Rating:  Summary: "the shadows are darkness... and darkness can't talk..." Review: I debated on whether or not to purchase this book because I do not like many of Anne Rice's works. The title alone convinced me to at least try it. Filled with confusion, anticipation, love, angst, and more all rolled up into this amazing story of 3 boys, 1 girl, and how their lives changed from children to young adults. I could not put it down. I have read it a few times already and I am about to read it again. This book does so much for the imagination. It is very descriptive, enough so to where you can practically see the places and people. I recommend this to anyone and everyone. Christopher Rice has shown his mother up and made me look forward to more by this young and talented author.
Rating:  Summary: Intense and Captivating Review: I sadly must admit that I picked up this book, because I am a huge Anne Rice fan. However, I was quickly drawn into Chris Rice's more realistic and highly moving tale. Chris Rice has completely surpassed any expectation I had. He is one of the most intense and captivating writers I've ever read, and he is only 21. I have never forgotten this book, and intend to read it over and over. Hopefully soon, Chris Rice will grant me the priviledge to read more of his work. I recommend this to anyone who enjoys books that suck you in and keep your emotions entangled with he story straight through to the conclusion. You will wish it hadn't ended so soon.
Rating:  Summary: A Densicty of Souls Review: Christopher Rice son of vampier novelist ann Rice has done a fblous job with his debut novel. A density of souls is Spellbinding and suspesfull. A Density of Souls is the journy of four childhood friends seperation as they get older.Through the years they are pulled in different directionsand one is left abandond and alone. This one person is Steaphen the poor kid is put through hell and persected for being gay. The book has a strong plot and strong chaters some are hateful, others are filled with guilt but one, stephan is filled with so much pain as he is taken on a rollercoster filled with twist and turns and dead ends. Rice really makes you feel for the carectors
Rating:  Summary: im a total stephen! dont read this before you read the book Review: i loved this book it was great i love the story it had great twists and i love the relationship between stephen and jeff i wish jeff wouldnt have died it was sooo sad i was about to cry. enjoy this book it has been one of my favorites.PLEASE GET THIS BOOK IT IS A GREAT BOOK AND I DEFENETLY RECOMEND IT. A 12 YEAR OLD READER ALSO CHECK OUT ''THE COMING STORM''
Rating:  Summary: Good Initial Effort Review: I wanted to love this book, since I am a great Anne Rice fan, but I only somewhat liked this book. It had great potential, and I am definatly going to look for his future work, but I just didn't think it had that extra something a great book has that keeps me page turning. For some reason, the characters didn't gel for me, and they blurred together.
Rating:  Summary: A Mature Beginning Review: I just finished Christopher's first book, _A Density of Souls_, and I'm quite impressed by the plot and twists of the novel. Seeing how this is his first book, it's obvious that he has inherited a majority of both his mother's and his father's talents for transporting you to some notsofar off place and telling you a story that will keep you reading. The chain of characters was a little sketchy at times, but not really enough to confuse me. It reminded me of movies like Mission: Impossible where the chain of characters changed so many times that it leaves a person confused. I definitely hope that Christopher continues in this exploit and uses his talents to the best of his ability. I am anxiously awaiting his next book, whenever that may be.
Rating:  Summary: AWESOME DEBUT!!! Review: This book is so great from the 1st page to the very last!!! He is so good at showing character development and intertwining so many elements making it haunting, touching, freaky, etc. I cannot wait for the next book by Christopher!!! But a warning....anyone who is prude or a religious fanatic will not like this and that is exactly why I did!!! WAY TO GO CHRISTOPHER!!!
Rating:  Summary: A stunning, beautiful, moving debute novel Review: I will admit that the first thing that attracted me to this book was the fact that I am one of his mother's biggest fans. However, after the first chapter, I was so totally and completely blown away at the talent and beauty that oozes from each of the pages of his book that I had totally forgetten about Anne's work. I ripped through the first hundred pages with such a gust that I would have finished the entire thing, had it not been two in the morning and I had to get up early the next morning. When I fianlly did get to finish it, I was so impressed and moved (the ending's twist is especially unexpected!) that I knew that it would be hard to find another work even remotely as well written and with such wonderful and lush prose. Christopher's writing is so haunting and mesmerizing that it made my jaw literally drop. His candor, honesty, and dark humor touch all points of the book, which in itself is has a cliche theme (high school angst). However, Christopher puts a new twist on the theme, addressing the dark almost sinister underbelly of the rich and well to do. Homophobia is a subject that not many authors want to deal with, and when they do, it's almost always shunted to the side. Christopher not only exposes with brutal honesty and talented insight what it's like to be taunted and teased, he does it in such a mature manner, it makes one surprised about his age. This book in daring, haunting, and beautiful. He may have to endure being called "Anne Rice's son" for a while, but if he continues to write the way he does, he will completely and utterly break away from his mother's famous shadow. A highly recommended read (and even if you don't like the book, the descriptions of New Orleans are fabulous!)!
