Rating:  Summary: The Pig Who Sang to the Moon Review: The premise of Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson's book, The Pig Who Sang to the Moon, is so simple. That the farm animals-- the pigs, chickens, cows and other animals-- which most of us regularly dine on are not merely inanimate, insensible, "meat-on-the hoof" existing in some sort of mindless homeostasis until they are eaten.Rather, they-- like we-- lead rich emotional lives, lives which are in fact most usually horribly stunted by our farming practices which involve, among other cruelties, intensive confinement systems which thwart even the most basic of emotional and biological expressions. Simple though the premise may be, if humans had feathers lots of them would undoubtedly be ruffled by this book. It's simply hard for most of us to accept-- emotionally-- that those whom we have so thoroughly removed from the realm of our moral concern could be suffering so from our actions.
Rating:  Summary: The Pig Who Sang to the Moon Review: The premise of Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson's book, The Pig Who Sang to the Moon, is so simple. That the farm animals-- the pigs, chickens, cows and other animals-- which most of us regularly dine on are not merely inanimate, insensible, "meat-on-the hoof" existing in some sort of mindless homeostasis until they are eaten. Rather, they-- like we-- lead rich emotional lives, lives which are in fact most usually horribly stunted by our farming practices which involve, among other cruelties, intensive confinement systems which thwart even the most basic of emotional and biological expressions. Simple though the premise may be, if humans had feathers lots of them would undoubtedly be ruffled by this book. It's simply hard for most of us to accept-- emotionally-- that those whom we have so thoroughly removed from the realm of our moral concern could be suffering so from our actions.
Rating:  Summary: From the other side of the fence Review: This book is an eye-opening look at the suffering inflicted on innocent animals by modern day factory farming, and on the degree to which we must turn our backs on how they live their lives in order to allow this suffering to go unchecked. A very good introduction to the moral justification for vegetarianism for those even slightly inclined in that direction.
Rating:  Summary: No substitue for science Review: This book substitutes anecdotes and conjecture for science. It is obvious that the author is more interested in spreading his biased point of view than he is in providing any subjective information.
Rating:  Summary: I will never look at a "farm" animal the same way again! Review: When I first saw the title of Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson's new book I thought it was the unique story of a talented little pig. I was mistaken. The book, however, is certainly unique! As I turned the pages the "emotional world of farm animals" indeed opened up to me in a different light. I have always believed that animals share the same emotions as we do. Some say that animals do not feel pain in the same way that we do. If this is true, then why do they scream when being injured or killed? I became a vegan nearly 3 years ago. I could no longer live with my conscious that I was directly responsible for the suffering and murder of innocent animals. I have never regretted nor looked back. Non-vegetarians argue that they would not eat their dog or cat, nor would they want a pig or a chicken as a pet. This statement in my opinion is guilt (putting out of their minds that they are responsible for the killing and suffering of an animal), and ignorance (simply believing what most humans believe, in that animals were put on earth for us to exploit at all costs.) Masson's book gave me more food for thought still and solidified my belief's that cows, pigs, sheep, chickens, ducks, etc are all unique in their own right, as are humans. He proves time and time again that these animals possess higher intelligence then we give them credit for and many even enjoy the company of humans, the very species that they should fear and distrust most. I simply will not look at another "farm" animal the same way again! Earlier this week as I sat in the doctor's office, I was reading my copy of The Pig Who Sang to the Moon. A woman sitting across from me took out a piece of paper and a pen. I looked up and noticed her looking at my book and writing something on the paper. She looked up and smiled and said, "oh don't mind me, I am just writing down the name of your book, it looks so interesting." "Yes, it is a fascinating book, it just came out and I cannot put it down," I replied. "Well I am interested because I am a farmer and we have a lot of animals on our farm: cows, pigs, chickens, etc, and I think it would be interesting to read. Are you a farmer?" she asked. "No I am not a farmer, but if you are, then I highly recommend that you read this book." I smiled somewhat triumphantly.
Rating:  Summary: going vegan Review: Wonderful, wonderful book, both from its remarkable information and being an easy read. BUT I do not "get it" that Mr. Masson is just on the road to becoming a vegan. How can anyone with such sensitivity to animal suffering continue to subsidize it???? Seeing an egg farm remains the worst experience in my entire life. Want to do something really really unhealthful and cruel today? Have some ice-cream, or eat an egg. Please, Mr. Masson, walk the talk and go vegan!