Rating:  Summary: The River Review: Dark. Wet. Cold. Lonely. These are some words to describe the situation that Brian Robeson is in when he hesitantly agrees to live in the Canadian wilderness again. The River is the thrilling sequel to Gary Paulsen's Hatchet. Brian is confronted by three survival instructors who want him to go in the wilderness and teach them how to survive. Brian goes with a psychologist named Derek Holtzer. They survive rain and mosquitoes, but then there is a thunderstorm. Derek gets hit by a bolt of lightning and falls into a coma. It is then that Brian must find the courage to survive. I think that The River is a terrific book for all readers. It is action-packed and educational. If you liked this book, then you should read Hatchet or Brian's Winter. This series is awesome!
Rating:  Summary: The River Review: The RiverI really like this book. This book was about a man that got stranded in the wilderness for fifty-four days with nothing but a hatchet, yet threw all he still survived it. Now the Government wants him to do it again. They want him to go back to the wilderness so that astronauts and the military can learn the survival techniques that kept Brian alive. This time he won't be alone though. A government psychologist will accompany him to observe and take notes. Then a freak storm came up. The Government guy gets hit by lightning and falls into a coma. Their radio is dead, Brian is afraid he will die of dehydration unless he can get him to a doctor. His only hope is to build a raft and try to transport him a hundred miles down the river to a trading post. And that is what he did.
Rating:  Summary: Gary Paulson Review: This book is awsome. I bought hatchet a few days ago and i couldn't put it down! Now i've read this one and its even cooler! I mean the guy is hit by lightning. Now thats cool. This book is wonderful for people who like adventure,survival stories, and tons of other stuff.
Rating:  Summary: The River Review: The River is a sequel to Hatchet.It is about a boy named Brian Robeson who survived 54 days in the Canadian wilderness with nothing but a hatchet and the clothes on his back. Psychologist, Derek Holtzer comes knocking and wants him to do it all over again! Only this time Derek will go with him. They fly out in a plane to Necktie Lake with a plane packed with unnecessary suppies At least, that's what Brian thinks and I agree with him. Brian makes a rule that they will only keep the briefcase and the radio. They will only use the radio for emergancies. Derek get struck by lightning and is in a coma. Brian has to build a raft and bring Derek to the trading post. What will happen next? You tell me. This is a really great book and I highly recommend it to everyone, especially if you like survival books. You should read Hatchet before reading The River so that it is more understandable.
Rating:  Summary: The River by Gary Paulsen Review: The River is about Brian Robeson. Brian is a 15-year-old boy who was stranded in the wilderness for 54 days. He only had a hatchet. Brian is asked to go back to the wilderness to Derek, a psychologist working for a government survival school, how to survive with only a knife. While in the wilderness Derek and Brian are struck by lightning. Derek falls into a coma. Brian then has to take care of Derek. Brian finds a map in Derek's briefcase and sees that there's a trading post less than 100 miles away. He decides to build a raft to get there. Will he make it or will he and/or Derek die. I liked this book because it is very adventurous. It also made me think how lucky I am that I do not have to live in the wilderness. I would recommend this book to any fourth or fifth grader. I think that this book is a little above a third grade level due to some of the larger vocabulary.
Rating:  Summary: The River Review: The River is a book about an adult that had just gotten back from the fifty-four day stay from the plane crash. He uses the hatchet in the book The Hatchet for protection and food. In this book, he puts the hatchet in a glass case and leaves it there when he goes back to do the trip all over again. After about a month of planning with Derek, Derek came over one day to ask if Brian wanted to do it again, but only for survival for others. When they arrive at the Necktie Lake, Brian said to leave the supplies in the plane. So they build shelter and get food after being eaten by mosquitoes and a really bad storm. Then one night, another storm comes back, only worse. Derek, being not so smart at the time, stands up and gets struck by lightning blowing up the emergency radio they had for emergencies only. So, Brian has to build a raft and get Derek on and go one hundred miles to get Derek out of unconsciousness. Now that I have given you bit and pieces of this book, you should have fun reading it. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: The River Review: The river is about a boy named Brian Robeson. He is 15 years old. He survived in the wilderness for 54. All he had was a Hatchet. Psychologist, Derek Holtzer asks him to stay in the wilderness again except he would go with him. They fly out in a plane to Necktie Lake. When they're there Derek gets struck by lighting and is in coma. Brian has to bring Derek back to the trading post. What will happen next? Read the book to find out!
Rating:  Summary: WOW amazing adventerouse book!!! Review: I thought that The River was a very good book. It is adventurouse, exciting, and you never know whats going to happen next. Right when you think yoy know the book, it turns into a whole different direction and something amazing happens! My favorite part was when Brian decides that they weren't going to have supplies. Only because it shows bravery and because you know something exciting will happen and the will need the supplies. plus, later in the book, an exciting twist comes and you would never expect it! Well, I wouldn't want to spoil it so the only way you would kow what happnes next, would be to read the book. I recomind this book to anyone who is in for an adventure.
Rating:  Summary: The River Review: Have you ever been struck by lightning or heard of someone being struck? A guy named Derek Holtzer was. Two years ago a guy named Brian Robeson was stranded out in the wilderness for fifty-four days. Now the government wants him to do it again but this time Brian has a guy from the government named Derek. While Brian and Derek are out there lightning strikes and Derek gets struck. Brian has to get him 100 miles down a river for help. Another book the author has written is the hatchet. The river is a sequel to the hatchet. The hatchet is about Brian getting stranded out in the wilderness for fifty-four days. Both books were realistic fiction. The main idea the writer tries to get across is if you're in a bad situation don't make a bad choice. I think anyone can read this book. It is not to hard and not to easy. One of the bad parts was when they were talking at the table. They did not use enough detail. One of the strong points was when Derek was struck by lightning. I knew exactly what was going on. Gary Paulsen has written three Newberry awards. The River has one Iral children's book council and parents magazine best book of the year. Watch out for lightning.
Rating:  Summary: The River Review: What would you do if you were on island with a man in a comma? Well, that what thirteen year old Brian had to go through. Brian is a boy that got saved from an airplane crash in the book Hatchet. Now some people want him to go back to do everything over, so they would know how he survived in the wilderness. However, this time, Derek would also go with him, (Derek is an adult who would write down the things they did and how they would survive). Derek gets injured and now Brian has to take care of Derek, who is in a comma. This is a wonderful book for people that like to learn about new things in life and survival lessons. Gary Paulsen also wrote Hatchet and Brian Winter, too. I would recommend these books to anyone who likes to travel, so they can know how to survive in the woods, in winter, or with wild animals. So, I hope you and enjoy it like I did.