Rating:  Summary: Did you read the Bible chapter? Review: I came across this book because of a Christian's recommendation. Not being a Christian myself, I might be more critical than the rest of you. It seems to me that the Christians who advocate this book just want more wealth and power for themselves. It's a book about becoming more selfish in your faith, not about praising God, not about acknowledging that God, who is awesome, should be revered. Do you think of God as your personal concierge, or as your bodyguard fending off whatever enemies you happen to make while seeking your "blessings"? From reading the chapter in I Chronicles that this book is based on--and I read several different translations--it's clear that Jabez is after more power--more land or territory--and that he wants God to grant him these without impunity. What's really disturbing is the end of the chapter. It shows the way Jabez, supposedly with God's advocation, must have gone about expanding his territory. If he was like his kin in this chapter, he used God's "blessing" as justification for, not just war on his enemies, but genocide. Jabez's kin go to another group's settlement, a quiet and peaceful place, and without being threatened kill those who live there (who are known to be peaceful) and inhabit their dwellings in order to graze their own animals there. But they don't stop with that! They go out and get those who escaped. It's extermination. Why would you want to model yourself on Jabez? What does that have to do with being like Christ?
Rating:  Summary: A Big Little Book Review: This is a powerful, tiny book. It is easily read in a sitting, but the thoughts and concepts it introduces are spiritual food for life. True to Wilkinson form, the book does not suffer from "pop religion book of the week syndrome". The exegesis is sound, the context is developed. Why would God, in a boring list of genealogies...insert a mini-biography of an obscure man named Jabez and his heartfelt prayer? If we believe that the Bible is the Word of God, could we assume that our Father was trying to tell us something? Jabez' short prayer has astounding implications! Wilkinson establishes, to twenty-first century Christians the concept that praying for God's blessing is not a selfish or carnal thing to do; it is the key to God using you as a conduit to bless others. _Jabez_ is a clear, balanced approach to an exciting and dynamic relationship with a Heavenly Father who has unlimited supply of GOOD gifts for His children!
Rating:  Summary: Reservations about the book, not prayer Review: I tend to be wary when someone hints that a certain formulaic prayer is bound to catch God's attention. My ears will perk up when that person says this prayer ought to be prayed "every morning" and that a book about this prayer should be "reread once each week for 30 days" (p. 86). While most of the general principles given by the author are quite valid--praying with faith and power--I still have some reservations about this short 92-page book that is sweeping through many evangelical churches. Having personally heard Dr. Wilkinson speak on this topic, I am concerned that many sincere believers will somehow get the wrong idea that God affirmatively answers all prayers offered in the order of Jabez. In fact, one could easily get the impression that God never says "no" to Dr. Wilkinson, and I don't think he really intended to communicate this idea. (Or did he?) The Bible very clearly says that God will answer our prayers according to His will and not according to our personal whims or desires (1 John 5:14). Sometimes God does not give us what we ask for, and that was OK for Paul who claimed to have prayed three times about a "thorn in my flesh" (2 Cor. 12:7); however, Paul was told "no" each time because God's "strength is made perfect in weakness." Now, with that being said, I want to go on record as saying that I certainly believe in prayer. Christians are absolutely commanded by scripture to pray for blessing, for enlarged territories, for God's hand to be with us, and for staying away from evil. I just hope The Prayer of Jabez doesn't become a magical mantra that is misused by sincere seekers after God.
Rating:  Summary: Inspiring Review: Upon the recommendation of my choir's musical director, I read "The Prayer of Jabez" thinking "Whatever. No big deal." But oh the impact!! This "little" book, inspired by a "little" prayer, offered by a "little" man, shows that God is patiently waiting on His children to tap in fully to the power of prayer and faith. My own prayer life has changed, becoming bolder and more confident that God not only hears me, but has already blessed me before I even get to "Amen"! If you know God for yourself, this book is definitely for you. If you don't know God for yourself, this book is definitely for you, too. Give it, and God, a genuine chance, and watch Him work!
Rating:  Summary: Life Changing Review: When I first read the book it didn't make much of an impact - nice thoughts. But no real impact. Then for some reason I picked it up again about a month later - and a light went on. I don't want to give it away in a review, but this is a life changing experience! I've now read it at least 15 times and continue to read a chapter or two on a regular basis. Get this book and when you read it - do so slowly. Pray about it. Understand what it means to be blessed by God. Understand what it will do in your life. Yes. This book is not the Bible. But the Bible is inspired by God - which means there are no throwaways or accidents there. There are genuine truths within the Jabez prayer.
