Rating:  Summary: Great reading...and not just for the beach!!! Review: I have to admit that AN ACCIDENTAL WOMAN is my first Delinsky book, but it will not be my last. This wonderfully woven story about a tightly knit community thrown into turmoil over the discover that one of their 'adopted' own is a fugitive is everything a good book should be. Delinsky takes you into the heart and soul of her characters and she creates them with enough human frailty as to make them believable. Lake Henry, New Hampshire, and its citizens are honest, hard working and take care of their own. When federal agents show up at the home of Heather Malone and accuse her of being a woman named Lisa who killed the son of a very powerful politician, Lake Henryites are shocked. And no one more is more surprised than Poppy Blake, Heather's best friend. Confined to a wheelchair for 12 years since a snowmobiling accident, Poppy is determined to live a normal and independent life. She has her circle of friends and her life is organized and orderly, until Heather's arrest. Enter Griffin Hughes, the investigative reporter with more than a passing interest in Poppy and his own issues. He's there to help Heather, but he's also intrigued by Poppy. He met her when he was in Lake Henry to do a story on Poppy's sister and cannot get Poppy and her independent self out of his mind. Delinsky weaves the Poppy/Griffin love story with the Heather/Lisa mystery with great ease. I felt as though I had been to Lake Henry, seen the snow, experienced the wind and lived through the thrill of a sap run. This is not just a 'beach book.' You'll be thinking about Poppy/Griffin/Heather and the wonderful people of Lake Henry long after summer has gone! Enjoy!!!
Rating:  Summary: An Accidental Woman Review: About a year ago I started reading Delinsky's books. This book was very very interesting and had me turning each page.
Rating:  Summary: A mystery and romance rolled into one Review: An Accidental Woman by Barbara Delinsky AN ACCIDENTAL WOMAN is a sequel to the novel LAKE NEWS, a Barbara Delinsky book that centered on a young woman falsely accused of indiscretions with the head of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston. The news made the headlines and ruined her life as she knew it. That woman was Lily Blake, and in AN ACCIDENTAL WOMAN the story now centers, to some extent, on Lily's sister Poppy, who lost the use of her legs after a terrible snowmobile accident over 10 years ago which also took the life of Poppy's friend Perry Walker. This second novel takes place only a few months after the ending of LAKE NEWS, focusing not just on another of the Blake sisters, but also on the story of Heather Malone, and the mystery behind her life. Heather had been a resident of the small town of Lake Henry for over ten years, and has always been greatly loved by all. She and Micah had been living together for about four years, working the maple syrup operation handed down from Micah's father and grandfather. His two young daughters Missy and Star looked up to her as if she were their own mother. The opening chapter finds Heather taken away by the FBI from Micah, Missy, and Star, and accused of murder and flight to avoid prosecution. She is also accused of being someone else, Lisa Matlock, who supposedly murdered the son of a powerful politician, and Micah and the rest of the town are in shock. What makes it worse, is that no one, including Micah, knows anything about Heather's past. In the mean time, Poppy Blake's "man" from LAKE NEWS, Griffin Hughes, returns to Lake Henry because of Heather's problem. It appears that Griffin, indirectly, is the reason for Heather's arrest. With a lot of guilt, and an excuse to see Poppy again, Griffin is back in town. He seeks Poppy out, tells her the whole story of why Heather was arrested, and from there he and Poppy try to help Heather by finding out the real truth behind the murder case. At the same time, Griffin's love for Poppy continues to grow, but now he has to convince Poppy that he's the man for her. I loved AN ACCIDENTAL WOMAN but I felt that LAKE NEWS was the better novel. Although I loved the story of Heather Malone, I was hoping for more focus on Poppy's story. It wasn't quite what I had expected. However, I still highly recommend this book, especially for Barbara Delinsky fans. Delinksy has a talent for creating three-dimensional characters in real-life settings, and doing it well. The characters are believable and the stories feel real. She does not neglect on details in her books, and although she did go on too long regarding the making of maple syrup, her writing style will always brings me back to her books.
