Ask yourself reasonably this question: Can a conspiracy between the White House, Pentagon, FBI, CIA, Texas Oil Magnates, Big Businessmen, Mafia (in Dallas, New Orleans, and Chicago), angry Anti-Castro Cuban exiles and their homosexual friends, and the Dallas Police really take place? Soundness of mind tells the wise one that this is IMPOSSIBLE!
Rating:  Summary: GARRISON HAD THE RIGHT IDEA Review: It seems the majority of people dissing the book are the same ones who blame liberals for the evils of the world. About this book, I think Garrison was on the Right track ,but could have spent more time investigating the Dallas connection to the JFK assassination. He had some of the key players down, but spent too much time on Clay Shaw. Worth reading if you can still find a copy.
Rating:  Summary: This book got me hot and sweaty Review: It was like warm apple pie
Rating:  Summary: ANYONE WHO CLAIMS THAT JIM GARRISON LIED IS BLIND! Review: Jim Garrison was the only man in this country who brought a case to trial on the assassination of John F. Kennedy. He shows the facts, the real deal! There are no flaws in Garrisons case except that so many other would be "experts" have written many flawed books on this sensitive case. JFK was assassinated because he was a dangerous man to the establishment of this Government. He was not only dangerous to the CIA and our military but also dangerous to the corporations at the time. Jim Garrison did what no other could do and he was a man who did it with pure GUTS! I hope that the youth of this country wakes up and demands that all the secret documents kept locked away till the year 2029 be brought to the public now. I hope that people realize for themselves that not only did Kennedy set out to change things for the better of the world, he was killed because of a conspiracy. WHY THEN WAS OSWALD KILLED 48 HRS AFTER KENNEDY WAS KILLED. TO SILENCE THE PATSY! WHAT DID OSWALD DO IN RUSSIA? WHY DID HE RECEIVE INTELLIGENCE TRAINING OF THE RUSSIAN LANGUAGE, IF HE WAS ONLY A SIMPLE MARINE WHO THEN LATER BECAME A COMMUNIST AND THEN KILLED OUR PRESIDENT OUT OF PURE HATRED. THIS IS THE STORY THAT MANY LIKE THE WARREN COMMISSION WOULD HAVE YOU BELIEVE, IF YOU ARE THAT GULLIBLE. MAKE NO MISTAKE, THERE WAS POWERFUL PEOPLE BEHIND JFKs DEATH, AND THE WOULD BE LONE ASSASSIN THEORY WAS THE BIGGEST LIE EVER ENFORCED ON THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO KNOW THE TRUTH. DEMAND IT AND SEEK IT AND YOU SHALL FIND IT!
Alfred Blume