For thousands of years, people have relied on the gifts of the earth: nutritious food, clean water, natural light, medicinal herbs--and an active lifestyle to stay healthy. Now the gifts of the earth have been compromised: we eat highly processed food, bathe in and drink polluted water, work by artificial lighting, and take pills when we're sick and depressed from living this way. Natural remedies can make a drastic positive change in your life, says James F. Balch, M.D., in 10 Natural Remedies That Can Save Your Life. Balch, who is also the author of the bestselling Prescription for Nutritional Healing, presents 10 remedies to improve health. Some are no surprise--light, water, and air--but Balch gives us innovative, practical strategies for improving these areas. We all know we need to eat more "green foods," but Balch isn't talking about broccoli; rather, he recommends wheat grass and barley grass ("the most complete preventive medicine available ... one of the ultimate gifts of God"). Balch's other favorite remedies are garlic, ginseng, ginkgo biloba, chelation therapy, natural hormone balance (diet, DHEA, natural progesterone, black cohosh), and combined vitamins C and E. Some of his remedies are controversial and not supported by the medical community; some are backed by good research; a few are common sense and indisputable. Inform yourself with this book and other viewpoints, talk it all over with your physician, and evaluate what is best for your health. --Joan Price