Rating:  Summary: Grace is free Review: This book made me physically exhale. A must-read for Christians struggling to find ways to please God instead of accepting the free gift of His grace.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent book with lots of Grace Review: This book makes Christians aware of true Grace which is in fact the thing Jesus Christ taught and in which Christians are encouraged to grow. God's Word leads Christians to a life of Grace. While the word "Grace" is mentioned often in sermons, many pulpits don't even teach true Grace, instead they often teach works and a performance-oriented "Christian" lifestyle. It seems as if most preachers and believers just can trust God for the effectiveness of true Grace as taught in the Bible, which in fact would really changes everything. True/pure Grace is powerful.
At MegaGrace there are many helpful articles and resources about the true Grace of God and its practical applications. This book is excellent and every Christian should read it.
Rating:  Summary: The real meaning of "the blessings of liberty." Review: We are so quick to defend our secular freedoms and liberties, fleeing to the Constitution every time there is even a hint that one of them may have been infringed. And well we should. That's why that document was written, to allow us to enjoy the blessings of the liberty that inheres in every man.Chuck Swindoll reminds us in this book, though, that we as Christians are far less assertive to defend the greater liberty which we have, and should enjoy, in Christ. We readily allow ourselves to be enslaved by legalistic teachings and by the bondage of other men's consciences. This book raises a battle cry to stand up and fight for the freedom granted us by the grace of God, and to stop living like servants of the law. It's a call to revolution in the church, beginning at the level of each individual Christian, to exchange legalism for true Holy Spirit-led maturity. It's high time a prominent figure in the church like brother Chuck stood to the fore with this message. To our shame, there are far too few with the boldness to say what needs to be said. We're too concerned about breaking with the traditions of men, or of being branded a "liberal" by our legalistic peers or pastors. Hogwash! "Liberty" is not the same thing as "lawlessness" or "license," as Chuck Swindoll so eloquently distinguishes. We hear this charge all the time from legalists who apparently don't think that the Holy Spirit which indwells each believer is big enough or powerful enough to guide our daily walk without resort to external regulations. No, Christian liberty is not about living in spiritual anarchy. Rather, it's the freedom to choose one's own walk and path to Christian righteousness within the boundaries set by scripture, which, by the way, are much less restrictive than so many Christian leaders would have us believe. Chuck Swindoll firmly yet lovingly takes legalistic teachers to task as he explains the difference. As an adult bible study teacher in a Baptist church, I have felt the strong need to cry out against the pervasive and spirit quenching stranglehold of legalism in my own church. I have been teaching my class on this very topic for the past six weeks or so, and Chuck's book has been a wonderful source of insight and validation for my message. "Ye are not under the law, but under grace." Okay, so let's live like it! God bless you brother Chuck, and thank you for a long overdue wake-up call.
Rating:  Summary: The first chapter changed me! Review: Yes. It's true! A good friend of my family gave us this book and by the time I went thru the first chapter, I was in tears and saw a light I had missed and nearly forgot in my yrs as a Christian and pastor (besides having gone thru a long wilderness). My current pastor's birthday came up and even tho I had not finished the second chapter, I decided to either buy one for him or give this one away! I gave it away as the bookstores had sold out! I do not know whether he has read it yet as his messages did not show it. Still, I am hoping... Wonderfully, our friend lent her copy to us and now I can continue reading. I have preached and taught grace and works and all that for so long I forgot what it really meant to ME! (It can happen!) So, altho I knew what Swindoll would basically be writing, his experience and authority as a seasoned man of God in our generation sealed the truth of grace into my heart like few others could. From that day, I have been having a wonderful time just LIVING for Him!!!! Praise the Lord!! Thank u Mr. Swindoll for teaching this truth with boldness and with all grace! May the Lord continue to see u thru till the end of time!!