Rating:  Summary: The whole of the Gospel summed up in one, easy-to-read book! Review: It took me several years to finally grasp the concept of grace. Several men's retreats and a couple of books later, I think I finally got it! Thanks, in part, to Chuck Swindoll's "Grace Awakening."This book is a precious jewel. I would recommend it to everyone who is searching for purpose in life and even to those who think they've found it. It is a "must read" for anyone who claims to be a Christian. Swindoll builds a solid foundation for the Christian faith and the cornerstone is the grace of God, displayed to humankind through His Son, Jesus. If people could just begin to understand the simplicity of the gospel, they would jump for joy and tell everyone they know about how liberating it is. That's the message of this book. Swindoll attempts to convey the gospel's simplicity. He issues a call for all people to be awakened to this simple truth. That is, we are all sinners in need of a gracious and loving God. That kind of God is the One written about in the Bible. He is forgiving and desires to show us His mercy. In fact, He already has by sacrificing His own Son. Beyond that One sacrificial act, by a holy and just God, there is absolutely NOTHING we can do, but to accept His gracious offer! It's really that simple. What a liberating truth to finally have a firm hold of! I encourage you to purchase this book and to search the Scriptures, to see for yourself. My hope is that you will find freedom, just as I have, through the liberating truth of this simplistic message. Furthermore, I recommend a second book as a follow-up: "In the Grip of Grace" by Max Lucado. Happy reading!
Rating:  Summary: The whole of the Gospel summed up in one, easy-to-read book! Review: It took me several years to finally grasp the concept of grace. Several men's retreats and a couple of books later, I think I finally got it! Thanks, in part, to Chuck Swindoll's "Grace Awakening." This book is a precious jewel. I would recommend it to everyone who is searching for purpose in life and even to those who think they've found it. It is a "must read" for anyone who claims to be a Christian. Swindoll builds a solid foundation for the Christian faith and the cornerstone is the grace of God, displayed to humankind through His Son, Jesus. If people could just begin to understand the simplicity of the gospel, they would jump for joy and tell everyone they know about how liberating it is. That's the message of this book. Swindoll attempts to convey the gospel's simplicity. He issues a call for all people to be awakened to this simple truth. That is, we are all sinners in need of a gracious and loving God. That kind of God is the One written about in the Bible. He is forgiving and desires to show us His mercy. In fact, He already has by sacrificing His own Son. Beyond that One sacrificial act, by a holy and just God, there is absolutely NOTHING we can do, but to accept His gracious offer! It's really that simple. What a liberating truth to finally have a firm hold of! I encourage you to purchase this book and to search the Scriptures, to see for yourself. My hope is that you will find freedom, just as I have, through the liberating truth of this simplistic message. Furthermore, I recommend a second book as a follow-up: "In the Grip of Grace" by Max Lucado. Happy reading!
Rating:  Summary: This book made me laugh, and it made me cry (tears of joy). Review: Legalists will read this book and quickly misunderstand the author's perspective as being a license for libertine behavior. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. The grace of G-d shed abroad in our hearts is powerful enough to keep the believer in Christ, in holiness, without rules, regulations and the doctrines of man. For me this book took the "fear" out of religon. Yes "the fear of the L-rd is the beginning of wisdom." But there is a "fear that hath torment," which is the fear produced by dictators who subject their congregations to a "yoke of bondage," using fear as a motivation for serving the L-rd. Charles Swindoll has written a beautiful that is perfect for those who don't know what it is like to experience the "joy" of their "salvation."
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful book! Review: The Grace Awakening was a fantastic read! Very encouraging, motivating and challenging. In a day when traditionalism is so emphasized in the Church, we are too soon forgetting the grace of Jesus that set us free from, not only sin, but legalism and the restrictive traditions of men that we may rather serve the Lord freely and cheerfully with love and according to the prompting of God's Holy Spirit and the instruction of His incredible Word. Many have left the simplicity of the Gospel and of Scripture for the fancier details of "Christian" pop-culture and modern theology. Charles illustrates for the reader a beautiful picture of the grace of God, as it is seen exampled and taught in Scripture, and calls the reader to return to this focus on grace and allow it to liberate our Christian experience, to motivate and stir us to love for one another in the body of Christ, and to encourage us in that pursuit of intimacy with Christ. And as these things come into alignment in our perspectives it will also effect change in our approach to winning the lost for Jesus. Not so much merely with words, but real action that is motivated by God's amazing and awakening grace! This is a great book that reminds the reader to return to God's Word and set his/her mind upon the rich and wonderful grace of God. Highly recommended reading!
