Rating:  Summary: Breaking Through -- Really? For How Long? Review: Some people have been saying, "Hey, it's gotten people to pray, so leave it alone" or "It's working, so what is wrong?" I think this is good that more people are praying, but how long will it last when it is based on faulty ideas about God and prayer...
Rating:  Summary: Increase Your "Territory" Review: Using the story of Jabez from the book of Chronicles, this book shows how we can expand on what we now have. By understanding the simple prayer of a man named Jabez, the reader will see how prayer works to manifest a greater presence of God as well as expanding their own "territory". This story from the Old Testament will help you grow both mentally and spiritually.Jabez, whose name translates to "pain", needed a way to show he was responsible and trustworthy enough to handle God's anointing, if only he had the chance. He was able to pray to God and request his desires, in hopes that God would answer his prayers. Then in turn, Jabez showed God he was able to handle the territory expansion he is blessed with. This book provides more than "Christian hype", it provides insight and understanding into the world of prayer to Almighty God. It helps you to understand how to request and deal with responsibility you feel is warranted in your life. The Prayer of Jabez is great for any reader desiring a more intimate relationship with God. It is a beneficial addition to any library.
Rating:  Summary: A Slap in the Face of Jesus Review: The real prayer of Jabez (the one in the Bible)is good. However the book by Mr. Wilkinson is a handbook that teach's one how to become selfish in their prayer life (as if we needed any help). Prayer is a gift from YHWH (God)to help us grow in our relationship with Him. I couldn't get past the first sentence in the Preface before I noticed just how much this book is a blasphemy. Bruce says, "But I believe it (The Prayer of Jabez) contains the key ("the key" means there are no more keys) to a life of extraordinary favor with God". Some may not find any fault with this, but it is a slap in the face of Jesus. I say this because the prayer of Jabez doesn't ask the Lord to foregive anyone of sin. How can someone have extrodinary favor with God if sin is in the way? Also, the the story of "Mr Jones" on pages 25-27 is one of, if not the most ridiculous illistration I have ever heard! Heaven is all about Jesus not playing football, or finding what we could have had on earth! Bruce also says,"When we seek God's blessing as the ultimate value in life, we are throwing ourselves entirely into the river of His will and power and purposes for us" page 24. I have to ask what is ment by "blessing"? Does Bruce mean stuff, or Jesus Christ? If he means Jesus why doesn't he say it. These are just a few reasons I DON'T condone this book. I'm sure if I space here I could write a book telling why I don't support this book by Dr. Bruce H. Wilkinson.
Rating:  Summary: It's no wonder greedy Americans love this book Review: Here's the premise of "The Prayer of Jabez": there are millions of blessings (material and spiritual) that God wants to give us, but He can't give them unless we ask. Thus, we should ask for things from Him all the time--otherwise, when we get to heaven, we'll find a warehouse full of blessings that God was just waiting to give to us. Here are four reasons why I believe this book is unbiblical, troubling and even dangerous. First, Wilkinson's whole premise is based on a poor translation of Scripture. The book looks at only one verse, 1 Chronicles 4:10, and it only looks at the NKJV translation. The NKJV translates the verse, "O that you would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!" Read your NASB, KJV or NIV (or any other translation), and you'll see that the verse is completely different from the one Wilkinson has based his entire book on. Here's the way the NIV reads, "Keep me from harm so that I WILL BE FREE FROM PAIN." I can only assume that Wilkinson used the NKJV over every other English translation because it sounds more noble to ask God to keep us from causing pain, rather than to ask God to keep us free from pain. Second, does this sound like a prayer that is glorifying to God? "Enlarge my territory! Make me rich! Make me famous! Keep me free from pain!" God is sovereign, and he can bestow wealth, fame and pain-free living on anyone He chooses. But is this the best prayer we can come up with? Which leads to my third reason why I believe this book is dangerous. It has more than a hint of gnosticism (that is, it claims secret knowledge that others haven't discovered). If this prayer is such a great prayer, why is it that neither Jesus nor the apostles (nor anybody else before Wilkinson) ever referenced it? When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, he didn't say, "When you pray, pray like Jabez." Instead, he gave us the Lord's prayer. Fourth, Wilkinson teaches, in subtle and not-so-subtle ways, that "greed is good." "Enlarge my territory, make me rich and famous, and I'll give all the glory to you, Lord!" Motives matter. And greed, covetousness, and a lust for fame are not ones that please God. As James said, "When you ask, you ask with wrong motives." It's no wonder that this book has sold millions. Wilkinson promises that by repeating this prayer, over and over again, God (now reduced to a cosmic bell hop) will give you what you ask for. I'm afraid that Christians (and even worse--non-Christians) will read this book and be duped into thinking that God wants us to be wealthy. When instead, the Sovereign God of the universe wants us to offer our bodies as living sacrifices to Him.