Rating:  Summary: Silent homophobia is a crime against humanity!!! Review: Christopher Rice is the most attractive, courageous and pungent author of his age I have read for quite many years. In this book he dares to deal with THE problem of the US at the present moment : sexual-oriented violence, and in this particular case, homophobia, the lynching of homosexuals. First the book is a real thriller and we will know two or three fundamental secrets only on the very last page. It is marvelous, it is a prodigy for someone so young. Second the style is that of his generation, the zapping generation. The time line is broken, distorted and even mashed into some kind of a-temporal contemplation and story telling. It is absolutely fascinating to jump like that from one time to another, from one place to another, from one character to another, from one point of view to another. The reader has to be active from beginning to end. The reader is not a passive spittoon. The reader is the only one who can follow the line by reconstructing it constantly. Christopher Rice is really the most exacting and demanding author because his readers cannot just follow the flow of the discourse, of the story since we are plunged into a maelstrom that has to be sorted out for us to just plainly survive as readers. Christopher, you are a genius and the intercourse we have to entertain and build with your story, with you, is the most fascinating and exciting personal relation one reader can weave with his author, and I do not say one author with his reader. The initiative of this intercourse must come from the reader. The author is nothing but the prompter of our pleasure that can only be found in our reconstruction of the tempestuous tale Christopher dares delve us into. Third, Christopher Rice shows that homophobia comes from the deepest layers of a society, the deepest layers of a personality, from the deepest and muddiest layers of a culture. Homophobia is not a belief, is not an ethical attitude. It is a disease and as such must be treated as a plague. Homophobia is the disease in this society of ours that makes killing, torturing, raping and even worse forms of inhuman behavior plain justified because it is based on a norm that does not accept any exception. Homophobia, just like racism or sexism or any other rejection of even the slightest difference (the way to dress or to speak for instance), is a crime against humanity and Christopher Rice makes it also a crime against God, Life and Intelligence. Homophobia is THE CRIME PER SE, and there is no other crime that can compare. To read such a book and to enjoy it is the only way to build a consciousness of humanity, humaneness, divinity and divineness. But, and this is essential, even the neutral ignorance of the existence of homosexuality, of sexual differences, without any expressed hostility, is the first step and the most vicious step to homophobia. We must accept differences, and we must accept to integrate these differences in our every day consciousness, language, experience, etc. The old attitude : « I don't mind really, so far as it does not cross my path », is exposed as the first step and the hypocritical step of the cultured and civilized moron and bigot that seems to be tolerant and is in fact non-hostile as long as the subject is kept out of sight, is hidden away, is negated in the environment of the effete intellectual and moralist. That common criminal remains an innocent liberal as long as he does not see any evil, he does not hear any evil, he does not taste any evil, he does not smell any evil and no one ever ever speaks any evil in his presence. And not like the famous three monkeys, but in absolute concrete material reality. In other words, this criminal will remain innocent as long as what he does not want to know about will remain out of prehension for him. But as soon as the homosexual he has been living along, unawares, all the time with, dares come out of his cabinet, closet or even wardrobe, he will pick up a pistol, a gun and a rifle and will shoot point blank at this unacceptable vicious pervert who dares ask for the right to exist in full light, under the bright sunshine. Christopher Rice, you have written a cult novel on the subject of homophobia and you deserve already a Nobel Prize. Dr Jacques COULARDEAU, Paris Universities II and IX.
Rating:  Summary: It kept me awake at night, reading into the morning.. Review: It may be a cliche', but this book moved me. I can remember one time while reading being taken completely aback -- Mr. Rice has written a very touching story. "Density" is also a fast-paced thriller, with every page of the work (especially toward the end) revealing a new, unbelievable twist in the story. The characters are extremely real; anyone who has graduated from high school in the last 5 years will certainly connect with this. "Density" is honest, touching, thrilling -- and wonderfully erotic. While never smutty, this book is filled with the sort of heart-fluttering homoeroticism that we all experienced while drooling over that gorgeous jock in our high school locker rooms. Overall, a wonderful novel. If you are young and gay (although you needn't be), you will definitely connect, as did I. Indulge in wonderful storytelling and READ THIS BOOK. Cheers.