Rating:  Summary: Resurrection, Yes and No Review: "Resurrection" by Hank Hanegraff is a fast read. I wouldn't rate it as a research book with answers, but rather a novelty to be read in one sitting. Does the author answer his questions? On "Will There Be Sex after the Resurrection?" Author's response, "Yes and no - it all depends on what you mean by sex." Animal lovers will rejoice. Hanegraff writes the Creator endowes animals with souls. Therefore, they can go to heaven. But he cautions, "...cannot say that the pets we enjoy today will be 'resurrected' in eternity....I am not willing to preclude the possibility." Concerning cremation, his three-page chapter is really a review of Geisler and Potter article "Ashes and Ashes," shown in credits as a publication of the Christian Research Journal. Geisler is quoted, "...Cremation is the wrong picture to remind believers of salvation in the body by resurrection." If the reader misses the footnote(number 9), they will not receive the author's note of assurance. "...God will resurrect and glorify all believers, including those who have been cremated." Has he answered my questions? Yes and No on each and every question asked in "Resurrection."
Rating:  Summary: A must read for anyone who wonders about eternity. Review: At first glance, this book appears to cover a broad range of topics. But after reading the book cover to cover, I thought it was a wonderful discussion of the Christian biblical view of the resurrection of all people on the day of judgement. The first section of this book about the resurrection of Christ was informative as to addressing many of the attacks on Christ's resurrection that I was unaware of. True, it covers a broad range of attacks on the resurrection of Christ and doesn't go incredibly in deep detail (more than a couple pages) on any one discussion. However, I believe the reason for this is that it was written in a way for the common person to be able to read and understand without requiring a degree in theology to understand every discussion. If someone has more questions, they can simply consult the references listed in the book (Mr. Hanegraaff does the best job of referencing his sources over anyone else I have ever read), or just call the Christian Research Institute and get that information. I know they will be glad to provide it.The true beauty of this book, in my opinion, lies in the second section, which addresses different aspects of the resurrection of all people and what life will be like after death for everyone. Despite growing up in church, I found that I knew very little regarding the biblical teachings on the resurrection, and I suspect this to be true for many people, whether they be a Christian or not. As a Christian, I was equipped so much better for having read this portion of the book. This book has affected me long since reading it by giving me a lasting impression of the importance of living our lives according to the hope and eternity that awaits us all after this life, and backing it up solidly with scripture. I applaud this work by Mr. Hanegraaff and encourage everyone to read this book.
Rating:  Summary: A little disappointed Review: Hanegraaff divides his book into 3 sections; defending Christ's physical resurrection, defending the certainty of heaven and hell, and tackling tough questions about what the resurrection will look like. His defense of Christ's resurrection was disappointing. As a Christian, I came away from this section a little confused as to who Hanegraaff's intended audience was. His defense was at a very top level, and I found it incomplete. An informed skeptic could attack this defense by raising more detailed objections that Hanegraaff did not attempt to address, as well as raise objections on other fronts that Hanegraaff never gets into. While agreeing with what Hanegraaff presented in this section, I was anticipating a more detailed and comprehensive defense of Christ's resurrection. Because he didn't do that, I remain confused about the target audience. I found little in his defense to bolster the arguments of the seasoned Christian, or to undermine the arguments of the seasoned skeptic. Section 2 was a little better than section 1, in my view. While I was still a bit disappointed by the top level nature of this section, Hanegraaff does present sound logic and firm Biblical basis to advance his arguments here, particularly in the area of eternal torment. While still lacking the kind of comprehensive treatment I had been hoping for, I found this section to contain more useful information than section 1. Section 3 was better than section 1, but not as good as section 2, in my view. For better or worse, when scholars attempt to grapple with the issues that Hanegraaff tries to deal with in this section, an inevitable degree of speculation is in order. So while Hanegraaff tries to ground his views with Scripture (and does a pretty good job), I still walked away from that section feeling as if the answers to these issues won't truly be known until we get to the other side, because Scripture is not iron clad on many of these questions. Hanegraaff's views in this section may very well be right, but the reader should understand that because Scripture does not hit these issues head on, Hanegraaff's opinions are just that, opinions based on a certain degree of speculation. Overall, I will consult this book on an occasional basis when presented with objections from skeptics. But I would not recommend that the Christian base their entire apologetic knowledge on this book, nor would I recommend this book to non Christians that I might witness to. The information contained in the book is good for as far as it goes. In my view, it did not go far enough, nor dig deep enough to be considered a top apologetic resource on this topic.