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful book! Review: The Grace Awakening was a fantastic read! Very encouraging, motivating and challenging. In a day when traditionalism is so emphasized in the Church, we are too soon forgetting the grace of Jesus that set us free from, not only sin, but legalism and the restrictive traditions of men that we may rather serve the Lord freely and cheerfully with love and according to the prompting of God's Holy Spirit and the instruction of His incredible Word. Many have left the simplicity of the Gospel and of Scripture for the fancier details of "Christian" pop-culture and modern theology. Charles illustrates for the reader a beautiful picture of the grace of God, as it is seen exampled and taught in Scripture, and calls the reader to return to this focus on grace and allow it to liberate our Christian experience, to motivate and stir us to love for one another in the body of Christ, and to encourage us in that pursuit of intimacy with Christ. And as these things come into alignment in our perspectives it will also effect change in our approach to winning the lost for Jesus. Not so much merely with words, but real action that is motivated by God's amazing and awakening grace! This is a great book that reminds the reader to return to God's Word and set his/her mind upon the rich and wonderful grace of God. Highly recommended reading!
Rating:  Summary: Puh-leez, people! Review: The last reviewer closes his comments with these profound words: "Beware, legalists won't like this book!" HMMMM... Oh, I get it! Anyone who would DARE sound a word of warning against this irresponsible and ill-written piece of fluff MUST be a legalist themselves!!! Wow, that's really convicting... NOT! Look, this book is a waste of time even its basic premise. Judgemental believers are the biggest problem in Christianity today??!! Puh-leez! How about the attitude of unaccountable and worldly "Christian celebrities" (and the drones who feed religiously on thier pablum teachings) that it is NEVER a believer's job to simply call sin SIN, make our bodies a living sacrifice, and call other saints to a separated life of consecrated holiness??! Oh, no, that couldn't POSSIBLY be a bigger problem, could it? Listen, forget this book. Save the ten bucks, go to a good used bookstore, and buy about FIVE books by the likes of Moody, Spurgeon, Murray or Torrey. You will be blown away. Your first question will be "Why didn't I hear THIS stuff from the guys on Radio and TV?" ANDREA
Rating:  Summary: Grace is free Review: The purpose of Grace Awakening is clear: God's grace gives us the freedom to be ourselves and to not smother others so much that we get in God's way for their lives! Among the many excellent points Swindoll covers include: 1. Jesus focused on the heart instead of a list of requirements. 2. Strategies for resisting legalism. 3. Principles of disagreeing agreeably. 4. Working in the flesh is unacceptable to the Lord. 5. Characteristics of those who display grace to others. 6. Be careful of comparing yourself to others! 7. While other people may be impressed with us, God isn't! 8. Areas that can keep us from growing in grace. An excellent and highly recommended book, allow God to work through you to extend grace to others!
Rating:  Summary: Be the Person God Created You to Be! Review: The purpose of Grace Awakening is clear: God's grace gives us the freedom to be ourselves and to not smother others so much that we get in God's way for their lives! Among the many excellent points Swindoll covers include: 1. Jesus focused on the heart instead of a list of requirements. 2. Strategies for resisting legalism. 3. Principles of disagreeing agreeably. 4. Working in the flesh is unacceptable to the Lord. 5. Characteristics of those who display grace to others. 6. Be careful of comparing yourself to others! 7. While other people may be impressed with us, God isn't! 8. Areas that can keep us from growing in grace. An excellent and highly recommended book, allow God to work through you to extend grace to others!
Rating:  Summary: The Grace Awakening Review: This book brings out what many christians can't put their fingers on. It screams out and says how are you walking?? chained up or FREE? We are all to seek God and obey his commandments and this book does not take away from that. It just tells it like it is. It's all God and not US. That is where the focus should be. We as humans tend to take things to the extrem thus distorting and re-adusting what(we think). This book offers an insight to balaced christian living and points straight to God and his word. That in itself brings contentment to a christian being filled with guilt and burden. We can love God and be so happy and confident about who we are in Him. Sadly those who are convinced that they want to choose a rigid christian life will continue to have tunnel vision. They will not want to be set free, for them I will say, Only Christ died and only He and He alone can make you righteouse. I also pray for your awakening and if in humility to Christ you can read your bible without any preconcevied thoughts about what you've been taught or any of your own understanding, but that which lines up with Gods word (which is infoulable). Even when you think your OBEYING and LEADING a righteous life...guess what?? you still have SIN and God's GRACE is ever so graciously covering you...Why not enjoy it like he intended. This book is that simple. God does not have favorites as the bible says. So lets all grow up and accept our imperfection and live triumphant,righteous,happy christian lives that only comes from our Lord Jesus Christ. Only Satan would bring rigidness to a believers life. Let start living like Jesus died for us and rose up to give us LIFE in the true sence of the word(LIFE).
Rating:  Summary: A Masterpiece! Review: This book had a profound impact on me. And, it should be read by anyone who was raised in legalism and is mad at God because of those who, "take their preferences, find a scripture to wrap around it and then call it a conviction we all must live by." Originally, this book was to be called, "The Grace Killers." (Which, I like better, because that's what they are.) This book exposes those who load their flocks down like pack-animals with legalism, watch them stagger under the load and when they're about to crumble beneath the weight, they add more rules. IT WAS FOR FREEDOM THAT CHRIST HAS SET US FREE. Gal. 5:1