Rating:  Summary: The Twits Crack Me Up! Review: The Twits is a book by Roald Dahl. The Twits are husband and wife and although they are very funny, they are not too bright! Mr. Twit has a long, shaggy beard that has bits of rotten fish, apple, stale bread, etc. stuck in it. Mrs. Twit used to be very pretty when she was young, but she kept having frightening throughts and ended up as an ugly old hag! The Twits love to play mean tricks on each other. For example, one day Mr. Twit is enjoying a big, bubbly beer when Mrs. Twit pops out her glass eyeball and plops it into his mug. After spying the eyeball floating in his beer, Mr. Twit flees the scene leaving the mug and eye behind. She enjoys a good laugh. To get back at her, Mr. Twit puts a frog in her bed. Throughout the book they quarrel constantly, not with words, but by playing mean tricks on one another. My favorite trick was when Mr. Twit attached thin pieces of wood to the bottom of her cane and chair. Over time she thought she was shrinking. He (and I) had a good laugh. I enjoy reading books by Roald Dahl, and this one is among my favorites. In conclusion, I'll just tell you that the Twits end up with a "small" problem. If you read this book, you'll know what I mean by "small."
Rating:  Summary: The Twits Review: Imagine living in a dried out place in a house with no windows, just made out of steel blocks and a monkey cage. There are two characters, Mrs. Twit and Mr. Twit. They are ugly people. Mrs. Twit has a cane and she uses it to help herself walk. Mr. Twit gets food stuck in his beard. Their goal is to get revenge on each other. Their problem is when they pull pranks it is mean they do bad things. Some of their pranks are funny. I love when Mrs. Twit makes Mr. Twit's spaghetti out of worms. Ronald Dahl is like Jon Peterson when they write stories. I recommend ages 7-80 to read this book. I hope you like it!
Rating:  Summary: The Twits Review: The Twits, by Roald Dahl, is a funny story about Mr. and Mrs. Twit. They are two hairy people. Mr. and Mrs. Twit like to eat bird pie but the monkeys save them. They have some monkeys. The monkeys are called the Muggle Wumps they save the birds. I liked that the whole book was funny and weird. I wanted to read on every chapter because the monkeys were saving the birds . It felt like I was one of the monkeys . Every chapter was a cliffhanger. The author could have explained more about why Mr. and Mrs. Twit did not like each other. Also, he could have told why they made the monkeys stand on their heads. The book teaches an important lesson is never to be mean to others or they will be mean to you back. Mr. and Mrs. Twit weren't being nice so they paid the price. If you want to know what happens, read The Twits.
Rating:  Summary: The Seven Senses Book Club - Katie Review: If you don't know whether or not to read 'The Twits', I think the book is hilarious! Mr. and Mrs. Twit are the most unkind, mean, nasty, clever, dirty, bird eaters ever!!! My thoughts about the book are that if you are up for a funny, dirty, interesting book, 'The Twits' would be my first choice. My favorite part was when the monkey's put everything on the ceiling to trick Mr. and Mrs. Twit. I also liked when the four boys got stuck on hug-tight glue and had to take their pants off to escape. I would recommmend reading this book.
