Rating:  Summary: Brilliant novel Review: My cover is way cooler and sparkles a bit.This never-once-boring novel involves Samantha Madison,a somewhat jaded,all-in-black rebel who hates her sisters.One is a bimbo Jessica Wakefield type,and the other is obsessed with aliens.But we soon discover that Sam is far more than just a whinger who seems to grizzle(to us readers anyway)about everyone and everything.She is also somewhat heroic.Well,A lot really,I guess.If you would like to read a witty,fun and highly original book,this is it,you've found it.Meg Cabot is a great(and I mean GREAT)wrwiter.
Rating:  Summary: great book Review: I loved this book! It's about a normal girl who happens to be able to draw very well. Her parents sign her up as a punishment for art lessons with a semi-crazy art teacher with a vicious bird. She doesn't seem to like it at first but her first day she meets David who justs happens to be the presidents son thought she doesn't know it at first. She eventually saves his fathere the president and she relizes who he is at a the dinner they hold for her. David and her go on a adventure around the white house and meet up again countless times in this book. She is envious of her sisters both who are either popular or smart. One of the best things in this book is the lists she makes like why she is going to die or why she asked David to the Party. Another great example of a fun to read book!
Rating:  Summary: CLASSIC! Review: I thought The Princess Diaries deserved more than 10 stars. This book was almost just as good.Meg Cabot is one of the best authors of teenage books. You can easily relate to the main characters. It's funny, real and has just the right amount of romance in it, and not just any romance, the sweetest romance. Samantha is just the typical goth( well artist too), she's a middle child, her older sis is a popular cheerleader with a cool boyfriend, and her younger sis is practically a genius. Samantha thinks she's in love with jack, her sister's boyfriend, until she meets the president's son. Her whole life changes after saving the president's life. This is simply classic.
Rating:  Summary: Meg Cabot has outdone herself..... Review: Being a middle child isn't very easy for Samantha Madison. With a perfect cheerleader for an older sister and know-it-all younger sister. Sam feels unimportant. Flunking her German classes at school, her parents enrolling her into an after-school class that she isn't very fond of at first. It isn't until one day, Sam stops a guy from assassinating the President of the United States. Samantha becomes an instant celebrity. Suddenly Sam's life becomes totally different. After being named the teen ambassador of the UN, and her love life isn't going the way she planned it to be. Her lifelong crush, Jack, who happens to be her sister, Lucy's boyfriend. Still hasn't reazlied that he loves Sam instead of Lucy like she wanted him to. Meanwhile, while Sam is trying to make Jack fall for her, she doesn't realize that she herself is discorvering her true feelings for this guy in her art class, David. Who turns out to be the President's son. A book with many twists and turns, "All American Girl" is recommend to any teenage girl. Meg Cabot has truly outdone herself this time. A halarious book with many little funny things to laugh about in just about every page....every girl that reads "All American Girl" will be begging Meg Cabot for more about Samantha Madison.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT book but a little dejavu Review: If you want a great quick read that you just can't put down, this is your book. If you've already read all 3 Princess Diaries you might not think so. I've read all the Princess Diaries and I thought that All-American Girl was very reminiscent of the prequel. A teenage ["urban rebel] who has a life-changing event happen to her and everybody starts to not be so mean to her and i would list the other simalarities but i'd give away the book. But if you don't mind that or havent read the P.D.'s then I recommend this book. ...
Rating:  Summary: It was great! Review: This book was great! This book is great for teenagers because it is easy to relate to.For example Samantha has a crush on her sisters boyfriend and isn't exaclty popular and perfect but is just a normal 15 year old. Samantha is not all that popular like her older sister lucy, and is just trying to get throught highschool. Samantha wants to be an artist and so does her sisters boyfriend Jack which is one of the many reason why Sam thinks she is perfect for Jack rather than her sister Lucy. Sam gets caught drawing celebrity pictures and giving them out. So she is forced to attend art lessons which she doesn't want to go to. there she meets a boy named David who she thinks is cute. Well one day Sam decides to skip art class because she just can't stand it, and while she is waiting to go home and something happens that will change Sam's life. I thought this book was really good and exciting.
Rating:  Summary: It was great! Review: I am a HUGE fan of the Princess diaries and I was really excited to get Meg cabot's new book. I was not dissapointed. Sam madison is just as great a character as mia, but I found it easier to relate to her insome ways. Instead of being a prinscess, sam jumps a would-be-assasin and saves the president's life. She becomes an overnight hero and everyone wants to be her friend. i thought this book was hilarious
Rating:  Summary: All thumbs UP Review: Great book Ms. Cabot is a great author. Of all the books I've ever read, her's are the livliest!...
Rating:  Summary: Great! Review: Sam has a tough life. Her artistic skills are being ruined by art lessons thanks to her older sister Lucy, a popular cheerleader who makes the family eat at 5:00 since she has to go to cheerleading practice. And eating at 5:00 is bad enough but noooooo. Her younger sister who at 12 years old is taking more advanced classes than Sam her must bore her with her theory of the US government hiding Roswell from the people of the USA. Oh, she's in love with her sister's boyfriend. But that's about to change when Sam saves the President's life.... This is a really good book!
Rating:  Summary: A new and cute book. Review: Samantha Madison thinks that nothing good is going to happen to her. She is the middle child and her folks think that it would help her to go to a art class to help her from drawing during German class. After Sam finds out that she has to go to art class twice a week she thinks nothing in her life could get worse. Well things do get better well other people seem to think so, but for Sam things are just going down hill. When Sam stops a madman from trying to kill the President she is an instant hero and overnight celebrity. Everyone is talking about Sam and wanting to know more about her. But Sam doesn't see saving the President as something that big, it was just something she did and she isn't ready to be overnight sensasion everyone wants her to be. As time goes on and she has more things to do then worry about being the middle child. She has to deal with being the teen advisor to the UN and dealing with all the people wanting to know if she prefers Coke to Pepsi and all the reporters wanting to get interviews. Sam just wants to live a normal life. But is hard for her to do when she spends time with the Presidents son David. As time goes on things in Sam's life calm and she starts to realize that everything isn't so bad and things will work themselves out. This was a very cute book. I've enjoyed all the princess diaries books and was happy to say I enjoyed this one just as much. The charactors were great and the story moved along at a good pace. I hope Meg Cabot keeps up the good writing.