Rating:  Summary: The funniest book Review: I like this book because it's funny an crazy and it has funny charcters.I how i think the twits are crazy because they talk about each other an play tricks.One thing i like about the book is how they make bird pie an catch the birds.
Rating:  Summary: The Twits Review Review: The Twits, by Roald Dahl, published by Puffin Novels. This book is a great fiction book for kids .This book is about an old nasty woman and her greasy husband.They are the meanest people you will ever meet.Also kids are forbidden to go there because if they do I don't think they'll survive. So a boy goes to investigate the Twits house. The main charters in this book are Mrs. Twit and Mr. Twit. They are the old people in this book. Mrs. Twit is a really old, mean,and nasty , witch, with a glass eye, that quivers all the time. Mr. Twit, is a greasy old man who has a temper problem and when he eats, all the food, and his drink dribbles down his beard and gets stuck there, and it gets all hard and crusty. Oh ya! Get this! He never shaves it or combs it. Do you actually think any couple could survive like that?P> I think this book The Twits is a really good book for people who like twisted tales and stories. I think that if you read it you would love it and want to read it again and again. I would especially recommend this book for children from 7-8 years old because, I don't think that anyone under seven would really understand what the book is telling you. Again I really encourage people to read it because it is a really fun book to read, and tell other people to read it. I think they'll like it too. Go to your local library, or book store, and get this book The Twits, by Roald Dahl and get lost in this wonderful book.
Rating:  Summary: The Seven Sense Book Club - Laura Review: The Twits is the funniest, most awesome book. You should read this book because there are clever tricks in it: Mr. and Mrs. Twit make their pet monkeys stand on their heads all day and then the monkeys glue everything from the floor to the ceiling. This is a great book to read.
Rating:  Summary: The Seven Senses Book Club - Sarah Review: I think that this book is hilarious! Mrs. and Mr. Twit are funny and clever. This book is one of the funniest books I've read. It's worth reading. Mr. Twit is really gross. Mrs. Twit has a walking stick and a glass eye. Mrs. Twit was once kind of pretty, but she had ugly thoughts so she got uglier and uglier and now she's really ugly! I liked it when the picture showed Mrs. Twit getting uglier. It really showed how she got uglier. One time, Mrs. Twit put her glass eye in Mr. Twit's beer when he wasn't looking. Then he saw it and he got scared. It was really funny. I also thought it was funny when the birds and monkeys put everything from the floor on the ceiling. At the end Mr. and Mrs. Twit got the shrinks. The shrinks is how the birds and Muggle-Wumps got the Twits back for making the monkeys stand on their heads. I'll remember this book for a while. I recommend reading it. I loved this book.
Rating:  Summary: The Seven Senses Book Club - Meredith Review: I think you should read 'The Twits' because it is funny. One funny part is when the Muggle-Wumps and the birds put the carpet and all the furniture on the ceiling. The Twits then think they are upside down. Read this book to find out the other funny parts, like worm spaghetti.
Rating:  Summary: The Seven Senses Book Club - Meg Review: The Twits is a book worth reading. Mrs. Twit is ugly because if you think nasty, ugly, and smelly thoughts, you become ugly, nasty, and smelly. But if you think lovely, pretty, beautiful thoughts you will become lovely, pretty, and beautiful. The Twits is a book that showed kindness is the most beautiful way to be beautiful. The Muggle Wumps' and birds' thoughts were good and they did the right thing. Find out in The Twits and remember, think like the Muggle Wumps, not like the nasty, ugly, and smelly Twits.
Rating:  Summary: The Seven Senses Book Club - Elizabeth Review: This book is very funny. If you think furniture on the ceiling is funny then you should read this book! Mr. and Mrs. Twit are not the prettiest people in the world because they think bad thoughts. I recommend reading this book.
Rating:  Summary: One of Roald Dahl's Most Clever Books Review: The Twits is a hilariously funny book. (It even gives science a funny look with diagrams of messy beards and things like that.) Mr. Twit is the kind of person that you would like to tell, with the most respect, to JUMP OFF A CLIFF. Mrs. Twit is the kind of person who likes to play disgusting, but clever, tricks on her husband. Their minds seem to have been created only for devising nasty tricks. The Twits is a book that's disgustingly clever. It has a very happy ending that I'm sure people around the world will enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Cunning, Creepy, and Hilariously Funny Review: Are you looking for cunning mixed with hilarity (for example, putting a glass eye in a drink)? If you are, this is the book for you! This book gets a little creepy at times,for example, killing birds then putting them in a pie and eating it. So what I'm saying is, if you like a book that is cunning, creepy and hilariously funny, then this is your type of book.
Rating:  Summary: This is Sooooo Funny! Review: If you like funny, this is it. You must buy this book. For example, Mr. Twit's beard has bits of old food in it and there is a picture of it. It is sooooo funny. I love it. Thank you Mr. Dahl!