Rating:  Summary: I felt every emotion of the characters! Review: This is my first Elizabeth Lowell book, but it surely will not be my last. I felt every emotion and went through all the turmoils of Travis and Cat. This book was superb and one I could not put down until every word was read. I shall re-read this book again and again.
Rating:  Summary: Heart wrenching! Review: This is my second Elizabeth Lowell book. I have to say her style dazzles me again. When I started reading this book at nine at night, I couldn't put it down until I was finished at four. I have to admit that it did make me cry. It was very sad in the end part where ...... well.....I won't tell you. don't want to ruin the surprise. I just read it over and over. Nothing better could go to Cat. My favorite book!
Rating:  Summary: Could not put this romance book down once I picked it up! Review: This is the best contemporary I have read in a very long time. (For the last few years, I've been reading about three to four novels a week. 70% are historicals and 30% contemps.)From the moment I opened the book, I was hooked. I actually forgot to eat my supper! For someone who lives to eat (as opposed to most folks who eat to live) this is a good indicator of the books captivating pull. When I went outside to tell my man that I forgot to fix dinner, he asked why I had to bring my novel with me. I didn't even realize I was holding it! It was as if I didn't want to leave the euphoric cloud that my head was in. The wonderful world that Elizabeth Lowell created in her book To the ends of the earth. From the minute Cat(Cathy) and Travis meet, they are instantly attracted to each other. How refreshing! I didn't have to wait until the middle of the book for them to admit to themselves that they liked the other. When I meet someone, I know within five minutes whether I'm attracted to them or not. No wonder then that I was instantly drawn to this book. By the time I got to work the next day, I was bad off. Since I had stayed up late reading, I had gotten very little sleep. I actually thought about calling in sick so I could finish reading this book. I don't smoke but took cigarette breaks during work just so I could read another few pages! Same thing during bathroom breaks and lunch breaks. So don't say I didn't warn you. Do not pick this book up to read until after you have done your chores. Preferably, read it over the weekend. There are no boring parts in this book. No wonder I couldn't put the book down. And the sensual heat that these two were able to generate... hoo-boy! Nothing too graphic but just enough sexual tension to keep me turning those pages. I went through all my emotional ranges. I was intrigued, excited, heated, and yes, my eyes got a little watery at one point. I even felt anger at Travis and if the book was written any other way, I might have given this book 4 and a half stars because he can be such a jerk sometimes. Thank goodness Cat knows how to handle him, where the door is and how to use it. Thank goodness she's no doormat. Far, far from it. In most books, I always feel that the guys never suffers enough for their misdeeds but in this book, I truly felt that Travis learned his lesson. I thought the Author handled that part very well. Most of all, I really identified with Cat. In most romances, I usually remember the hero & rarely the heroine. Cat is the exception. I can't think of any heroine that was more strong, determined and plucky than Cat. Travis learns that money can't buy hapiness but I did buy a little happiness when I bought this book. This is why I read romance.
Rating:  Summary: Love is a powerful thing Review: This was one of the first romantic novels that I ever read. I read the whole thing in one day within 3 hours. I couldn't put it down because the book was so exciting and filled with so many suprises. You have to read it because I read a lot of books and this is the best book ever written.
Rating:  Summary: Why would she put up with his treatment of her? Review: This was the first Elizabeth Lowell I read and I was absorbed by it. I did enjoy her writing style and thought that some of her images were almost poetic; for example, sailing a boat across the incandescent eye of God. However, I wonder whether Cat has any self-respect at all. How could she go back to someone who attempted repeatedly to buy her affection and her time, called her a whore, attempted to buy their child, abandoned her and left her flat on her back in bed, and thinks that money can buy anything? She should have told him to take a hike--or rather, a sail. Being called a whore by someone you love is the equivalent of physical violence and is absolutely not acceptable under any circumstances. This problem marred what otherwise would have been a fine book. And why the heck was she supporting her ditsy mother? Couldn't her "green angel" have put some pressure on the rich friend who was going to marry her in a few months?
Rating:  Summary: GO TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH FOR THIS BOOK Review: TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH is one exceptional romance that grips readers with the healing powers of love and the intensity of the passion between the characters photographer Cat Cochran and Travis Danvers. Cat has an acumen for visualizing beauty with her keen photographer's eye and when she is assigned to do Travis Danver's book on his magnificent ship, Wind Warrior, her beauty and courage touches Travis like no other woman. Elizabeth Lowell stirs smouldering passion right from the start, but the merits go beyond this - it is a tightrope of emotions when we watch the scarred characters replayed their tragedy. Travis is hurt by his fiancee Tina who is an avaricious woman towards his vast wealth; Cat is hurt by Billy, her ex-husband who abused her brutally when she was found sterile. Poignant moments were exchanged when Cat shows her affection for Jason, a child she has grown to love more than her life -a symbolism of her dreams and yearnings for a child of her own. The final pages of the story is heart-rendering and boasts a virtuoso human drama no less resonant and heartening. Cat saves Jason and ends up losing Travis's child, and when Travis recognizes his folly in thinking Cat is a replica of Tina - it was too late. Will Cat forgive Travis? Elizabeth Lowell spins a tale of love, betrayal and redemption - and in the tumultuous sea of passion and hope we, readers are caught up in this engaging voyage steered by the mastery of her writing TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH.
Rating:  Summary: One of Lowell's Best Review: Warning: This book will make you cry! A must read for any book lover.
Rating:  Summary: Better than your typical romance novel. Review: With so many bad examples of this genre out there, it is easier to review the rare book that strives for some substance. Although Lowell can't escape some awful cliches, on the whole she proves herself to be a competent writer who keeps her reader engaged. The plot and characters have far more depth than your typical boring pulp romance.
Rating:  Summary: Still got it.... Review: Ya, this was a really good book. This is only the second book by EL that I have read, but it was almost as good as the first book of hers that I have read. Cat is an amazing woman. She is independent, warm, funny, determined and driven. Travis is OK too. I didnt like how he kept jumping from liking Cat to torturing her by accusing her constantly of using him. I guess it is understandable, at least to a point, why he is that way. Dont get me wrong, he has a deep well of emotions inside of him and that makes him human to the reader. When he wasnt putting thughts into his own head because he was so scared, he was a great man. Really great.
There was one part of the plot that I thought was really stupid. It really bothered me. And that was the part of the reason Cat had to work so hard was to pay for her mothers bills. Helping pay for her sisters medical school is good for the plot, it fits and is believeable. Grants dont cover much and its easy to see why they would not work as well. Its medical school. But to work yourself to the bone, get sick and be unhealthy for years because your mom wont stop shopping? Because she was spolied and cant figure out her check book. Then to leave raising your kids to one of your other kids, that is just too irresponsible. No mother I know would do that to their kid. I thought the author could have come up with something better then a selfish mother who does not care to raise her children. Why couldnt she have been sick? Had a real reason to not be able to take care of things instead of she cant stop shopping? So, that smacked of stupidity to me. But that would have to be my only complaint. The rest of the book was wonderful. From the first page to the last page. The story sucked you in and pulled you along. It is very realistic. Very. There are many ways that I connected with the story. Feel the happiness and that pain. I have to admit, I shed more then a tear at the sad part. I was also extatic at the happy parts. This book was very emotional and touching. Shows love at its best and some of the worst. Like I said, very real. Nothing in real life is perfect, and thsi follows along those lines. Great story. Highly recommended!