Rating:  Summary: No Accident - It's Charming Review: Barbara Delinsky weaves a delightful story of love, friendship, handicaps, determination, endurance, hard work, reconcilations, worry, anxiety, bliss, and community! Wow - sounds like real life and it is!! Lake Henry and its residents are revisited from her novel Lake News with Poppy, Micah and Heather, Missy, Star, Victoria (a newcomer),Griffin and a host of other supporting characters. Their complacent lives are catapulted into disbelief with Heather's arrest. Throughout the time frame the reader sees how the lives of the Lake Henry residents are intertwined, and how Griffin's return sets into motion the whole town's reaction to an "outsider" and Princeton (where I work) guy to boot, and his determination to "fit in" and make amends no matter how many obstacles he faces. Poppy, too, has to come to grips with her inner demons, self-doubt and pride before letting herself be loved by one fabulous guy! The process of making maple syrup was an education in itself and something I assume an average person would know little about. Found it fascinating though it was not the focal point of the story. Micah's livelihood depended on the sugarbush and making maple syrup- a truly intricate and weather dependent process. There are 4 love stories - Micah and Heather who have lived together with Missy and Star for years following the death of Micah's first wife; Griffin and Poppy - unconditional love personified; Victoria and Poppy; and the love shared by the townsfolk for each other. The story exudes love at many different levels. A very wholesome, healthy atmosphere. In today's frenetic and uncertain world, it would be wonderful to travel to Lake Henry to enjoy the everyday occurances - sunrises, sunsets, lake views, loons, winter ice festivals, blizzards, ice storms, town chatter, evening socials and dinners handled as a matter of routine in a no frills down-to-earth way. Cannot wait for #3 in the series. Barbara, keep writing - this was a great read - relaxing, educational, and lovingly written. I didn't want it to end. Has Lifetime picked up the rights? Thanks Barbara!
Rating:  Summary: Many lives depend on who this woman really is. Review: Heather and Micah Malone live a storybook life in New Hampshire, with two adopted daughters and a town devoted to being close knit. I loved the way the author began the story, with a creepy "Here I come" kind of way. The FBI wants Heather, claiming she isn't Heather at all, but one Lisa Matlock, who is wanted for murder in California. The clues weigh heavy against her. Her common law husband is crushed and tries to believe in her while realizing she has never mentioned her past to him. Her dear friend Poppy, a paraplegic decides to take the case on, refusing to stay by Heather's side throughout whatever ordeal may ensue. Heather insists that she is Heather and NOT Lisa, and this is some terrible mistake. She is terrified for her life, and her heart aches for the girls and Micah. In the meantime, Poppy meets Griffin, a reporter, who admits he just mentioned Heather's remarkable similarity to another case he had once worked to a reporter while in town last spring on another story. That reporter ran with it and now it is a mess. Poppy doesn't ever want to forgive him for that, but there is something about him that keeps drawing her closer and closer. As a paraplegic, Poppy doesn't believe she will ever find or want love again, but Griffin moves into a cabin across the lake and is determined to help Heather. Heather's two girls want Mommy, desperately, and they cannot understand what has happened. Everyone keeps telling them that Mommy has taken a trip and will be back soon. With a lot of sadness and a pinch of loneliness, this author does a fine job with a strong plot.
