Rating:  Summary: Mic Mac and trucks are plaguing life from beyond death Review: Here the book is just as great as the film. Yet the book gives a better notion of the stressful episodes, particularly the death of the hidden handicaped sister of the mother, and the guilt of her parents, particularly her father, a guilt that he re-directs against his son-in-law that he accuses of all evil events, such as the death of his grand-child. The book emphasizes heavily on the dangers of trucks on American roads. The book gives a full account of previous uses of the « pet sematary » as a ressuscitating means : and the Indian background is better put forward. But all together the film is a good introduction to the book, the book giving more details, more flesh to the story. And that is Stephen King's essential genius : he dives into the thick material of American society and we are in the midst of the dramas of this society, dramas that are contained and carried by the contradictions of the society itself. That gives to the magic of the living dead (a student who was killed when jogging on a road) and of the Indian folklore behind the story a realistic dimension that makes those elements a lot more acceptable and believable than they would be otherwise. Stephen King is one of the great writers of American literature because of this realistic dimension, and because of his language that integrates popular language in the most creative and dramatic way. Dr Jacques COULARDEAU, Paris Universities II and IX.
Rating:  Summary: This book took me a long time to read... Review: Because it was so damn scary! The book starts out all nice and things slowly go to hell for the people in the book. I kept hoping that they would stop the downward spiral, and at the same time knew that they could not. I have a 2 year old son, and that just made the book that much harder to read. A must read for any King fan. The Stand and It have nothing on the this book.
Rating:  Summary: Stephen King Does What He Does Best: Scares Review: Pet Sematary is considered by many Stephen King fans to be one of his scariest novels among the others written in his prolific career. Frankly, I believe them. It has everything a horror fan could want: death, sex, zombies, ghosts, and blood. It tells of an ordinary family man who moves to a rural Maine community to start his new job. When the next door neighbor shows him an ancient Indian burial ground located behind a local pet cemetery, things start to go wrong. And the man will soon discover the price he has to pay for messing with forces that are far too powerful for human comprehension. Gripping, intense, and incredibly scary, Pet Sematary will leave you afraid of visiting a real cemetery for a while.
Rating:  Summary: Review on Stephen King's Pet Sematary Review: i read the book pet sematary for my class here in school and i thought it was an excellent book. the descriptiveness that king uses throughout the book left me with vivid pictures of every gruesome detail, and the skill with which he writes left me hanging on every word he said, waiting to see what would happen next. Some would say that what Louis (hes the main character) did what was entirely predictable, and they would be right. however, i hold that it is not what he did but how he did it. predictable, but entirely enjoyable none the less. i reccomend this book to all who enjoy reading King's works, and even if you don't i still recomend it to you. after all, it beats the heck out of some mushy romance novel(blecch)....
Rating:  Summary: The ultimate horror novel. Review: I'm a old stephen king fan, and Pet Semetary along with It, and The Shining are my favorite books. Pet Semetary has an interesting plot that leaves you with an itch to see what happens next. This book is not only scary, but Stephen King makes the plot sound realistic, as he does with every book. I recomend it.
Rating:  Summary: Great Review: Pet Sematary is perhaps Stephen King's best work to date. The vivid imagery and spectacular detail is guaranteed to give you chills several times during your read. And as with most King novels, the book is much better than the movie. If you're a die-hard King fan, then you already know all of this. But if you're new to King's work and want to start off with one of his best, get Pet Sematary. Just be warned, you wont be able to put it down.
Rating:  Summary: good book Review: This was one of the first King novels I had ever read, I first got my hands on it when I was around 14, and I couldn't put it down, I think I stayed awake all night just to finish it, and then I couldn't go to sleep afterwards. :)In getting older and re-reading this book, it becomes more than just the classic horror story. King has such an insight into the nature of human souls and what thoughts lurk behind smiling faces and sweet platitudes. Your sitting there on the edge of your seat (not really wondering) but hoping that Louis isn't going to make those particular decisions, and hoping that the outcome isn't what we think it's going to be. But then if that really happened we wouldn't buy the book would we?
Rating:  Summary: Chop the book in half and you have a great thriller... Review: After attempting to read this book about 15 years ago, and reading and reading I FINALLY got to the actual story about half-way through. The entire first half of the book, while well written has virtually nothing to do with what makes this story a true King horror-story. Sure he does a great job of setting the stage for the story that follows, but it isn't even remotely scary, and is partially full of such unneccesary details as to make the beginning of the story drag to a virtual standstill. B-u-u-u-t with all that aside, when the meat of the story finally gets going, it REALLY gets going. Stephen King himself has said that 'Pet Semetary' is in his opinion his most frightening novel, while I may not agree with that entirely, it certainly IS a story that is as creepy as you can get. First the cat dies...and then the story of the old Indian cemetary comes out, and next thing you know, the dead cat is now alive--if not a bit odd. All this does is open up a big can of worms that ultimately plummets this likeable all-American family into the depths of Hell itself. The cemetary, against all laws of nature seems to have the ability to resurrect the dead...but could it also work on humans?? This is King at his freakishly best. My ONLY complaint is the weak unnecessarily l-o-o-o-n-g beginning which takes the story nowhere...but if one can make it past that, look out, because you are going to be hearing things in the dark and seeing things out of the corner of your eyes for the next few days while you attempt to get through this fun-but-scary story.
Rating:  Summary: Pure King Review: Sweetness. This book was classic King all the way through. If you bury something in the Pet Sematary, it comes back to life- or does it?? Could it be that the pet (or person??) has truly been brought back from the dead?? It seems that way. And yet, they are different somehow, not quite themselves. The seem to be just a little... evil. Woohoo!! King all the way!! His attention to detail really gives you the feeling that you're there, in that clearing dotted with ancient grave markers up in the woods. He also writes about people as though they're real people. They dress like real people, they get dirty like real people, they swear like real people, they have sex like real people, and they make bad decisions like real people. You can't really have a book without bad decisions, though, can you?? There has to be one point in the story when the reader says, "No!! Why did you do that?? If I was Trisha, I would have kept following the stream!" Bottom Line: Read this book. It will keep you hooked until the end.
Rating:  Summary: I'm torn on this one Review: I really am, to tell you the truth. This seems to be precisely the sort of practice that King critiques in Misery--a wonderful story with a great theme suffers because of the debt that King owes to his readers to make the story "scary." The first four fifths of this novel are a wonderful examination of mortality and the impact that that concept has on the human condition. King really seems to have a great handle on the emotions that he deals with--I found myself moved to tears (and you would know this to be an exceptional occurrence if you knew me) at more than one point remembering losing my own father. If King had somehow contrived to do nothing more with this story than relate those ideas, I would ecstatically give this novel five stars. Just conveying that message, however, isn't enough for Stephen King, especially at this point in his career. The last fifth of the novel falls into a predictable routine (well, mostly, but I'll get to that a bit later on), introducing a lot of negative imagery and events for no apparent reason outside of trying to get a scare out of the audience. Particularly distressing is this attitude regarding how ambulatory corpses act--I saw a movie in a local store a few months ago that sums it up precisely: "The Dead Hate the Living." As the novel proceeds toward its conclusion it seems like King throws away a lot of the ground that he makes with regard to what I think is probably his central theme to adopt instead a group of hollow popular conceptions about death, horror, and how a story is supposed to be told. None of this is to say that the story itself is bad, mind you--King's storytelling is as good as ever, and somebody looking for a book to simply lay back and kill a few hours with probably wouldn't be disappointed here. I am haunted, however, by visions of what could have been with Pet Sematary, and that keeps me from giving is a perfect rating.