Rating:  Summary: Not so much bless my physical needs but my spiritual needs Review: This book revived my soul. i have seen where Christians say that is wrong to pray as such as this but you know what, this book opened my eyes to a new and deeper prayer life, it revived my prayer life. yes amzing things happened after i read and prayed this prayer, not because i asked God to bless me but i learned through this reading of the Prayer of Jabez to believe in my prayers. i loved it and even bought the Prayer of Jabez for Women and loved it as well, and then bought the Devotional for the Prayer of Jabez, it is awesome but if you have a mindset as such as it is wrong to ask for such then of course you would not get anything out of the book. i am thankful the book fell into my hands, for my prayer life would be obselete. So through the Prayer of Jabez I received God's Blessing through a renewed and blessed Prayer walk with Him!
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing with too much hype Review: I had a hard time getting through the book, as I did not agree with much of what the author was saying. Any prayer to God is good and God hears all prayers, whether they are memorized and recited or spontaneous. No one prayer is better than the others. What is important is that God is a part of our daily life and all of our prayers are "good". I also was turned off on the chapter on the reference to Satan. Since we have free will and free choice, the decisions we make our own and not someone else's fault. We have to take accountability for all of them. I was also disappointed that this minister did not make mention in his book that God is a forgiving and loving God and when we do make "mistakes", we are still loved and forgiven. Reading books about Satan tempting us, etc. is getting old. We have the ultimate last say on our behaviors and our decisions. I think that it was Flip Wilson who used to say, "The devil made me do it." Yeah right. Wilkinson also makes reference to his ministry and the summer incident where if they don't get over 100 kids then it is failure for their summer ministry. What? What is that teaching children? Just getting one person to have a contemplative life is a success. It's not about the numbers. I also disagree with his statement that people don't ask God for things for themselves. Wilkinson makes the supposition that we feel guilty asking for ourselves. People pray all the time for themselves and for others. He also says, "God answers those who have a loyal heart and pray the Jabez prayer". God answers us all the time. He does not pick and choose. What people fail to understand is that the answers we receive may not be the ones we "want", but what is given to us in for our highest good. Also, our answers may also not come as quickly as we may like them to. It all comes down to faith. With all the hype surrounding this book, this book was a huge disappointment, filled with many inaccuracies.
Rating:  Summary: poor theology Review: Dr. wilkenson should know better. I have to seriously question this mans knowledge of scripture.
Rating:  Summary: OK, but not a spiritual panacea Review: Let me start this review by stating that I agree with the basic spiritual principles set forth in this book. I give it two stars not so much because of its content, but because of the way the book has been utilized by so many in the Christian community today. And, the author, I believe, shares some of the blame for its improper usage. The manner in which the author presents the "prayer" and prescribes saying it every day carries the potential of leading people to believe that recitation of the prayer itself carries some kind of supernatural power with it. I fear that far too many people out there are relying upon this book as some kind of spiritual cure-all, believing that as long as they say this prayer, everything's going to work out great for them. Well, the recitation of the prayer standing alone is obviously of no value. The only value of the prayer is that studying it can lead to a better attitude of the heart toward God and others, which in turn will lead you to a place where God is able to use you more effectively. But, you certainly don't need this little book to accomplish a changed attitude. Therefore, it has value in the same manner as any other Biblical study aid has value - to illuminate scriptural truths and allow you to internalize them. So, please do not use this book believing God has chosen to "zap" it with some kind of amazing blessing for all those who read it and say the prayer within. Living the way God wants you to live, obeying Him, resisting temptation, is simply a more complicated matter than saying this little prayer. ...
Rating:  Summary: Grasping at the Shadow Review: This book is a bestseller. Why? It tells us just want our itching ears want to hear - you too can have earthly prosperity just by repeating a prayer. It worked for Jabez, the logic goes, so it should work for us. Sadly this book fails to consider Jabez's place, or ours, in salvation history. The Old Testament points to Christ. It promises blessings which are but a shadow of the blessings to be imparted through Christ (see Hebrews 10, Colossians 2 et al). Jabez's prayer was seeking the blessings of the covenant with God's people Israel - the old covenant, that is (see Deuteronomy 28). God granted his request. Of course! God is always faithful to his promises. But are the promises of the old covenant the property of the Christian? No - for in ushering in the new covenant, the old covenant was made obsolete (Hebrews 8:13). The essential problem is this: To pray this prayer is to seek the blessings of the old covenant rather than those of the new covenant. But Christ came!! Ask for the blessings of the new covenant - far superior in any case as eternal, indestructible riches - and then you will find it is true - God will grant your request. Further, when God has granted, in Christ, to forgive us for our rebellion, grant us eternal life, not just as servants but adopted as his children, co-inheritors of the riches of his kingdom with Christ, we might ask the question - what exactly is the "blessed life" we are trying to break through to from here? More possessions that moth and rust destroy?!! How they pale into insignificance when we understand the gospel! Please pass this book up and read the Epistle to the Hebrews instead - why grasp at the shadow when you can have the reality?
Rating:  Summary: Read the Bible instead!!! Review: I'm ashamed to see Christians embracing this book. I'm ashamed at how many sequels this book has spawned - Jabez for women, Jabez for teens, Jabez for teachers. This is riduculous. This book displays one of the biggest problems in Christianity - that people use the Bible to justify whatever they want life to be instead of using the truth of God's Word to guide their lives to His will. I only gave this book one star because zero stars wasn't an option.