Rating:  Summary: ONE OF CASTANEDA'S MOST IMPORTANT BOOKS Review: This book is a tremendous read if you have an appetite for the religious, the new age, self exploration, human potential and the like. You will love the drama of the story telling and you'll be right there in the room as the dialogue between Casteneda and Don Juan Matus takes place.If you have read widely among new age books you will find stuff here which contradicts what you have read already, and it will leave you wondering, possibly in a big way, "Is it true?" "Is it perhaps another way?" Let me recomend two things. 1. Read the book. At the very least you will get entertainment which is EASILY worth the price. I was gripped throughout. 2. If you care to know if it is all true then DON'T READ another book by this guy ( there are a lot of them!) until you have read all about HIM first. Oddly, my advice here is exactly that of don Juan to Casteneda in the book. He gives it in relation to one of Casteneda's lecturers and for precisely the reason I give it here. Doing the research will allow you to discover whether Casteneda's words are air or whether they have some substance. Only gullible seekers looking for an easy escape from materialism will fail to do this. Pro Casteneda reading is easy to find. The Chapter in Churchill's "Fantasies of the Master Race" (available at Amazon) and de Mille's "The don Juan Papers" ( not on Amazon, and why not I ask!) gives you the other side. Enjoy the book! But as with all this kind of stuff, be careful. Adrian
Rating:  Summary: Posthumous book of Carlos Castaneda Review: This is the posthumous book of Carlos Castaneda, it's kind of a compilation of biographical facts. This book gives a closer approach to the relation between don Juan and his apprentice, very different from the impression that you get in his previous books. Some of the information that don Juan reveals is of extreme importance to every human being: the only real duality between the physical body and the energetic body, the existence of the predator, ... If you haven't read the previos books: the teachings of don Juan, second ring of power, journey to Ixtlán, the power of silence, etc. I recommend that you read some of them before reading The Active Side of Infinity.
Rating:  Summary: The active side. Review: What can be said about the book? A must read for anyone familiar with Castaneda. Brilliant if not confusing. Take notice of many inconsistancies with his previous works. Written just before the end of his life or the beginning of his "Definitive Journey". Of course the question is still unanswered... is this stuff for real? The answer is moot. To the average person the stories related to us by Carlos were a big tease, we can never hope to aspire to the warriors way by ourselves. The best we can do is live our lives "like a warrior". The true brilliance of the works, is that it has forced many of us to accept the existence of other possibilities. Don't long for more books just because Carlos has passed on, there are more out there... Just look for them.