Rating:  Summary: Unfortunate failure Review: Sad to see a Christian man like Bruce Wilkinson come to this level. A "name-it-and-claim-it" theology that would appeal to the TBN crowd. Jesus taught his disciples how to pray, and we have it documented for us by them. Unlike the Prayer of Jabez, there is nothing obscure about the Lord's Prayer. For good reason. God is not obscure and He does not keep from us what we truly need. Bruce asks his readers to read his book repeatedly. Why? It would have been more honorable for him to direct his readers to reread of the Bible. He tells his readers to tape the Prayer of Jabez inside their Bibles. Why? It's already in their Bibles. (Of course, people who don't read the Bible wouldn't know that.) Who is Bruce writing this book to? It seems that those who are not familiar with the study of the scripture from which Bruce cut this small text out of would find this mini-tome of any interest. His "amplification" of the Prayer is akin to a postmodernist mini-narrative. Mystical and focused on the individual's motives and desires. Unfortunate turn for Bruce, or has the real Bruce Wilkinson stood up?
Rating:  Summary: The Prayer of Jabez Review: This is an incredible little book. It is short and easy to read and carries a tremendous amount of information about how to change your life spiritually. I will re-read it many times, hoping to absorb the full impact of what this book tells us..Thank you Bruce Wilkinson
Rating:  Summary: Only A Prayer Review: This book really touched me in many ways. The prayer is so simple, yet so profound. Wilkinson brought out something that I, along with many Christians, have been missing--the belief that I can pray for myself. So many times, we ask for everyone else, but forget to ask God to bless US, to enrich US, to increase OUR territory. My concern is that many will seize upon this prayer as a "make me rich" prayer, but God put it there for a specific reason and led Wilkinson to share his story. I will follow his recommendations and begin including it in my everyday prayer life. I only trust it makes half the difference in my life that it has made in the authors.
Rating:  Summary: Not wooing, but awful biblical interpretation Review: Wilkinson uses astounding appropriation of a text on how to pray that leaves too much room for self centered self seeking "expansion of property and wealth". One would think that if a book is to be written about a biblical prayer as the foundation of a series, that the Lord's prayer would be more appropriate. Complete fantasy and misuse of scripture. If you buy it, read it with a salt shaker handy.
Rating:  Summary: inspiring Review: I have not personally read this book yet, but i have had first hand knowledge about how a little known man in 1st Chronicles made a prayer that affected millions around the country, this book has come up in more conversations than i can count, and it has inspired almost everyone i know who has read it. I would advise anyone who wants a more simple walk with God to read this book.
Rating:  Summary: A Little Inspiration Goes a Long Way Review: You'll be tempted to read this small book quickly, but don't! Take your time to absorb all the meaning it contains. There is a lot of wisdom from this obscure figure in the Old Testament, Jabez, and the prayer that inspired this book. As an inspirational writer myself (NEW PSALMS FOR NEW MOMS: A KEEPSAKE JOURNAL, Judson Press), I can fully appreciate the lives that are being, and will be, touched by this little gem. Peace be with you.
Rating:  Summary: Be Ready To Take On New Challenges Review: This book was a gift to me, though I had kept hearing about it and planned to buy it. It is an easy read - at least it was the three times I read it. The prayer is a simple prayer - very akin to the Our Father. But it was written long before Jesus' time and without benefit of knowing Jesus' love. And hidden away in the "begats." I do pray the prayer daily, but it is not something I say by rote, and it certainly is not a "gimme" prayer. Well, I suppose that depends on how one interprets and understands the word "blessing." I pray it, and it is incredible how God has "enlarged my territory" and given me opportunities to serve Him. It is an endless parade of seeing and recognizing how I may serve Him. This is a new awareness for me. I love the little book.
Rating:  Summary: Great for Helping to Focus Your Prayer Life Review: This is a small book with a BIG message! The four main components of Jabez' prayer really address the core areas of effective Christian living like a laser beam. I own countless Christian books that take sometimes hundreds of pages to say what this does in but a few. The result? My prayer life has improved greatly because the clear, short message succintly summarizes the kind of relationship I want to have with God. This is a great book to help you if you are looking to go deeper into your relationship with God.
Rating:  Summary: Are You Ready? Review: Are you ready to have your view of life changed. Bruce Wilkeinsen is sure to challenge you to do just that. Your daily life will be blessed as you begin to apply this prayer to your life. Every word of the bible is important. This short two verse story of a man named Jabez and his prayer to God are easily overlooked. Bruce Wilkinsen takes these verses and amplifies them in such a way that you begin to really understand what Jabez was saying. If you are ready for a blessed life with its joys and responsibility than take the time to read this book. I promise you will not be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: Scandal Review: Seems there are a lot of people who are mighty steamed about anyone suggesting that you can ask God for blessing and expect to receive it. Even though Jesus said, "Whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you shall have them" (Mark 11.24) The Word of God repeatedly reveals, in the Old Testament and New, God's will and desire to bless His people. Jabez, calling on the covenant God of Israel, was taking God at His word and praying according to His will -- and asking for blessing. But whenever Christians rise up in their faith to begin claiming God's promised provision and blessing, there are always those who would say, "How can you ask God for blessing, you selfish thing, you?" Well, God is indeed a God of blessing, and if you call on Him in faith, He will show you. No, I don't think the Pharisees would like this book at all. They weren't too interested in seeing anybody blessed besides them. But if you are interested in beginning an adventure with God, this book is a good place to start.