Rating:  Summary: Needs qualifiers Review: Praying for God to "enlarge your terrority" isn't a bad thing IF you're praying for God to give you opportunity to do his will and influence the world for him.Praying for God to make you financially successful is a BAD idea, and if anything, God will give you precisely the opposite to teach you a lesson. Wilkinson seems to realize that prayer needs to be focused on the former. I wish he had drawn that out a bit more clearly, but still, POJ steers clear of the excesses of the "name and claim it" brand of Pentecostal hucksterism. My biggest complaint, however, is that Wilkinson advocates using the prayer like a Novena (a prayer to a Saint that Catholics repeat over and over again in hopes of achieving health, wealth, marriage, etc.). Novenas are one of the very WORST things about the Catholic faith, and I'd hate to see a similar brand of silliness take hold in Evangelical circles. Wilkinson acknowledges that the prayer isn't important, but the intent. Still, he advocates saying it repeatedly. I also noticed that the NRSV doesn't word the prayer the same as Wilkinson. The NRSV says Jabez prayed that God would keep him from harm, not keep him from causing harm. The NRSV has a much better track record than the NKJV, which quite honestly BITES as a translation, so it's probable that Wilkinson is quoting the verse incorrectly to begin with.
Rating:  Summary: AN AMAZING LITERARY SUCCESS Review: As a mystery author with my first novel in its initial release, I have been amazed by the success of Bruce H. Wilkinson's THE PRAYER OF JABEZ. As I appear at various book events to promote my mystery novel, I see more people buy THE PRAYER OF JABEZ than almost any other title. Dr. Wilkinson has taken an obscure Biblical passage and interpreted it for our time. He has obviously made a firm connection with the American reading public. I celebrate his success and the success of his book.
Rating:  Summary: Some good, some bad... Review: While this book is certainly encouraging and can lead one to recognize that God is capable of all things, it also has many problems. It is fair and accurate to say that God loves us deeply and has deep generosity with us... he has a plan that includes all of humanity and, knowing all our needs and desires before the foundation of the earth, he is certainly able to accomodate our wishes into his plans. If there are things about which you feel you cannot pray, or if you feel inhibited to request big things of God, I suppose this work can use useful for you. But it is also necessary to recognize that God's plans are far bigger than our individual desires, and are not focused on our earthly vanities and self-centered desires. And from our limited perspective, we should desire God's will for _us_, not our will for him to provide all of our wants - God's plan for us will always be better that what we can see from our limited persepctive! So I am deeply concerned with this one-sided (perhaps superficial?) view of prayer, where we mindlessly repeat a mantra to God for our own personal fulfillment. Furthermore, from merely ONE VERSE of the bible, this entire book is formed. I therefore cannot approve of any work that is 5% scripturally based and 95% based on the personal experience of the author - indeed, personal experience over scripture is the foundation upon which cults are formed. Jesus spends a considerable time discussing how we are to pray - obviously such a foundation is a much stronger basis, as are the great prayers of David in the psalms. For a more balanced perspective, try some of the works of R.C. Sproul or the new book 'The Prayer of Jesus" by Hank Hanegraff.
Rating:  Summary: This book is evil. Review: After reading this book, I was reminded of the words of one of the great poets of the 21st century: "Do you ever wonder just what God requires? You think He's just an errand boy to satisfy your wandering desires." This book is absolutely symptomatic of some of the tragic trends in modern "Christianity", specifically, the craving for easy answers and formulas that gratify the self. The author offers persuasive arguments that, in seeking to "expand one's territory" ie get stuff, one is somehow engaged in a deeply spiritual practice. Doesn't Jesus say blesed are the poor in spirit? What about losing one's life in order to save it? What about the eye of the needle? Oh yes, and what about: broad is the way that leads to destruction? I think there's something in there about God and Mammon too... Is this really compatable with the central message of the gospels: to buy a best-seller that gives you the winning formula? Ask yourself, why is this book so popular? Is it because it appeals to our insatiable self-centerdness and greed? Does the Jabez prayer make you a more selfless, loving person? Does Mother Theresa give a rat's #$! about the prayer of Jabez? Wake up people. Starting every day with a prayer about expanding your own "kingdom" and making a list of how your kingdom magically expands??? I would rather become a Satanist. This book is to Christianity what Hustler magazine is to the field of literature.