Rating:  Summary: JESUS' RESURRECTION IS PROOF OF OUR OWN RISING Review: Hank Hanegraaff has done an outstanding service to saints,seekers skeptics,scholars and sinners alike with this powerful book. It joins those by C.S.Lewis,Josh McDowell,John MacArthur,Francis Schaeffer,Henry Morris,D.James Kennedy and others as a definitive apologetic work to persuade those open to historical evidence of the fact of the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Almighty God has set a day when He will Judge the planet by the Man He has chosen, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. He has given proof of this to all men by the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. No historical event of ancient times is more documented or attested to by impartial,accurate,undeniable,voluminous,overwhelming evidence as Jesus' rising from the dead in Jerusalem and appearing to hundreds of eyewitnesses over a period of 40 days. Of course there is still an element of faith involved in accepting the Bible's eyewitness testimony about Easter. We have not proof beyond a shadow of a doubt, but what satisfies even a court of law: beyond a reasonable doubt after a preponderance of the evidence. Evidence that demands a verdict from every person on the face of planet Earth. The only way to know for sure if this book is true is to wait until Judgment Day and see if you yourself are resurrected to meet Him. Until then, this is the next best thing to the Bible itself to have confidence that Jesus is Alive and is getting ready to return for the Last Time. Are you ready? Jesus said to (doubting)Thomas,"Reach your finger here and look at My (nail-pierced) hands; and reach your hand here and put it into My (spear-pierced) side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing." Thomas answered Him, "My Lord and My God!" Jesus replied, "Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." (John 20:27-29)
Rating:  Summary: 'Resurrection' is a must-read Review: Hank Hannegraff brings a much needed refresher on the Resurrection, the single most important event in the historic Christian faith, arguably the most important event in the history of history. But he goes beyond just explaining and defending, as he brings practical application and a renewed sense of awe as we study the Scripture to see how God will redeem His creation. Hank once again uses mnemonics to their full potential to aid in memorization and study. My only quirk with this book is that a few chapters are a bit brief and cursory, but this should only lead the diligent student to further study.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Primer Review: Hank Hannegraff is president of the Christian Research Institute (CRI) and host of the popular "Bible Answer Man" program. He has written other books such as "Christianity In Crisis" (his first and greatist work) and the "The FACE that Demonstrates The Farce of Evolution" (another primer book). Hank's strength is his easy to read writing style which allows him to reach an audience who want to read a book either quickly or they are embarking a new subject. For this reason, "Resurrection" works. If someone is either trying to study this outstanding feat in history for the first time or learn more about their belief and how to defend it; this book is a great read and will give much food for thought without straining the brain. The book falls, however, in two aeras: (1) It is not a book for serious academic study. It gives quick easy tips to help one defend their belief against the average atheist or agnostic. The average Christian is ill prepared to defend his or her beliefs (so is the average unbeliever). But the serious skeptic can raise serious objections and therefore, one may want to delve into other works such as "Jesus Under Fire" and "When Skeptics Ask." The biggest flaw of the book is when he deals with ideals such as cremation and sex. Much here is speculation and does not lend itself with a book which is trying to deal with facts of history. It is distracting in my view and this material could have been reserved for another book dealing with speculative issues. All in all, the book is a nice and easy read. I wanted to give the book a higher rating because I admire Hank Hannegraff and I am a support of CRI. I enjoyed the material but felt more material should have been added in the realm of history and manuscript evidence. The book will be a great read for people who have never really studied the subject before, but for the serious student, it will be a liesure read and only a quick reference text.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Primer Review: Hank Hannegraff is president of the Christian Research Institute (CRI) and host of the popular "Bible Answer Man" program. He has written other books such as "Christianity In Crisis" (his first and greatist work) and the "The FACE that Demonstrates The Farce of Evolution" (another primer book). Hank's strength is his easy to read writing style which allows him to reach an audience who want to read a book either quickly or they are embarking a new subject. For this reason, "Resurrection" works. If someone is either trying to study this outstanding feat in history for the first time or learn more about their belief and how to defend it; this book is a great read and will give much food for thought without straining the brain. The book falls, however, in two aeras: (1) It is not a book for serious academic study. It gives quick easy tips to help one defend their belief against the average atheist or agnostic. The average Christian is ill prepared to defend his or her beliefs (so is the average unbeliever). But the serious skeptic can raise serious objections and therefore, one may want to delve into other works such as "Jesus Under Fire" and "When Skeptics Ask." The biggest flaw of the book is when he deals with ideals such as cremation and sex. Much here is speculation and does not lend itself with a book which is trying to deal with facts of history. It is distracting in my view and this material could have been reserved for another book dealing with speculative issues. All in all, the book is a nice and easy read. I wanted to give the book a higher rating because I admire Hank Hannegraff and I am a support of CRI. I enjoyed the material but felt more material should have been added in the realm of history and manuscript evidence. The book will be a great read for people who have never really studied the subject before, but for the serious student, it will be a liesure read and only a quick reference text.
Rating:  Summary: The Resurrection: The Capstone in the Arch of Christianity Review: I found this book to be incredibly readable and at the same time intelectually stimulating. It provides many answers often asked by both the Christian and the skeptic. Really makes you think and then almost forces a decision to be made on the basis of solid biblical and extra-biblical evidence.
Rating:  Summary: LIFE CHANGING AND MENTALLY FULFILLING Review: I think this book is amazing. Whether you are a Christian or not, this book will aid in your search for truth. It is the bread for the mentally hungry and a stone in the fan of the modern day philosophy.
Rating:  Summary: Interesting Review: I would've given it 4.5 for being a little dry sometimes but I couldn't. So I rounded up :D.