Rating:  Summary: The Light in the Forest Review: This book, The Light in the Forest, is not a book that you want to continue reading. The way the sentences are constructed, with no thrilling words or exiting topics, does not support your enjoyment of the book. With its many brief paragraphs it is hard to keep your attention on the topics discussed. Chapter by chapter your attention span grows short for the lengthy description that you almost drown in. As the book reaches its last few pages, you realize what a waist of time and effort you have spent on such a poorly written and non-eventful book. As you look back on what you read, you will also find how politically correct and simplistic this book is. The Light in the Forest is not a book I would recommend because of its ridiculously clean plot.
Rating:  Summary: please spare youself from this book if posible Review: No matter what you think this is not a good book in our opinion. Yea, it may have so well written sentenses. It is mind-numbingly boring and pointless. Well, maybe not pointess but deffinently boring. The reason it is not pointless is because it does have soom what of a plot; which is, a boy who is tangled between two caltures. The worst part of the book to use is that he is shuned out of those two caltures at the end which makes the book disapointing to the reader and the author. The author probely would not care because he is dead. If you like indian storys you might like this, even though it has been done a million times before, if not don't even bother with it.This book is not what you should spend you summer on, but if you have to than make the best of it.
Rating:  Summary: The Light in the Forest is for Babes in the Woods Review: The Light in the Forest is about a white boy in the 1800's who is captured by Native Americans as a small child. The book is all about his return to and escape from his white family. It has a very shallow plot and the author seemed to take a very long time explaining a small action or custom. In the beginning, the chapters jump from the viewpoint of the main character, True Son, to that of a soldier who observes his actions. The changing of viewpoints makes the book very hard to follow. I do not think a teen or pre-teen would enjoy this book, though I would recommend it to a younger and more naive group of children who didn't care much for interesting plots or an exciting writing style.
Rating:  Summary: The Light in the Forest Review: The Light in the Forest had a good plot, but lacked the action that would have made it a great book. The book wasn't terrible, but not something a young reader would expect. This book was about a boy adopted by indians at the age of four. He took to the ways of the indians, and was considered one by the other members of the tribe. At age fourteen, the boy was forced to return to his true family on the American frontier. We liked the story, but thought it moved slowly. The ending was not something we expected, and was disappointing. We rated this book two stars because it was an okay book, but never caught our attention.
Rating:  Summary: Waste of Time Review: This book was a waste of time. Its plot was not very interesting. It was about a tribe of Indians who are forced to give up their "adopted" white son. The son then goes on to live with his real white family for several months, before escaping and returning to his Indian village and Indian family. At the end the Indians no longer accept him, and neither do the whites. Not very captivating is it? The book would be better if the characters had been more developed. Also, the author should have made the book more exciting and eventful. I'm telling you, if it wasn't assigned I wouldn't have read it. I don't think middle schoolers would like this book any more than I did.
Rating:  Summary: Two reviews by different people Review: Conrad Richter's book, The Light in the Forest was a really bad book. It was boring and lacked excitement and a good plot. The main thing that bothered me was that you couldn't read almost every other word! No one in seventh grade, or any other for that matter, should read this book.The Light in the Forest, by Conrad Richter, was a fairly good book. Although our interest waned a few times, the characters were interesting to stay with the book. Although drawn out at times, it had a rewarding and unpredictable ending. It had an endearing protagonist and we liked it and give The light in the Forest 4 stars!
Rating:  Summary: The Light in the Forest has Burned Out. Review: The book The Light in the Forest, by Conrad Richter, is not a good book to read becasue it was very predictable. For instance, when true son went back to the village one could already tell that he was going to be sent back to the white people. Also, in the beginning of the book when Half Arrow was marching with True Son, one could that Half Arrow would have to leave after they crossed the river.
Rating:  Summary: The dim light in the forest Review: The Light in the Forest by Conrad Richter is not a book teens should read because it lacks excitement. For example, there was never any confict between True Son and his siblings. All his brothers and sisters fight, and including a sibling confrontation would have enhanced the book. In addition, after True Son left his indian home to be with his biological parents, he had many conflicts at his house and nothing was resolved. For example, the reader never discovered weather he gets back to his biological siblings. As you can see the book never had high points. It is not recomended for middle school readers.
Rating:  Summary: The Light in the Forest that Burned Out Review: The Light in the Forest by Conrad Richter was not a fullfilling book because there was no closure to the book. For example, True Son was coming back to his biological family then the book ended, and it left the reader hanging. I wondered what was going to happen to True Son. Would his family reject him? Would they take him back and forgive him for running away and scalping his uncle? How would True Son's Indian family react to the situation? In conclusion, this book lacked a good closure.
Rating:  Summary: Why we did not like The Light in the Forest Review: The Light in the Forest should not be recommended to middle schoolers because the author hangs on to each subject too much. For example, when True Son and his dad were down at the river, the author focused too much on their conversation. He should have consentrated more on the feelings True Son was experiencing. Another example is when True Son's father was bringing him back to his biological parents. The book had a entire chapter describing the journey to the camp. Focusing more on being at the camp would have been more interesting. As one can see, focusing too much on the small details makes it difficult for middle schoolers to follow.