Rating:  Summary: Could Have Been Better Review: Heather Malone?? Lisa Matlock??? Who is the woman living with Micah Smith and his two girls, Missy and Star? That's the question on everyone's mind when the Feds show up to arrest Heather Malone for flight to avoid prosecution. Then it seems as if everyone's friend Heather could be a murderer! This scandal has the whole town talking. And it brings Griffin Hughes to town to help solve the case. Griffin not only wants to solve the case but to become more than friends with Poppy Blake, who is wheelchair-bound from a snowmobile accident. An Accidental Woman had a good storyline with the Heather/Lisa plot. This storyline takes a detour and becomes the love story of Poppy and Griffin. Their story takes center stage and the Heather/Lisa story becomes the secondary storyline in this book. The character of Heather, who I thought would be the main character but wasn't, barely says anything throughout the book. She seems spineless and not to seem to care about herself or her supposed loved ones--Micah and his daughters. I thought this book was a little too technical with the description of syrup making. I found the parts with Micah and the neighbors in the sugarhouse and sugarbush boring. I could have lived without the sugar lessons. To me this seemed to add nothing of importance to the story. It just filled up space on the pages, making this book longer than necessary. I think this book could have been cut down by a hundred pages and been better. There was just too much "filler" to the story. I have read two other Delinsky novels with a "who are they really" plotline and liked them much better. The story Heather/Lisa should have been the main focus of the book but it becomes obvious this is just a way to get Griffin to Lake Henry so he can charm Poppy. This book wasn't what I thought it was going to be. I was looking forward to a suspense story with maybe a touch of romance thrown in. This story disappointed me. The main story fell flat and the characters were not very real to me. I really didn't care about them that much. If you're thinking of reading this book borrow it from your library. It isn't worth buying.
Rating:  Summary: Could Have Been Better Review: Heather Malone?? Lisa Matlock??? Who is the woman living with Micah Smith and his two girls, Missy and Star? That's the question on everyone's mind when the Feds show up to arrest Heather Malone for flight to avoid prosecution. Then it seems as if everyone's friend Heather could be a murderer! This scandal has the whole town talking. And it brings Griffin Hughes to town to help solve the case. Griffin not only wants to solve the case but to become more than friends with Poppy Blake, who is wheelchair-bound from a snowmobile accident. An Accidental Woman had a good storyline with the Heather/Lisa plot. This storyline takes a detour and becomes the love story of Poppy and Griffin. Their story takes center stage and the Heather/Lisa story becomes the secondary storyline in this book. The character of Heather, who I thought would be the main character but wasn't, barely says anything throughout the book. She seems spineless and not to seem to care about herself or her supposed loved ones--Micah and his daughters. I thought this book was a little too technical with the description of syrup making. I found the parts with Micah and the neighbors in the sugarhouse and sugarbush boring. I could have lived without the sugar lessons. To me this seemed to add nothing of importance to the story. It just filled up space on the pages, making this book longer than necessary. I think this book could have been cut down by a hundred pages and been better. There was just too much "filler" to the story. I have read two other Delinsky novels with a "who are they really" plotline and liked them much better. The story Heather/Lisa should have been the main focus of the book but it becomes obvious this is just a way to get Griffin to Lake Henry so he can charm Poppy. This book wasn't what I thought it was going to be. I was looking forward to a suspense story with maybe a touch of romance thrown in. This story disappointed me. The main story fell flat and the characters were not very real to me. I really didn't care about them that much. If you're thinking of reading this book borrow it from your library. It isn't worth buying.
Rating:  Summary: A good read. Review: I bought this book because of an excerpt I read in another of Delinsky's books and the excerpt involved Micah and Heather. Though this was a wonderful book, I was disappointed that it didn't focus more on what was going on between Micah and Heather. We never really got to know them because not much of this book was focused on their relationship. Yes, he loved her, but they had a lot of issues to deal with and none were ever dealt with. They never had one heart to heart talk through the entire book and I would have liked to see more of what went on between these two, like we did with Poppy and Griffin. I did enjoy the book, however, and I have to say it's my favorite Delinsky book so far. But Micah was the perfect hero and I thought he should have had more of a storyline other than making syrup.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book!! Review: I just finished this book and absolutely loved it. This is the first that I have read by this author and it has convinced me to look for more that she has written. She combined mystery with romance in a great storyline. I couldn't put it down! Highly recommended:)
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful story! Review: I was amazed at how much I enjoyed this book. I usually go for murder mysteries, & horror. But there were no serial killers, witches, or psychic phenomenon in this book, yet the human mysteries of tiny Lake Henry kept me intruiged. Two primary plots were threaded through the book. Each character had to fight their demons separately, had to face their own mistakes, come to terms with them and grow from what they learned. The ending was triumphant & satisfying without being sappy. This was my first Delinsky book, but it will not be my last. Excellent read.