Rating:  Summary: The Twits by Roald Dahl a review by Casey Review: Have you ever seen a married couple who hate each other? Or have you ever seen trained upside-down monkeys that revolt? In this book The Twits by Roald Dahl it happens! Mr. and Mrs. Twits are the nastiest, ugliest, smelliest people in the world. They hate everything except playing jokes on each other! Mr. Twit loves bird pie (with real birds in it!) and training monkeys to do everything upside-down. Mrs. Twit plays the first joke in this book, The Twits and it gets Mr. Twit really mad! The tricks go back and forth between them until Mr. Twit plays the ultimate trick he says that she has the shrinks! (The shrinks is where is your head grows into your neck, your neck grows into your middle, your middle grows into your legs, and your legs grow into your feet!) Next its time to tell you about the monkeys! Mr. Twit is training his monkeys to do everything upside-down. But alas the monkeys want to go home to Africa. (They hate doing things upside down.) One day a bird native to Africa, the Roly-Poly Bird comes to visit. Then the monkeys play a trick on the Twits! The Roly-Poly Bird, from Africa, lets them out of their cage. The monkeys seize the moment to play the trick. They take the very, very sticky glue out of Mr. Twit's shed. (He uses it to catch birds for bird pie on Tuesdays.) Then the monkeys stick everything to the ceiling in the Twit's house exactly how it was on the floor. When the Twits come home and go inside they think they're on the ceiling so they stand on their heads and then they get the shrinks, for real! This book is great for laughs it makes you laugh like a laughing hyena! My favorite part in this book is when the monkeys get back at the Twits. I like this part of the story because I felt sorry for the monkeys having to stand on their heads all day. If I were in the monkeys' position I would have done the same thing! In this book there were some parts I didn't like. One part I didn't like was when Mrs. Twit put her glass eye in Mr. Twit's coffee cup and he almost drank it. The other part I didn't like was when Mr. Twit just lets his wife float away wanting to get rid of her anyway. Next I'll tell you what the Twits look like. Mr. Twit has a very long beard (he thinks it makes him look wise and handsome but really it makes him look ugly). In his beard are little bits of food from all different meals. Mr. Twit never takes a bath so he smells as bad as Swiss cheese! He wears a plum purple suit everyday. Mr. Twit is horrible at being nice and making friends, (which is probably why he doesn't have any friends). But Mr. Twit may be horrible and nasty but he's good at catching birds and making Mrs. Twit really mad! Now for Mrs. Twit, she used to be beautiful but then she had ugly thoughts and ugly thoughts make you look as ugly as your thoughts so that makes Mrs. Twit the ugliest person in the world! She's mean and nasty and she hits the monkeys with her cane if they don't do what Mr. Twit says. Mrs. Twit is as bad at everything Mr. Twit is bad at (which is probably why they're husband and wife!), but Mrs. Twit is a great at cooking (especially worms and birds!). I felt different about each character. I didn't like Mr. Twit at all because he was really mean. It shows that he was mean when he was going to put kids in his pie instead of birds. I thought that was really cruel. As for Mrs. Twit she was as bad as Mr. Twit was because she hit the monkeys. The only characters I liked were the monkeys, the Muggle-Wumps because they always had hope that they would get free someday. I liked the book because it was always making me laugh and it kept me reading so that I could find out what would happen next. That's why I liked the story, The Twits, but you don't have to take my word for it, read the book and find out if you like it!
Rating:  Summary: The twits Review: When I read the book called The Twits I thought it was very interesting. It was very extraordinary and exciting. It was also really gross when the writer, Roald Dahl, wrote about Mr. Twits beard. Mr. Twit never washed it and it had bits of food from many years ago in it. It's just a funny little book you can read in your spare time. Mr. and Mrs. Twit fight a lot by planning mean and nasty tricks on each other. I wonder why they are married? The twits aren't just ugly on the outside but on the inside as well! The Twits hate everyone and everything. They are mean to nature and animals. They have no care or respect for anyone, not even for themselves! They catch innocent birds and make them into bird pies.
Rating:  Summary: Funniest Book! Review: I just read the book. I thought it was a great book. The Twits is one of my favorite books because I liked the funny things the Twits and the monkeys did. I also thought it was a great book because the pictures in the book were fantastic I thought.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful Book! Review: The Twits are hilarous. After reading the book to my students they became hooked on Roald Dahl books. They just had to read other of his books. The pratical jokes the Twits play on each other is my students favorite part. I highly recommend this book and any other book written by Roald Dahl!
Rating:  Summary: The Twit Review: I read a book that was called The Twits by Ronald Dahl. It was very interesting. The main characters were Mr. Twit and Ms. Twit. Un like any other family they fought a lot and I mean a lot. The story takes place in they're house and in the backyard. The problem was that every time they would get into a fight they would do extraordinary things to each other; I think that anybody and everybody would like this book because it's funny and really interesting. They authors language was great because he used words that described every little thing. My reaction when I get done with the book was I was astonishes because I thought it was so good. Well I hope you read this book cause I think you would like it.
Rating:  Summary: The Twits Review: This book was so funny! If you like pranks and gluing your pants to trees you will love this book. Just don't try any of these pranks at home or anywhere else for that matter!