Rating:  Summary: Inspiring...IF you place it in its proper perspective Review: I don't necessarily buy Christian books because they are best-sellers. Much of what sells is just "Pop Religion", which I differentiate from true Christianity. But I took notice when I saw that this book was being listed on the "secular" best-seller list right behind that Cheese book, so I decided to take the plunge since the book is relatively inexpensive. One thing I appreciate about "The Prayer of Jabez" is that it spotlights a scripture that 99 out of 100 Bible readers totally miss. I was a bit wary at first, because the prayer starts out as a "Bless Me" prayer, and could be contstrued as being rather selfish. But the author makes clear that asking for God's blessing in this case is not a thinly-veiled get-rich-quick idea. It's important to allow God to bless you the way HE wants to bless you. Of course, that is just the first point of the prayer, there are three more to follow. If nothing else, it will help you get over any guilt you may have about praying for yourself. HOWEVER... Don't fall into the trap that this prayer is the be-all and end-all when it comes to praying. After all, when the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, He didn't say "Well, let me tell you about a little prayer by a guy named Jabez..." It can certainly be incorporated into your daily time of prayer, but if the prayer of Jabez is ALL you ever pray, then yes, it becomes extremely selfish. There are many prayers in and outside the Bible that can be used as well, not to mention your own spontaneous prayers, for others as well as yourself. And this is not to be used as some kind of Christian mantra. In short, this is a pretty good little book, but keep it in perspective to the whole of your devotional life.
Rating:  Summary: A Powerful Little Book! Review: The prayer of Jabez highlights a seemingly insignificant notation regarding a man whose prayer changed his life. This is not a book about selfish ambition through spirituality. Bruce Wilkinson rightly asserts that greatness in God involves becoming aligned with the greater purposes of God to bless others. This prayer, as with most prayer, changes the pray-er more than the situations surrounding him or her. A must read book!
Rating:  Summary: A reminder that God longs to bless Review: This is an astonishing book that I can only wholeheartedly recommend. Jabez's prayer is a powerful way to clear our way to the blessings that God is crying out to give us. It is something that I will pray daily for the rest of my life - not as a kind of incantation - just to ask God to have His way in me.
Rating:  Summary: I was so blessed! Review: This book is a must read! I am a musician who was stricken with chronic illness, forcing me to drop out of performing arts. At Christmas time, my close friend gave me a copy of 'The Prayer of Jabez'. I began to pray the prayer every day. I read and re-read the book and sent a copy as a gift to a friend of mine, who is also a musician struggling with chronic illnesses. God used the prayer to give us a chance to make music using computer programs and electronic equipment. We've even formed a band called (surprise, surprise) 'Jabez Project' and have a web site. We believe that the Lord brought this special book into our lives, not only to restore what the enemy tried to steal, not only to bless us (which He most certainly did), but to allow us to in turn bless other. That's why we can ask to be blessed and not feel selfish- in being blessed we are given tools to bless others.
Rating:  Summary: One of the many prayers God wants to teach us. Review: I believe that God must have worked THROUGH Dr. Bruce Wilkinson in such a way to awaken a great number of our fellow Christians, and to (re-)kindle their desire to seek an intimate relationship with God via improving their prayer life. However, I also found myself couldn't agree more with some reviewers - those fellow brothers and sisters - who shared their viewpoints or concerns regarding this book in such objective, discerning, and bible-rooted ways. I also believe that our Lord must have a lot in His mind to teach all of us in every prayer recorded in the Bible, may it be the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13), the Jabez' prayer (1 Chronicles 4:9), the Solomon's prayer (1 King 3:6-14), and so on. Above all, the Lord's Prayer should always be placed on the top first. For all our Christian brothers and sisters who will read this book, my prayer for you is that you will not only be inspired by this little book, but also remain to be a BIBLE-lover. Just share with you a word from Martin Luther regarding how we should make the use of Christian resources without leaving THE BOOK God Himself wrote for each of us. [</i> The writings of all the holy fathers should be read only for a time, in order that through them we may be led to the Holy Scriptures. As it is, however, we read them only to be absorbed in them and never come to the Scriptures. We are like men who study the sign-posts and never travel the road. The dear fathers wished by their writing, to lead us to the Scriptures, but we so use them as to be led away from the Scriptures, through the Scriptures alone are our vineyard in which we ought all to work and toil. - Martin Luther, as cited in John Piper, 2000, The Legacy of Sovereign Joy: pp. 38-39. </i>]