Rating:  Summary: Catch-22 Review: Catch-22 by Joseph Heller (461 pages)Book: Description and Review: In short "Catch-22" is a humorous look at the lives of the soldiers in World War II. It is more than that, however. This novel depicts a life of impartiality, pain and boredom. The war is out side, and inside, but the men have their own ways of putting the horrific details and coping with the loss aside to live. Through the eyes of many different people the war and those involved are explored from many different points of view. This technique that Heller uses gives the reader a look at look at their lives and the way they are lived from every possible perspective. In a personal opinion the narration resembles a Faulkner story. Through the incessant ranting and frivelous ravings a mind and a story emerge. The "average Joe" is given his 15 minutes to shine with every turn of the page. This novel is recommended to those who not only enjoy war stories, but a good laugh as well. Heller's source of inspiration (W.W.II) is an admirable source. He found a quirky humor from the tragic war of the 1940s.
Rating:  Summary: Illogical logic! Sane craziness! And Yossarian lives on... Review: This dark comedy of World War Two takes place on the small island of Pianosa, off the coast of Italy. The main character, Yossarian, is an American bombardier, and like his squadron, spends much of his time either flying dangerous bombing runs over northern Italy, sleeping off his exuberances in Rome, or going on some hilarious comical escapade through which Heller is able to satirize the American military bureaucracy. At first glance (or the first reading), this novel appears to be a random collection of character sketches, loosely arranged around Yossarian and containing only confusingly humorous conversational drivel. But on the second reading, everything makes sense and it is possible to see how the comic absurdity changes from light and fun at the beginning into a dark and melancholy satire by the end of the novel. Joseph Heller first published this novel in 1961, and since then the phrase "Catch-22" has entered into the English language as a "paradoxical problem or situation." In this book, Catch-22 is an obscure military regulation that allows for an illogical and absurd system to exist. Completely illogical logic and embarrassingly simple complexity await the individual who undertakes the reading of this excellent novel, which has become both an amusing comedy and a pensive tragedy at the same time. Bottom line? Catch-22 is an excellent book.
Rating:  Summary: Wow Review: Book description: Set in late World War II, Joseph Heller's Catch-22 starts out with Yossarian meeting the Chaplain in the hospital. Yossarian was a pilot and was the main character in the book. Catch-22 tells the story of World War II through Yossarian's point of view, from hospital visits to bombing missions to showing up to his medal ceremony naked. The book also ranges in topic from a Major who everyone was too afraid of to ask his first name to a mess officer who runs a bogus company. Many topics are amusing, but the majority is not. They are very human. Review: Catch-22 is the most honest book I have ever read. It feels like I am sitting on Yossarian's shoulder for the whole book. I feel all his emotions and thoughts, and they seem so realistic. The characters are completely believable and I can imagine a real person behaving as they do. I feel like a part of the scenes in the book. The writing style is very good, too. Heller doesn't use flowery language or over describe situations. His language choice is absolutely perfect for the situations he is describing. Many novels from World War II seem unbelievable and overly heroic, but Catch-22 is not either of the two. It comes across as very human and realistic, and that is the main reason that I think it is so good.
Rating:  Summary: Overrated Review: The most overrated book I've ever read. Catch 22 is filled with unfunny, Abbott and Costello-like "Who's on First?" dialogue that goes nowhere. Remember those old war movies wherein the acting was overly sappy and sub par? Well that's Catch 22. You'll find yourself getting the point, and tortuously trudging through several pages for the point to be complete. A must read for insomniacs.
Rating:  Summary: CATCH-22 Review: This book is great. I read it and its the best book ever. Im not kidding. It shows you how life on a bombing base was and Yosarrian is just the coolest character. This book is surprisingly funny to and there are over 50 characters. You should buy this book it's worth the dough.
Rating:  Summary: CATCH-22 Review: This book is great. I read it and its the best book ever. Im not kidding. This book is great. It shows you how life on a bombing base was and Yosarrian is just the coolest character. This book is surprisingly funny to and there are over 50 characters. You should buy this book it's worth the dough.
Rating:  Summary: A True Masterpiece Review: This is truly one of the best pieces of liturature I have ever read. It captivated me, I found it hard to put the book down, even to rest my eyes for a minute. Heller does such a good job keeping your interest. The characters in this book come alive to you. You want desperately for Yosarian to make it through the war, and for something terrible to happen to Colonel Cathart. This book does a great job shedding light on the insanity of war, and of the terribly beaurocratic systems involved with everyday life. This book makes you laugh out loud, as well as making your stomach turn with apprehension. Its amazing.
Rating:  Summary: It was love at first sight. Review: Catch-22 is simply the funniest book ever written. It is, in places, a deeply dark satire of the futility of war; where the lives of ordinary men are risked for the unattainable ideals and pointless pursuits of others. The reason that this book is so impossible to put down is that one moment it will have you rolling on the floor in laughing hysterically and the next crying uncontrollably over the tradgedy of the characters' situation. If I could only own one book, it would unquestionably be this one. If you read it once you'll read it a thousand times. Buy, read, enjoy. (Once you've read this you might like to visit: clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/yossarianlives to chat to other fans)
Rating:  Summary: A classic to behold. Review: Catch 22 is definitely THE BEST book I've read yet. Joseph Heller's characters are very believable, from Yossarian to Colonel Cathcart. The plot is clear, but has its twists and turns, leaving the reader expecting more and getting it. The amazing amount of paradoxes in the book leave you pondering, and the beauty of it is that they all fit in with the book. Truly a must-read book!
Rating:  Summary: Heller says it best Review: Having read this book for no other reason than I thought I should I must say I am frankly envious of those with the opportunity to study it. Anyone who reads Catch-22 will rave about it; no formal dissection is necessary to communicate the mutual wonder which shines clearly out of the ensuing rather incoherant duet of praise. Convincing the rest of the world is another matter, one I feel I should leave to those who have done more than just read the book. However I remain skeptical that anyone could ever do justice to this novel, no matter how effusive their praise. "He knew everything about literature except how to enjoy it". Well Heller has created a book that won't let you avoid enjoyment. Enjoy!