Rating:  Summary: The light sort of burned out in this story... Review: Good Lord! This incredibly horrendous book could possibly win the Darwin Award for Literature. I was forced to read this horrible book in my eighth grade advanced english class and fell asleep several times trying to get to the end. I spent the entire book waiting for something happend, and then finally when i reached the end, none of the problems that had been created throughout the book were solved. I truely pity you if you are foced to read this book, but if you WANT to read it you must be out of your mind!
Rating:  Summary: The Light in the Forest by Conrad Richter Review: If you like novels that are easy to read but exciting this is a good choice if you are looking for a book. I thought that this book was a pretty good for the most part. It was not the best I have ever read but it is pretty far up on the list. I has a fairly simple plot but there a few twists in it which make the novel exciting. I think that the book does a nice job describing how life was in that time period and how the main character feels through out the book. Some of the bad things that I saw was that the book moved a little slow and there was action but not quite enough. Overall the book was a good book and might be interesting to read over it agian to see if there are any details that I missed.
Rating:  Summary: A good book Review: In The Light in the Forest, True Son was abducted and raised by the Lenni Lenape Indians. When he was fifteen years old, the news came that they had to release all of the white prisoners they had, and return them to their former homes. He had taught to think like an Indian, and now, he was being forced to go to his enemies to live. It was about being capable of comprehending and empathizing with people of various civilizations. This book is moving and inspirational.
Rating:  Summary: The light in the forest Review: This book was very boring at times. but sometimes is was OK. overall i didn't enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: The BEST Review!!! Review: A Light in the Forest is a beautifully written story about a white boy (True Son) who was raised by Indians since the age of 4, but has to go back to his white parents when he is 15. True Son has learned to hate the whites so he is very pained to go live with his white family. The author, Conrad Richter, does a great job of showing both sides of the White/Indian conflict. You want to be on True Son's side and root for the Indians, but then something happens to the whites that makes you want to root for them. The book teaches you how much hatred went on between these two different groups of people who never understood each others' ways. You might like this book if you can handle some disturbing and gory details such as scalping. Also, you might like this book if you enjoy descriptive writing.
Rating:  Summary: Light in the Forest Book Review Review: Light in the Forest Book Review Indians found John who was later named True son in the forest when he was four. He has lived in the forest for eleven years when the Indians had to give all white captives back. True son was astonished that his Indian father would just give him up. True son went on a long march to his biological father's town. An Indian troop named Del was supposed to get him to stay in his new house and if he were to run away Del would be the one to find him. Del was also the translator On the trip True son sees his old friend Half Arrow. Half Arrow kept True Son company on his trip. On. When True son gets to his father's town he says nothing to his mom or dad. True Sons first night at his new house was weird for him because everything was new to him. The second day at john's new house his mom made him ware normal clothes and shoes. John met his brother Benjance. Benjance like Indians so johns first attempt to run away, he takes Benjance. John gets caught running away. John's old friend Half Arrow shows up at his house, so John decides to run away again. They had to travel a long way so they stole a boat from this guy on a river. They float downstream to his tribe's land. When he gets there he is welcomed by almost everyone. Everyone except his dad his dad doesn't participate in his reunion because he is white and he belongs with the whites. The Indians plan an attack on the whites. True son has the main role in the attack. The attack fails and the Indians and the whites are firing on each other. This was the climax.True Son's Indian father tells hem that they need to part so true son and his Indian father parted. John said he would never go back with the whites. By dominic
Rating:  Summary: light in the forst Review: The Light in the Forest is a book that gives a setting in Delaware boy is found in a tribe of Indians. He was 4 when they found him. Later we go to his current age he is 15 and he is a wild boy so to speek.The main characters are True Son/John, Half Arrow,Little Crane,his Mom, Dad, Brothers and Sister Delhardey,and his Indian father Cuyloga. The rising attraction is when they try to take him to his dad but he thinks he is an Indian. So when they try to take him to his real dad but he runs away and rebels. The climax starts when he finds out he is white he goes in a river and realizes he is a white boy. Then the falling attraction starts when he goes to his dad. Then he goes to his Indian dad and hi dad banishes him. Then he leaves looks back but the Indian.
Rating:  Summary: this book is the best Review: This book tells alot about how it could of been back in the old days. It Started with an indian boy and an indian father who taught him how to be an indian man. This boy was raised to be a warrior and the boy has to go back to his original father and mother. This book tells how the boy ran and ran trying to get back to his indian father. The father doesn't want anything to do with him because it was a law.I thought it was a very very good book. This book kept me interested and that's hard to do. So read this book. It a good one.
Rating:  Summary: don your hair shirt Review: Not that the novel represents the novelist's particular beliefsor opinions. He can understand and sympathize with either side. Hisbusiness is to be fair to them both. If the novel has anotherpurpose, it is to point out that in the pride of our Americanliberties, we're apt to forget that already we've lost a good many tocivilization. The American Indians once enjoyed far more than we.Already two hundred years ago, when restrictions were comparativelywith us, our ideals and restrained manner of existence repelled theIndian. I thought that perhaps if we understood how these FirstAmericans felt toward us even then and toward our white way of life,we might better understand the adverse, if perverted, view of us bysome African, European, and Asian peoples today. -Author'sIntroduction As the above paragraph makes clear, this extremelypopular youth novel reflects the corrosive self doubt that has eatenaway at Western Civilization for most of this century. Richter tellsthe story of a fifteen year old boy, named True Son. He has beenraised by Lenni Lenape Indians after being taken from his whiteparents in a raid; his real name is John Butler. As the story opens,the boy's Indian father informs him that the terms of a recent treaty(the year is 1764) require the return of all white captives. The boydesperately hopes to avoid going back and after being returned hecontinually seeks to escape. When he eventually returns to theIndians, he goes on a raiding party, but in a fit of conscience, warnsaway some whites who are about to be ambushed. His Indian fathersaves him from execution, but convinces him that he is now so taintedby his white blood that he must return to civilization. This is an exciting story marred by the kind of starry eyed leftwing twaddle that characterizes far too much of children's literature.The saving grace is Richter's seeming acceptance of the fact that thisclash of cultures and the West's victory were inevitable. I stronglyrecommend Alan LeMay's great novel The Searchers instead. GRADE: C
Rating:  Summary: you'll fall asleep Review: This book is the kind your teacher will force you to read and it takes all your willpower to suffer through this book. The sentences seem to drag on forever and it is very confusing. There are no colorful verbs that make you picture the setting and makes you feel like you are there. Instead of the great enjoyment you usually get out of reading a book this boring book makes you feel like you are reading it as a punishment. I would suggest this book to someone who has a hard time falling asleep because while reading this book you'll be out like a light. Save yourself from the pain and suffering by NOT READING THIS BOOK.