Rating:  Summary: Things are looking grim, and I love it! Review: At the end of JEDI ECLIPSE, I could not believe how poorly things were going for the New Republic and the Jedi. I absolutely love the fact that this book leaves tons of loose ends at the end, and that I have no idea at this point in the NJO series how the Yuuzhan Vong are ever going to be defeated. I have really enjoyed Luceno's style of writing. I think his dialogue is true to the SW characters, and I especially like his ability to inject humor into his stories despite the generally grim situations the characters are in. One of my favorite dialogue scenes is the one between Han and Leia near the end of ECLIPSE. It is a dead-on read of the characters. Can't wait to read BALANCE POINT.
Rating:  Summary: There's too much going on... Review: Don't get me wrong, I loved the first book of 'Agents of Chaos'. But here Luceno tries to fit in too many things between the title page and the back cover. I think there are about 9 parallel story threads going on. While this can work in a pageturning monster book of 700+ pages, 350 pages are not enough space to elaborate any of those strory threads. Each of the threads is in itself worthwile, 1) Leia revisiting the Hapes cluster to get reinforcements, 2) Jacen and Anakin Solo going to Corellia to rearm Cenerpoint Station, 3) Han and the Ryn trying to find the Ryn's family clan and discovering another dirty plot of humans working together with the Yuuzhan Vong (this time its transporting refugees), 4) Wurth Skidder doing a covert mission aboard a prison vessel of the Yuuzhan Vong, 5) Kyp Durron and his Dozen trying to rescue Wurth, 6) the friction of the pact between Hutts and Yuuzhan Vong, 7) Talon Karrde off on an Intelligence mission to determine the next target of the Yuuzhan Vong, 8) the rise of a new ruthless senator in the Defensive Council, 9) plans and intrigues between the Yuuzhan Vongs. I think those were all the different plot lines. Each one in itself could have made a good story, often building on old continuity, but everything together in just 348 pages do not fit the bill. Mara Jade is missing sorely from the book... after getting healthy again, you would suspect her to take a really active role, after trying to not let the desease hamper her actions, she gets well, she disappears (What?). Sounds like "Problem is solved, next one..." to me. The storylines in this book could have easily been spread to two books, making this a trilogy. Now its just two many stroylines eclipsing the quality of the book.
Rating:  Summary: Good book, but still a part of the awful New Jedi Order Review: First off, let me just say if you actually like the New Jedi Order series, then you'll have no problem with this book. Buy it now, and stop reading this review. Okay, now that we got rid of those weirdo's, let's talk about this book. I am a huge Star Wars fan, but (or maybe therefor would be a better word), I cannot abide this New Jedi Order Series. R.A. Salvatore's installment was the absolute worst Star Wars book I have ever read, and while Michael A. Stackpole's two installments were better, they were still no where near as good as his X-Wing stories, although this can be atributed to story-line restrictions. James Luceno's two books, Hero's Trial and this one, Jedi Eclipse, however, soar above the rest of the Order series. These books make excellent use of movie and expanded universe lore, depict the characters true to form (mostly) and keep things exciting, even when people are just sitting around talking. If this author were allowed to write a normal Star Wars book, I'm sure he could easily write on the level of A.C. Crispen, Kevin J. Anderson, or, dare I say it, Timothy Zahn! This book really merits 4 stars (5 stars for Hero's Trial), but I have to knock a star off each due to their role in the New Jedi Order. This book is definately worth a read.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent book. Review: For once the NR is not winning and that just makes me happier. James Luceno does a wonderful job with the descriptions of the battles. The first Agents of Chaos was good and this is just the same caliber as before. Highly recommended
Rating:  Summary: Excitement at the very end of the book Review: From the Heroe's trial, i got the feeling of a resurrection of the Han Solo's character, but in this book wasn't good enough. Jacen gets on my nerves again. And the Jedi seem to get more apart again. The conclusion of this book makes it worth to read all the pages, nice way of relating 4 or 5 stories that seemed isolated into this end. We are lacking for a victory. Everything is too parcial. The agent of chaos I is better, but i definitely recommend this one for the true fan of NJO and SW. Regards from Guatemala
Rating:  Summary: Pretty good read Review: I am not a big fan of the New Jedi Order. In fact, up until hero's trial I could find very little to cheer about. This has changed with the last two books. Maybe it's because I am a big Han Solo fan and I am just thrilled to have him back in the action. Or maybe it's because Luceno has a more accessible writing style. Whatever the reason, I really liked this book. The characters seemed dead-on and being a fan of ESB I really enjoy those "dark" endings. Plenty of loose ends which will make the reader await Tyer's "Balance POint" with a baited breath. I can't wait.
Rating:  Summary: 90% build up for 50 good action pages Review: I have read 20 or more Star Wars books. This one is the first book that I put down for days with out wanting to pick it up. I finally got interested and finished the book when the action started about 50 pages from the end. This book has way to much build up and way to little action.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing, possibly the worst New Jedi Order book yet... Review: I love Star Wars. And unlike many fans, I actually like the New Jedi Order series. But this book is... well, dull. Luceno's first attempt, Hero's Trial, was quite exciting, and it seemed to promise much more excitement in Jedi Eclipce. I was wrong. Jedi Eclipse seemed to fail to capture the imagination. The New Jedi Order just isn't thrilling any more. I thought Salvatore's Vector Prime was an excellent book, and while Stackpole's installments kept up with the action, so did Hero's Trial. So what the hell happened with Jedi Eclipse? If Luceno's infatuation with cameos didn't get to you in his first book, then this book will. I didn't see the need to bring back Thracken Sal-Solo, i mean talk about has-beens. The New Jedi Order seems to have gotten nowhere in this book, a very disappointing book indeed. I hope Kathy Tyers does a good job of bringing back the true glory of Star Wars into this series.
Rating:  Summary: Enough of the depressing War, Let's turn the tide! Review: I love the Star Wars series. I have read every book in the series and I was really excited when they started the NJO Series. But I am now getting depressed by all that is going on. I understand the need for a worthy opponent, but enough already. Is the New Republic that fought and overcame the Empire gone for good? This book keeps continuing on the depressing nature of the war with the Yuuzhan Vong. The plot is shallow and the storyline has much to be desired. I'm ready for a book with deeper character development. It doesn't seem like any of the characters we've grown to love are growing and changing. This book is written for action only. I think it's about time to explore the characters, places, and the force that make Star Wars so unique. I would only read this book if you want to know the events that happen in this part of the series. Otherwise, skip this one and go right to Balance Point.
Rating:  Summary: A let down after "Hero's Trial" Review: I really thought that this book's predecessor "Hero's Trial" (also by Jim Luceno) was an entertaining, fun read but this book was really a let down. He did his Star Wars homework, and for that I'm grateful, but this book seemed so rushed and thrown together. Another NJO disappointment.