Rating:  Summary: Prayer as incantation Review: I am less disturbed by the actual content of this book as I am with the hoopla that has made it a bestseller in evangelical Christendom. I came to the book a skeptic and finished it mildly impressed with Wilkinson's overall message. In short, Wilkinson suggests that the prayer of Jabez offers guidance to men and women seeking to deepen their relationship with God through prayer. This alone may be true.The "hoopla," however, centers on the idea that the "Prayer of Jabez" is somehow a revolutionary prayer that will in itself completely transform life. Wilkinson feeds the notion that the power is in the prayer by placing so much emphasis on the actual wording of the prayer. In so doing, it often seems like the Prayer of Jabez has been turned into a magical incantation that one can use to manipulate God. The description on the back of the book well embodies this fallacy: "Are you ready to reach for the extraordinary? To ask God for the abundant blessings He longs to give you? Join Bruce Wilkinson to discover how the remarkable prayer of a little-known hero can release God's favor, power, and protection. You'll see how one daily prayer can help you leave the past behind--and break through to the life you were meant to live." This is a good example of incantation, the notion that mere words have the power to release potent forces. This is why the book may do as much harm as it does good for Christians seeking to deepen their life of prayer.
Rating:  Summary: Originally a good book... Review: Once upon a time, I saw an interview on the television. The interview was with an author I had never heard of, and yes, I have a pretty good library of Christian books. The book the author was talking about was the Prayer of Jabez. Interesting concept, or so I thought. Something worth forking up the ol' dollar bills for. So low and behold I ordered the book. I got it in. I read it. A short book, but worth the reading especially when you look between the lines at the messages that speak to the heart of desires in life. Then came the wave of others who were wanting the book. As a bookstore employee, man, did I see people after people clammoring for the book. Talked with some of them. Oh they have read the bible here and there, but I got the feeling that they considered the Bible more of a "classics" than a voice of the sacred romance to the heart and soul of one's being. Basically, I got the nagging feeling people were buying the book and reading what they wanted to read: that God owes us something (besides the little incident of DYING for our sins and defeating death itself...but pardon me, let me go back to the point). As the multitudes of people were buying the book. Some how they also got the idea of taking the Bible verse and putting it on paper and framming the verse. A nice little gift for the office. Then...came the teddy bears. Yes. I'm not lying. Teddy Bears. With little symbols of prayer over the heart region of the bear. And let us not forget t-shirts. There's something to show off. I've got a prayer of Jabez t-shirt. Isn't there a song...and pardon me for not knowing all the lyrics...that goes something like "Oh Lord, won't you buy me a...." (You fill in the rest). Well, the author must be pretty happy. His prayers are being answered apparently. SOMEONE must be getting money from all the adversements and nicknacks being sold in the stores. Thus a book I would have once given five stars...now only gets one...
Rating:  Summary: Good premise, Being Judged by its Results. Review: I had heard alot about this book from those who had read the book and begun praying the prayer and began receiving what appeared to be blessings as a result of the prayer. So, I read some of the reviews to get some reader comments and I chose to focus primarily on those with negative comments, since the word on the street so to speak was overwhelmingly positve. Many of the cautionary comments, I initially agreed with, for example, the idea of promoting vain repetitions, needing to emphasize the Lord's prayer, teaching health and wealth, prosperity, etc. With this background, I read the book. And I didn't find, that my initial agreement with the negative comments was warranted. Even Jesus answer to the disciples rearding the Lord's Prayer could be interpreted as promoting mantra in prayer. And he did say, if you seek you will find, if you ask he will answer? Are we not to seek his blessing? I also think that while these verses are obscure in the overall text of the Bible, they should be given all the credibility of any verse in the Bible, isn't there a verse that mentions, that "all" of God's word was given to glorify...? I also did not find that, as I read the book, I thought as much about what I might obtain from praying the prayer, as How I might improve my ability to walk in God's will by improving my focus through prayer, recognizing that God would bless me as a result (emphasis on being blessed, not recieving blessings). I am as analytical and skeptical as the next person, but I also recognize that faith and God's purpose for our lives is not something that can be analyzed or broken down into its collective parts and understood, otherwise it wouldn't be faith. It seems that many lives have been dramatically altered by those who have read this book and are attempting to live the Prayer of Jabez. I would not presume,through skepticism, atomistic perspective, or as a result of my intelligence, to suggest that God can not work through a book who's purpose it seems to be to get people to experience God as God intended, through faith, communication, worship, day to day life. Read the book, learn the principles behind the prayer, live it and judge it based on its results.
Rating:  Summary: A Powerful Prayer Hidden Between Unpronounable Names Review: Nestled within the Book of 1 Chronicles, Chapter Four is one man's prayer that will change your own prayer life forever. Bruce Wilkinson uncovers "The Prayer of Jabez." He outlines the principles of Jabez's prayer and shows how five small request can transform your very own expectations and leave you in absolute awe of God's will and pleasure for your own life. This is a book you'll read quickly and definitely more than once. It's the prayer you never noticed, and now you'll never forget. Sure to be a prayer you call your very own. "The Prayer of Jabez" is a life changing read.
Rating:  Summary: Small Book with a Large Message Review: This is a life changing book. A small book with a large message that makes you wonder, why did I not think of this? Most importantly the Prayer works. I have carried this book with me everyday to remind me how special I am.
Rating:  Summary: The perfect book for our sad times Review: We have a president (note the small p) who spent his entire life having wealth and success handed to him on a silver platter. Now we have a theology that teaches we should sit and wait for God to hand us a new SUV and a bigger McMansion and a greener lawn. I give up on this country.
Rating:  Summary: "A Little Book, a Big Prayer, Big God" Review: This LITTLE book is dynamite, it's powerful, it's about a prayer from a relatively unknown character in the Bible named Jabez, who didn't believe in an impersonal, uncaring, LITTLE GOD, but a BIG GOD with BIG plans for his life. Look at his prayer and let it become your own, life-changing reality.
Rating:  Summary: Prayer of Jabez Review: When taken to heart revoltionizes your prayer life. Not a name it and claim it book but one that shows you a path to the will of God.
Rating:  Summary: Simple, Accurate, Powerful Review: The Prayer of Jabez is unique in three ways. First, it is simply taken from what the Bible says, and the author does an excellent job of showing how the Bible relates to life today. Second, the author accurately portrays what the Bible says historically regarding a man's attitude towards life and God, and thirdly he shows how praying specifically is powerful for changing lives. Dr. Wilkinson does not provide a magic formula, rather he provides principles anyone can adapt to his or her life. I loved this book, and I think I've found a keeper.
Rating:  Summary: A Refreshing Look at an Obscure Prayer Review: A quick read, The Prayer of Jabez is a well-thought out, well written little book. It's a book that will challenge the doubts that typically plague the Christian in his endeavor to accomplish great things for the will of God. Wilkinson has successfully presented a biblical story but has resisted the temptation to embellish, stretch, or twist a Biblical theme to please an audience. His exegesis of Scripture is solid and accurate. He presents the Jabez prayer as a formula or an way of thinking. Why can't we ask God to enlarge our territories? Why shouldn't we expect Him to bless our the vocation in which he has called us? Dr. Wilkinson has stayed clear of prosperity theology and has also noted that sin can block the believers prayers from being answered. The quality of the writing is good, if not great. He writes in an easy-going manner and offers hope to the Christian in any spiritual condition. You will be blessed by reading the Prayer of Jabez.