Rating:  Summary: Short abt the book Review: In short : this book is great if you're interested into this subject , it talks of several missions undertaken by US submarines . Its a really good and exciting book . My interest is more into combat aircraft , but I bought this book because it seemed interesting .. and it was , so if you're not sure whether to buy it or not , its simple ... its reality , its well written and researched ..and its a thrilling ! cheerio
Rating:  Summary: I'm not a military guy, but I found it facinating Review: Everyone I know has told me to read this book so I finally did. It is a great piece of writing about the US Sub program during the Cold War. I don't know what you want to hear, but you should buy it or check it out. It is well written and captivating and makes you wonder what secret stuff is happening right now.
Rating:  Summary: Words that make me proud... Review: My father had his dolphins (he was on fast attack subs) and all I really knew about it was that when I was young, he was gone for six months at a time.After reading this book, I have a new appreciation for the quiet, dedicated professionals of the military who, on a daily basis, put themselves in jeopardy for the good of the nation. The United States won the cold war and I have no doubt that the accomplishments and sacrifices of these unsung Americans directly contributed to our victory.
Rating:  Summary: Follow the real life Hunt For Red October Review: This book was an intense page-turner, every chapter detailed the dangerous and often surprising measures the US Navy took to spy on the Soviet Union. The early attempts with diesel subs soon exposed their limitations but with Admiral Rickover's wonder sub Nautilus would emerge the perfect espionage platform. Follow the true-life adventures of the USS Halibut as it searches for Soviet sub wreckage, the deadly cat and mouse game that occurred between US and Soviet subs that often led to dangerous collisions and the deadly secret that may have killed the crew of the USS Scorpion. Packed with numerous interviews and testimonies from both US and former Soviet naval crewman, the novel truly opens up the world of submarine warfare and the measures taken win the undersea Cold War. A great novel for anyone who is a fan of Tom Clancy style adventures; this is the real life Hunt For Red October. Be sure you watch the excellent History Channel program based on the book.
Rating:  Summary: Hard to put this book down. Review: Blind Man's Bluff offers a look into the mysterious realm of submarine operations during the Cold War. This book is informative and entertaining--it is hard to put it down.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Read Review: "Blind Man's Bluff" is a fun to read and informative book. Get it along with "The Terrible Hours : The Greatest Submarine Rescue in History" by Peter Maas, which is also a well written non-fiction book about submarines. "Blind Man's Bluff" is about the use of subs to spy on the Russians, while "The Terrible Hours" is an account of a harrowing rescue of men from below the waves. Get them both.
Rating:  Summary: Nice Story Poorly Written Review: The poor writing style of the book detracts immensely from the amazing stories the authors are trying to tell. It seems as if they are trying to over-sell the 'land portion' and personal conflicts and this hyperbole blocks easy transitioning to the fascinating tales of risk, failure and danger.
Rating:  Summary: Great Book! Review: I was hooked on this book after reading the first few pages. Blind Man's Bluff is a story about spying, submarines and the cold war. It is a well written account of the adventures and sacrifices of a world known to few. I especially enjoyed reading about the ingenious ways in which each side learned about the other's capabilities and how to counter them.
Rating:  Summary: Good insights into [formerly] secret ops Review: Two books on submarine operations during the Cold War are on the market. The earlier, Blind Man's Bluff, has a copyright date of 1998, while the more recent, The Silent War, has a copyright date of 2001. The authors of Blind Man's Bluff refer several times to John Craven, auther of The Silent War, while Craven refers to Blind Man's Bluff in several places, sometimes to question its analysis. Blind Man's Bluff, written by two authors outside the system and hence not constrained by security regulations, has a great deal more operational detail, gathered by interviewing as many of the principles as possible and piecing together their accounts. Overall the text has the ring of authenticity, although it is almost certainly incorrect in some details, because their sources, either deliberately or accidently, erred in their recollections. The book is written in the third person, in a generally competent although unexceptional style. Which to read? For details, I'd go for Blind Man's Bluff. Its content overcomes the better writing and sense of presence of The Silent Sea.
Rating:  Summary: You Can't put this One Down Review: This one is a keeper. I read this book in 4 days. I would have read it in one day if I didn't have to eat, sleep, or work! These stories are fascinating. The authors have put together the information in a way that hooks you from the start- you won't find any information that's beyond your understanding or pages of irrelivant stuff. These pages read like the most exciting parts of a Clancy novel, or more acuratly like Das Boot or other sub movies. What's most interesting is the fact that these events are all real. To know that our government blew $500 million dollars on pointless operations they knew would fail- or took the enormous risks they did to tap soviet phone lines. Now that the cold war is over, it's facinating to read these pages and see the paranoia in our government and military. This book is also touching in the way it pays tribute to thos who died for our governments secret operations, and reveals the storys that have been secret from wives and parents who never heard how thier loved ones died. Don't miss this book- it will entertain, educate and entrall you with every page.