Rating:  Summary: Somebody hand this man a medal!!! Review: Could he be anymore genius? James Redfield is on of the most amazing authors yet! Those who have judged wrong of this book in the past should reconsider. I can honestly say, without praising this man too much, that I as a young reader have been inspired and touched by The Tenth Insight! When I first began to read this book, I was kind of sceptical, as it seemed to be a "religious book", but as I continued my search into the book, a whole new aspect of life had come into view. For a human being alone to have thought of this inspirational book, I find to be highly unlikely. But then again, the evidence has been placed right before me and I now see that it is possible. I remember at one point of the book, my jaw actually dropped in amazment. I had never taken any of this into thought before. I literally refused to stop reading the book and stayed up for hours, analizing every line of this fantastic masterpiece. I hope that anyone who may come across this comment, to take it to serious consideration because I know that I myself have never received so much aspect on life from one book. I too can say this has changed it dramatically and would definetly reccomend this to anyone who may be facing any difficulties in their lives, because if it has touched this many people, it will definetly affect you.
Rating:  Summary: Reader From Reading PA Review: I just could not get into this book, like his others, it just went all over the place and really did not capture my interest as the other 9 insights he wrote about. I read almost all of the book but very rough to get into and get through for me anyway.
Rating:  Summary: The apex of spiritual reward--for 15 bucks! Review: As basically a spiritually benighted Neanderthal whose only soul is on the bottom of his shoes, I would be happy to have even one spiritual revelation in life, but the estimable Mr. Redfield has had 10. I can only hope that sometime I can ascend from the spiritual nadir of my present circumstances to the enviable empyrean heights of our enlightened author. In my book, both Bo Derek and the author rate a 10.
Rating:  Summary: Taking the good with the BAD Review: Let me start off by saying, this book isin't for everyone. It's obvious that you will have cynical people who totally disregarde everything they hear or read on the subject of spirituality. Of course I'm one of em, however, I'm open to a new concept here and there. In any case, if you're looking for a good time, an adventure of sorts, you're looking in completely the wrong place. This book has a REALLY dry plot, jumps around a lot and has poor use of diction, not to mention that it could be mistaken for an 8yr old's journal off and on. Although, hope is not all gone for this book....well, let's call it a "bible" of sorts. If you want some new ideas or perspectives on what to think about the spiritual side of your life, you've hit the jackpot. The Celestine Prophecies and The Tenth Insight are no more than a new religion and are, in themselves, a new series of bibles of their own. Personally I think that no one religion is perfectly valid, it's all theme related, much like this book. One could basically write the Celesitne series in children's style short stories like someone did for the bible all those years ago, in order to get a point across. The story behind The Tenth Insight is insignificant, the morals and ideas are. If you are skeptical and cynical then don't read this book because you will get absolutly NOTHING out of it except for a laugh. A laugh at the poor qualitiy of writing, a chuckel at the lack of plot and a fit of uncontrollable laughter at the diction used in this book. Don't beleive me? read the other reveiws if you haven't already. I enjoyed only reading some of the interesting concepts, but that's about it. 1 star for effort.
Rating:  Summary: If you read just one review, please read this one Review: There are soooo many things to say about this book - where can I start? I read the Celestine Prophesy (the prequel) because it was recommended by a friend. I was, by my nature, slightly suspicious of it but I suspended disbelief. In hindsight its hard not to notice the obvious symbolism in the first chapter (ie: the author representing the reader, reluctant to believe and building affinity with the reader, but trusting his friend - who represents the book - and who the author learns over time to trust and believe) and didnt even let in any cynicism with the overuse of repetition (aka Neuro-linguistic Reprogramming). Why did I do this? Well, I like my friend. Plus the "insights" are easy to believe if you <want> to believe them. It's easy to see how they are reflected in today's western society. OK so there's no proof that this is based on an ancient Peruvian manuscript, and I suppose Redfield <could> have written it a few years back just to make a bit of money and conveniently written the story to have all the evidence confiscated but ... well you have to give the benefit of the doubt every now and then, right? So then I read the Tenth Insight. How obvious can you be? It's not so much his lack of writing ability that bothers me, he's not pretending to be a skilled author, but the fact that Redfield is exploiting people who need reassurance, people who are unhappy with their lives and need something to hope for. Think about all of the flaws in his story... One small example: he says that animals are here to remind us of something we learned when we evolved through them. So tell me - when did humans ever evolve from hawks? from rabbits or cats? His "logic" is littered with gaping inaccuracies and holes. If you aren't convinced yet, please ask yourself one question: if his purpose is to bring these "insights" into the world and raise human awareness, why does he make people pay for them? Why doesn't he put it on the internet and make it free to everyone?
