Rating:  Summary: Finally Han gets to be in some action Review: This book is in a very different style than the other new order books, but still very good. The beginning is kind of slow and there is a lack of main characters besides Han. This is the book for you if he is your favorite character. Not much Jedi action, but a fair amount of battles and good new characters. Also the end is FABULOUS wrapping up many annoying themes that run through out the series. A very happy ending in my opinion.
Rating:  Summary: Solo is back... Review: Great story. The writer clearly has read every piece of Han Solo fiction ever written (or at least done a good deal of research) and blends Han's past with this new future in a quite believable way. As I understand it, Luceno also helped pen Robotech. I was reluctant to get into the "new" Star Wars books because I felt that besides screwing up his own D&D novels Salvatore had clearly lost his mind when he killed off the Wook. It's impossible to pass up a well written Han Solo story though, and Luceno has presented an excellent (albeit darker) story about our favorite rogue turned hero.The character actually experiences something of a rebirth while he is forced to deal with the very non-Star Wars real emotion of grief in a very realistic way. While Solo is the focus of the story the author adeptly handles the underlying plot and characters surrounding Han in the story. The space battles, in particular, are above average for Star Wars books. They are so good, in fact, that I kept thinking Luceno would be good candidate to further script the adventures of everyone's second favorite Corelian, Wedge Antilles (provided he hasn't been killed off either). Han and Luke are handled carefully, but are given a bit of maturity that 25 years would bring them. Solo has the age issue to deal with (much like the actor who played him) and Luke seems to be the Jedi Master in every way. In one bit I could almost detect the writer's question about whether or not to use the Jedi Temple on Coruscant as a local in the book. It would have worked, but only if it isn't destroyed in the other movies. He wisely opted to come as close to that as possible without using the real deal. In the end, the villians are convincing and the heroes are right on the mark. There is even a deadpan Harrison Ford moment that is taken right out of The Last Crusade. While this is a darker story than standard Star Wars, Luceno certainly has crafted himself a minor masterpiece here. Solo fans unsure of this "new" series ought to check it out. Besides the lack of favorite characters Lando, Wedge, and Talon Kard, this one will have you finishing it faster than Solo could pull off the Kessel Run (and wanting more).
Rating:  Summary: James Luceno raises the bar on this series¿. Review: As with Mr. Greg Bear and "Rogue Planet", Mr. Luceno is another excellent addition to the Authors who continue the Star Wars epic. I also will be brief following the standard of the other person who has commented thus far, and I hope others will as well. Please do not give away anything that the covers of the book do not. Han is back; the reader must decide which incarnation of Han Solo has returned. Han has evolved so much through these books, and no single event can match the death that Chewbacca's death had upon him. But as the back of the cover states "Han becomes the.....he once was". And with this persona so much of what fans have been missing is back, in a manner of speaking. This Author steps the level of writing up on this book, as well as increasing the depth of some familiar old friends. One of the most interesting aspects of the book is about awareness, what it means, how each individual copes with it, and the implications it may have. This plot line was totally unexpected, and in my opinion very well done. Mr. Luceno avoids the clichés that most Authors embrace; he expands the Organic Weaponry of The New Republic's Enemy in new and clever ways, and clearly makes his mark as a top tier writer for the Star Wars World. I feel fans will really enjoy this installment.
Rating:  Summary: A worthy addition to the New Jedi Order Saga. Review: I bought this book with some trepidation, as it was following to stellar novels, being the Dark Tide Duology by Mike Stackpole. i need not have worried. James Luceno hit Han Solo's character right on the head, and shows a knowledge of the Star Wars mythos to rival that of Lucas himself. Luceno weaves a tight story, that gives us almost everything we want, bad bad guys, great good gys, large battles, and twists and turns to keep us guessing and interested. Make no mistake, this is Han's book, Leia and the rest of the gang take a step into the background, with Mr. Solo taking a full step into the spotlight. This is actually quite a relief, with the subdued Han we have seen in the last two books. Another thing that is wonderful is the cover, a return to the more detail oriented covers we have seen in the past. The two Dark Tide covers were dreadful, and this one is a marked improvement, actually showing things recognizable from the novel itself! There are a few downsides however. After Stackpole's wonderful and personal battle scenes, where we are inserted right into the action, Luceno's space battles seem lacking. They are just fine, just not as involving as those that we saw in Onslaught and Ruin. This may even be seen as a plus by some. The other major complaint is the lack of backstory and closer on Verge. For a character that plays such a pivotal role, she is little more than a name and a physical description, and I would have really liked some more. This may be rectified in the next novel, but it should have been done here. These are the only real complaints, and the rest of the book more than makes up for them. All it all, a very worth novel, and one that makes me look forward to Luceno's next one, Jedi eclipse. 4/5
Rating:  Summary: Where is he now? Review: This book is great for those of you that have wondered what happened to Han Solo. Jay Luceno writes a very good book, that enters the Star Wars world and places him right behind the likes of Timothy Zahn and Micheal Stackpole. This book really explains well what has happened to Han since Chewie's death. He tries to explain his feelings toward the war with the Yhuzzan Vong, Leia, Luke, and especially Anakin his youngest son. The book reads well, but doesn't weave the same type of web that Timothy Zahn and Micheal Stackpole create in their visions of the Star Wars Universe. I have read all of the accounts of Han, Luke, and Leia since the very beggining with A New Hope. I would reccomend this book as an excellent continuation of the New Jedi Order series and I really anticipate the release of Jay Luceno's next book in October.
Rating:  Summary: Han Solo returns Review: This book is a great way to return to Han as the main character. So far the other books in the series have been based on Rouge Squadron or on all of the main characters Luke, Leia, Han, etc.. This is also one of the best descriptive books of the series, you can almost see the Yuuzhan Vong cruisers attacking. This book is a worthy continuation of the series.
Rating:  Summary: Han back and better then ever Review: i am an avid star wars fan and have read all the new jedi order books this is one of the best tons of action and gives u a real insight on how pirates minds work.
Rating:  Summary: good Review: James Luceno did a great job with this book. It really gave Han Solo some character. Although I don't agree with him running away...
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Book to Continue The New Jedi Order Series! Review: When I first got this book, I was waiting to read it. The story was very good. It was worthy to the New Jedi Order Series. Again, Han Solo becomes a loner again. But Chewie isn't there this time. Han Solo doesn't get any help from anybody. So this is like a Han Solo book. You know? If anybody read the Han Solo Trilogy. Finally, a book with Han Solo continuing his loner adventures! I couldn't even put the book down once I was reading it! The ending was pretty good. I recommend you read this Book!
Rating:  Summary: Finally, find out what's going on with Han! Review: Han Solo has been a mess ever since the tragic events of VECTOR PRIME. Chewie's demise left our favorite smuggler wracked with guilt and anger, and the fact that he has become an object of pity among his friends and collegues in the New Republic has only made Chewie's absence that much more painful. But now Han finally has the chance to get revenge for his best friend's murder. Han leaves his friends behind to go on a solitary mission that may end in his death...a mission to strike at the very heart of the Yuuzan Vong invasion force in a way that the massive New Republic military never could. The only question is, will Han's thirst for vengeance put him in grave risk against impossible odds? As Han would say, "Never tell me the odds!"