Rating:  Summary: Gripping, yet still grasping for something finer Review: Perfume, as a novel, flowed very nicely, and contained gripping descriptions and plot devices. Despite a somewhat strange start, the book easily begins to propel itself, and the reader will find themselves always trying to finish just one more chapter, one more, etc. However, while the novel is well crafted in that respect, it is lacking in two major areas.First of all, there is an unjustified power given to the olfactory senses. While the explanations are solid, you'll find yourself rolling your eyes from time to time at the absurdity, and abuse of the protaganists ability. Second of all, you may come out of this novel with a slight feeling of emptiness. While it does touch upon some ideas of human motivation and behavior, it doesn't flesh them out enough. I had great difficult extracting solid conceptual ideas from this piece of literature. Grade: 8/10
Rating:  Summary: Two, maybe three lines of dialogue? Review: This is one of the most unsettling, delicious books ever written. Normally I would balk at so little dialogue (I never counted, but there really is very little), but this novel is so engrossing it needs no additional talking. The plot is hard to explain only because it is so simple. Read the first 10 pages or so, and see if you can put it down. My first read took about 3 days, tops.
Rating:  Summary: Protagonist Wrongly Characterized Review: Although I was not familiar with this novel, I found the title intriguing and the reviews encouraging, so I purchased and read it. While Perfume: The Story of a Murderer may be worth the short time it takes to read, it was not for me a spellbinding masterpiece. A caveat: my expectation was misplaced. I was thinking along the lines of The Alienest (by Caleb Carr) but I got something else. This is the story of a murderer, just as the title reads, and not about murder. This may sound like a subtle distinction, but it is not. All but two of Grenouille's murders and all but one of his victims are glossed over in a couple of pages. However, once I began reading the book, I put aside my expectations. While reading and when finished with this book, I appreciated its originality, its descriptive narrative, and its humor and irony. These positive aspects, though, do not overcome the essential flaw of the book: the author's characterization of the protagonist, Grenouille. I actually felt anger toward the author the more I read the book. I was angry because of the way he treated his main character. Suskind establishes an early characterization of Grenouille as evil and immoral when the only crime Grenouille has committed is frightening people because he is different. Evil implies having intent to harm, which Grenouille is incapable of having. Grenouille is not immoral; he is amoral. The people with whom Grenouille comes into contact often are evil because of their intent to harm him or take advantage of him. While the results of Grenouille's actions are despicable, he is not. Then toward the end of the book, Suskind has Grenouille accomplish the one murder that I did not want him to carry out. As a reader my emotions are toyed with. I progress from feeling sympathy toward the main character to feeling disgust, then to nothing with the ridiculous conclusion. Perhaps this is what the author intended. If so, he's written a great novel. My gut reaction after reading this book is that he has not.
Rating:  Summary: Tout simplement sensationnel! Review: Oui! Enfin un livre qui se tient, qui ne tombe pas en mille morceaux après quelques pages, qui garde toujours cette solidité hors pair! La rhétorique nous fait chavirer, chaque page est meilleure que la précédente, et nous embarquons dans le récit avec une joie des plus féroces. Quiconque critique négativement cet ouvrage avec véhémence devra me confronter très personnellement parce que j'insiste, il n'y a pas meilleur livre que celui-ci. De tous ceux que j'ai lus, et de tous ceux que j'aurai l'occasion de lire, il ne fait pas l'ombre d'un doute que je place "Parfum" sur un piédestal. L'auteur parvient à littéralement nous faire humer chaque odeur de Paris, chaque petit recoin de puanteur qu'il arrive si bien à décrire. Je constante que je suis très infortuné de ne pas parler couramment la langue allemande, mais je souhaiterais pouvoir le faire afin de lire cette oeuvre dans sa version originale. La remarquable intelligence, le flair - c'est le cas de le dire - de l'auteur, serait sans doute exponentiellement multipliée dans sa version originale et alors que de miracles auxquels nous pourrions assister! Ah, les Allemands sont les plus chanceux du monde, de pouvoir avoir ce livre en leur possession! "Parfum" me donne assez de plaisir pour oublier les six millions de Juifs qui ont été horriblement massacrés par un Allemand durant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, et me concentrer uniquement sur l'essence de cet ouvrage. Il est remarquablement bien construit, c'est un chef d'oeuvre parce qu'il coule comme un ruisseau paisible, tout en nous laissant continuellement en haleine et en nous faisant savourer chaque moment qui passe. Pas un passage n'est ennuyeux, pas un seul passage fastidieux dans le récit. Depuis les sept ans d'ermitage de Grenouille, jusqu'à la création du parfum ultimement parfait... rien ne manque, et je suis laissé sans mot devant la foudroyante perfection de l'auteur.
Rating:  Summary: Waste of time! Review: Not so good as people say. Not at all. Very dissapointing...
Rating:  Summary: Magic Translator Review: One of the best books I've ever read. I could feel the smell, odours and perfumes of one whole century. Only a true artist can do what P. Suskind did with the art of words. He is the master in the world of syllables in the same way his main character is the master in the world of perfumes. But, there is a difference -our writer has a soul, and together with soul he's got a nice sense for irony. I'm eager to see the film, that will be, I hope, made in near future. While reading this book I was convinced in the possibility of translating the smell into words (P. Suskind is a magic translator, I should say), now I'm waiting to see how will the smell be translated into pictures. I ask myself who that artist will be! I have some other questions to ask: What do you think, were French perfumes made as a consequence of horrible smells that long reigned in all Europe? Does human soul smell? In other words, no smell-no soul? Is syphilis the cause of being sometimes genious, of course before your brain becomes rotten? (I found that idea in a SF novell "Concentration Camp")
Rating:  Summary: Well.... not so terribly remarkable... Review: Convinced by glowing reviews I bought and read this book. I agree that it's well written, and the author describes the 18th century French countryside provocatively, but the story and the characters in it are portrayed with little depth or feeling. Granted, it's a challenging exercise to fully craft a book whose entire premise is based on the power of scent. Unfortunately, that's all I came away with. If you're really interested, go to the library.
Rating:  Summary: One of a Kind Review: Sometimes, when you finish the last page of a book you suddenly realize that you'll never find another book quite like it. I had that same experience with Lord of the Flies. My only consolation is that I can read it again and again.
Rating:  Summary: Once you take a whiff of this book,... Review: ...you won't be able to put it down!! I got this book as a sweet gift from my boyfriend. I had just finished reading all three books by Thomas Harris following our attendance to 'Hannibal'. I was thirsting for more literature on a fiendish character who had intelligence, wit, and allure. I was skeptical at first but I trusted my boyfriend's judgement (he had read it previously). Well, when I started to read it, I found myself drawn more and more into the book as if being drawn toward someone or something's alluring scent. The story is about a boy who has no scent and because he has no scent, he did not have a presence. However, he had a gift of smelling. He could smell anything and everything. His nose is so good that he can describe someone without having seen them at all. In fact, his goal is to make the ultimate scent that nobody could resist. And he does this by.... You'll have to read and find out!!
Rating:  Summary: Astounding Review: While Perfume is a bizarre tale, it is simply astounding. The representation of human interaction, rejection, acceptance, love, control............. magnificent.