Rating:  Summary: Eleventh Insight: Don't write a book unless you know how to Review: Redfield's books in a sentence: "Suddenly, an orgasmic rush of energy sent me whirling into a new spiritual awakening". I'm sorry, but you cannot use the words suddenly, orgasmic, and energy-level 150 times in 10 pages. Redfield's insights may be worthwhile, but I found his rudimentary style of writing to be too distracting to enjoy any of the insights. Although I do admit that the second book was written at a more advanced level than the first, I still find it hard to believe that it became so popular among so many people. Are people really that desperate for spirituality in their lives? If so, they might enjoy a book more along the lines of Siddhartha by Hermann Hesse. At least Hesse knows how to tie a spiritual theme into a novel. One thing is clear, Redfield may have some very inspirational and new-aged theories, but his use of language is atrocious.
Rating:  Summary: The 10th Insight ~AN EXPERIENTIAL GUIDE~not 10 Insight novel Review: What we have here is a theistic, optimistic, and spiritual book with a New Age coloring. This deals a lot with synchronicities, and has had a profound effect on my life since synchronicities are something that I experience first hand, frequently. I recommend this book whether or not you believe it as a whole. You don't need to, it still will be beneficial. ( I don't believe everything it advocates) To the stubborn skeptic, it might be a little to much to swallow, but as long as you have encountered synchronicity or serendipity... this book will be enjoyed. It will only be worthless to the nihilist. Why do I give it 5 stars though? Was it really that brilliant? No, but unlike some books that are merely valuable as food for thought, this is food for life. It can be directly applied to where you stand now. Perhaps 'soul food' is the proper term. You will not read this by accident, and you will learn that nothing is an accident. Without getting into its minor beliefs, I agree with the ultimate implied message that the book purports: The meaning of life is simply, love It emphasizes our need to generate loving energy unto all beings, and search for the genuine meaning in our lives, through prayer and synchronistic events. It speaks a bit about analyzing synchronicities and their context, similar to interpreting dreams. There is alot of fascinating info about things like dreams, and sacred sites. There is much writing about the Afterlife. The book teaches reincarnation, Birth Vision, and the idea that your Afterlife is created by what you believe it will be while on earth. (That concept continues to confuse me!) They deny literal existences of Hell, Devils, and Judgement. These are only to be viewed as metaphors. We can transform our negative side through our heart with positive light. It even contains a chapter about Work and Business, how we can use these as spiritual relationships and oppurtunities through changes. The chapters end with individual and group work, this will probably be where the book directly helps or influences you the greatest. The author has great methods of analyzing our life and the big picture. The vision is here, we must realize it. As I said it doesn't really degrade this books value if you don't believe in NDE's, reincarnation, or whatever. I believe there is alot of good here for us all. I don't think I should get into more detail, if you are interested at all, open your mind to this work!!