Rating:  Summary: The Prayer Of Jabez Review: This little book contains life changing material for the practicing Christian. It has an awesome message in a tiny format. No nonsense just good sense. I read my husbands copy, but had to buy my own as it is a "must be read more than once" type book!... I highly recommend this for all!!...
Rating:  Summary: Very Dissapointed Review: This book included some principles which are very true and powerful but in my opinion, mixes with them enough error to be more of a stumbling block, than a tool for motivation and growth. By all means, pursue the topic of prayer! It will change your life! But try reading Olan Hallesby or E.M. Bounds instead. These books are thoroughly good and trustworthy and have stood the test of time.
Rating:  Summary: Douglas VanderMeulen Review: I would rate this book a zero if the scale allowed. This book is a perfect example of what is wrong with the church in America today. It isn't about right thinking, truth and trusting in God to be the source of our every need. The author says in the preface that he is offering you a prayer that God always answers. Is this true? No. In the gospel of Luke chapter 11 the disciples of Jesus asked Him to teach the how to pray. So He did. In doing so He said "When you pray, say...." and He gives what has long been called the Lord's prayer. Why didn't Jesus teach His disciples the prayer of Jabez? Maybe things would have gone much better for the ministry of Jesus and the apostles? Or maybe Wilkinson knows something that Jesus didn't know? Nah! Skip this book and move on one of the many classic books on prayer that have been written such as The Lord's Prayer by Thomas Watson, published by Banner of Truth, or A Call to Spiritual Reformation by D A Carson, published by Baker Books. Both of these books are worth the reading and the money and you will want to keep them in your library for years. They will never be outdated. The Prayer of Jabez will be available at your local yard sale next year for only .25
Rating:  Summary: Life Changing Material! Review: This is a little "how to" manual designed to help you maximize your prayer life. An obscure prayer, from an obscure Biblical character, from an obscure scripture passage is brought to light by Bruce Wilkinson. The "Prayer of Jabez" proposes that we ask God to bless us "a lot." Not for blessings that we can attain for ourselves, but for the blessings that God thinks we need. If you are looking for ways to strengthen your spiritual walk, then this book is for you.
Rating:  Summary: The Prayer of Jabez: Breaking Through to the Blessed Life Review: This book was received as a gift. While reading the book, my thoughts about prayer were changed from just talking to something or someone I could not see, to Someone who listens and cares for us. It is very uplifting! It is exciting to learn what the author has discovered about the power of prayer, what God has waiting for us, if we but ask for it. The content is very plain and easy to understand, yet very deep and powerful. In putting to use in my life, the Prayer of Jabez, my life has changed for the better, and that is exciting to me. I would recommend this book to anyone who is interested in talking to a real Friend.
Rating:  Summary: Expand God's Borders First Review: I realize that everyone is looking for a way to expand their borders (e.g. to become successful), but this book offers only a formula that is "self" driven. God isn't needed to overcome the obstacles in life, only the way we pray is highlighted as the source of power for change. There is a temptation here to think that if I change the way I pray, then God will expand my borders. This is not only wrong, but misleading. The prayer of Jabez is absolutely encouraging, but it only works for those Christians that are truly living out the Christian life with a real passion and love for Jesus Christ. This book does not describe the more important aspects that are necessary for the prayer of Jabez to actually come to fruition in a person's life. There are at least 2 conditions that must be met before the prayer of Jabez will actually work. First, you must believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins on the cross and rose 3 days later having defeated death. By God's Grace He sent Christ to die for our sins and through faith in what Jesus did a person can have eternal life. Jesus said, "You must be born again". Second, once Christ takes hold of your life you must be willing to change with His help, and only through His Resurrection Power can you change the inner character to match that of His. If you do that, your borders will expand, I promise you that. This book, while encouraging, misses the opportunity to tell everyone the Good News about Salvation. Be careful that you are not changing your prayer life without truly changing your character with Christ's help. IF you do the first and not the latter, Jesus has one word for those people..."hypocrites". God help us all to do more to Expand God's Borders First!