Rating:  Summary: Better than the first Review: The Tenth Insight is a....well....decent sequel to The Celestine Prophecy. Though it has more than its share of fluff, like the first book, it has a bit more plot. I enjoyed the concepts presented regarding the Afterlife, and soul groups, and a new global awareness. The characters, this time, were active participants in the story, as opposed to hapless protagonists passed hand-to-hand through a learning process. It could still have been written better, in my opinion. However, if you are at this page, interested in perhaps picking up a copy, you probably enjoyed the Celestine Prophecy. If this is the case, you most likely will not be disappointed be the Tenth Insight. Go for it - even though it's a little lacking, it's a feel-good kind of book:)
Rating:  Summary: A Cloud of Witnesses Review: This book describes a compelling and engaging, if imaginative picture of the very real concept of the "Communion of Saints". Reinforcing for those who will, the scriptural affirmation that we are all "surrounded by a cloud of witnesses", who are intensely and actively interested in our achievement of fulfilling and fruitful lives, evolving (author's word) right into eternity. It does have a few slow parts when compared with The Celestine Prophesy; but for it's imaginative description of mystical body of Christ including those who have lived in the past, I have never read its equal.
Rating:  Summary: THE TENTH BLIND-SIGHT Review: This book is has earned my personal "WINNER" Award - the Wish I Never, Never Ever Read this book award! This book was actually painful to read. No plot, no point: it goes nowhere except deeper into Nowhereland. Please sing along with me: Sung to The Beatles "Nowhere Man" He's a real New Age Man, / Living in his New Age Land, / Making all his New Age Plans for nobody. He's as blind as he can be, / Just sees what he wants to see / New Age Man can you reason at all? New Age Man, please listen, / You don't know what you're missin', / New Age Man, the REAL world is outside your own head. Sorry about that, I guess I sort of got a bit carried away. Hmmm... I guess the book was inspirational after all. OVERVIEW OF THE ENTIRE SERIES: To paraphrase Tweedledee's story of the Walrus and the Carpenter in Alice in Wonderland: "It is time to talk of New Age Things," said the author, / "Of soul groups and force fields and astral projection / Of time travel and things / And why our energy levels are not boiling hot / And whether dakinis have wings." Like Alice, I think the author James Redfield has been drinking too many magic potions and smoking too much hookah with the caterpillar and his New Age friends. In his trilogy, the author weaves fictional stories around New Age doctrines and beliefs. Each book starts out "above ground" in the realm of reality but soon, like Alice, we find ourselves falling down into the rabbit hole of the New Age mind. Here in New Age Land that we learn the "TRUTH" that everything above ground is not as it appears to be. One key truth to unlock the door and enter the magic of New Age Land is to be very careful of what one eats. The food of choice is to eat only live greens, preferably uncooked, which will increase your energy levels so that you can disappear and reappear like Cheshire cats on demand. Poor Alice, if only she hadn't eaten the cake! Once your energy levels are high enough, and with a little practice, you too will be able to escape reality and enter New Age Land, any time, anywhere and any place. Here you will learn how to perform all sorts of reality-escaping magic, including astral projection and time travel. You can even visit your past and future lives or just sit around and vibrate at high energy levels. Just as in Wonderland, New Age Land is also full of mystical and magical creatures that appear and disappear to help you on your journey. However, these creatures are not seen by everyone, you have to increase your energy levels high enough and look out of the corners of your eyes or cause your eyes to go out of focus to see them. Soon, with a little practice, you will be able to see them too. Some of these "colorful" beings include angels like creatures called dakini (apparently similar to angels) and soul groups that are part of your previous and future lives to help you along your journey. What is the ultimate purpose of all this? Well, after you learn the ten truths taught in the first two books you must begin to make them an integral part of your life and teach others these truths. Soon many people will embrace these truths to the point where we collectively reach critical mass and then POOF, we all evolve consciously into a spiritual society where there is no need for clothing and no one goes hungry because we all can just create it in our minds in the land called Shambhala! I hope none of this makes much sense to you, because if it does, you're beginning to worry me. Lewis Carroll wrote Alice in Wonderland for a young girl named Alice. Young children, as every parent knows, have a vivid imagination and in their early years they have a hard time distinguishing between reality and fantasy. Fortunately, most children eventually grow up and learn the difference; unfortunately, the author of these books was not one of them.