Rating: Summary: Only Observable Evolving is the Theory Itself! Review: A powerful resource supporting literal reading/understanding of Genesis, Special Creation, rendering all competing theories, especially theistic evolution, quasi-creation views as on the verge of extinction Biblically, coherently, logically, exegetically, even scientifically (note the recent upsurge in Design, Irreducible Complexity, etc.) Fully endorsed by Dr. Henry Morris, Dr. John Morris, Dr. Duane Gish of Institute of Creation Research (see ICR website) and Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis (see AIG website). Takes issue with compromisers and theistic evolutionists like Hugh Ross of Reasons to Believe. While an otherwise sincere, evangelical Christian ministry, this book gently but firmly recommends re-evaluation of using finite scientific understanding to adjudicate Genesis issues (length of Biblical days: 24 hours as historically, even Hebraicly understood, or long periods/eons/evolutionary ages); warns against overdependence on astrophysics, paleogeology, humanistic interpretation of fossil evidence; embracing of local flood theory vs. literal, plain sense worldwide cataclysm mentioned even by Jesus and Peter in New Testament. Author does not attempt to dogmatically posit Young Earth, Recent Special Creation as the only way to go: this is an 'in-house' debate needing more Biblical and scientific (ICR,AIG) research. But it seems clear that letting Genesis be defined by science vs. vice versa is dishonoring to Scripture and the Creator. Get multiple copies as gifts so friends can evaluate the evidence themselves.
Rating: Summary: Honest and fair Review: Hank Hanegraaff's approach to the creation-evolution controversy is excellent. It is very obvious that he has done his homework...and done it well. Instead of attacking evolutionists or characterizing them as evil, he looks at the facts. His acronym FACE (Fossil Fallacies, Ape Man Fiction, Frauds and Fantasy, Chance, and Empirical Science) makes it easy to recall the relevant points. He is thorough, while still keeping the issues at the "layman" level. For those interested in further study (on either side of the issue), he sites all sources. Hanegraaff demonstrates a clear grasp of the issues and of the controversy around those issues. While many may still disagree with his views, he has proven himself once again to be an intellegent, well-studied author of integrity. I recommend reading this book with an open mind before dismissing creationism as a "crock"!
Rating: Summary: Whoohoo! Review: Hank is terrific! Not much is new stuff here, folks. It's a reminder to us that evolution really has been proven wrong. Not many can take this harsh dose of reality, as you can see.
Rating: Summary: FARCE Review: An excellent book! And easier to follow than many others. Using acrononyms as an easy way to remember how to prove evolution wrong. A lot of people give it one star just because they have been proven evolution wrong and they find an excuse to put it there. Evolution has just been proven wrong-again.
Rating: Summary: The Case that Demonstrates the Crock of Creationism Review: Hank starts out blaming the T.O.E. for causing him to lose faith in his younger years. The view that evolution equals atheism is probably the most harmful view that Creationism is spreading today. Would Hank have lost faith if he wasn't raised to believe that evolution=atheism? The vast majority of Christians and Jews do not share this view. While Hank attacked Darwin's racial views (which were common among Christians and non Christians alike in that time period), Hank did nothing to attack the modern theory of evolution. Obviously with a theory that is 150 years old, it's going to be easy to list all the hoaxes or avenues of thought relating to the theory that ended up being incorrect. i.e. social darwinism, that women's brains are inferior, or that some races are more evolved than others.) The current theory of evolution shows without a doubt that all mankind is one race. In fact there is more genetic diversity among a group of chimps at the zoo than there are among the most distant related humans. I can tell Hank got most of his resources from Phillip Johnson. (a lawyer who uses lawyer tactics more than scientific ones) The reason being is that P. Johnson totally confuses the old hopeful monster theory with Punctuated Equilibrium. I'd like to point out the Hank that the term Puncuated Equilibrium itself should be a clue that P. Johnson's definition is wrong. Punctuated Equilibrium isn't about a lot of genes coming together at once to produce something like a bird coming from a lizard egg. P.E. simply states that a population can be in Equilibrium with it's habitat. Meaning that as long as there is stasis in the habitat, the there will be stasis in form. When there is an abrubt change in the environment, it puts different selective pressures on the population causing a Punctuation in the stasis. P.E. still only deals with gradualistic accumulative micro-mutations. The changes still occur over a period of tens of thousands of years. Not all at once, like Hank makes it seem when he talks about his wife giving birth to a flying baby. Hank and all Creationists, whether they realize it or not support Darwinism everytime they say "obviously there is such thing as micro-evolution". That's the only kind of evolution there is. The rest is strawman arguments against their own ideas of what evolution is. I realize that Hank loves truth as much as anyone else and I know he'd never purposely sell a book of falsehoods. I just think he used the wrong resources and he needed to devote more time to understanding the real theories of evolution. What happens when the uneducated Christian reads this book, then goes to college and learns what P.E. really is? I personaly think this form of Creationism causes more atheism than Darwin ever did.
Rating: Summary: Simply misleading Review: I read Mr. Hanegraaff's book on the urging of my Creationist brother, and after fully analyzing it, researching the science, and tracking down the qoutes used, I decided there is only one thing you need to know about this book: it is designed to intentionally mislead people who do not know very much about science. Anyone with a layman's knowledge of evolution will see through this book immediately, but those who are less well informed can be easily swayed by the misqoutes, bad science, distortions, and outright fabrications contained within. I must hand it to Mr. Hanegraaff, however, as he is a propagandist of the first rate.
Rating: Summary: Solid Science Review: This book is right in line with popular agnostic/atheistic science (within the last ten years). Evolution is no longer accepted by seasoned scientists. I used to believe in evolution, but the science surrounding it is virtually void. There are rules that science must adhere to, and evolution is far from anything scientific. This book is short, but packed full of information. Read it several times, and you'll get new something out of it each time. There is little to argue about with his points, as he uses the very basic principles of physics and science. If there is nothing else that will get someone's attention, focus on the basic laws of physics. His statements regarding such are completely irrefutable. I praise this work. Please read it and find out for yourself.
Rating: Summary: As a Christian I am not embarassed... Review: ...of this book. He shows that evolution is a farce through the accronym F-A-C-E (I'll leave it up to you, to look it up), and he gives us ample evidence that the Bible is divine and that life is worth living. If evolution is true, it makes life worthless, meaningless, relative, and void. My favorite chapter would have to be Chapter 3: Ape-Men Fiction, Fraud, and Fantasy. He mentions and criticizes the Pithecanthropus Erectus, the Piltdown Man, and the Peking Man. What's embarassing for Neo-Darwinians is that they actually believe that these so-called transitional phases despite the fact that they are are too ambiguous to rule them out as scientific facts.
Rating: Summary: The Truth About Science Review: The Farce is an excellent book for anyone who is tired of being lied to by the scientific community. As the Author points out all too easily the general public is unaware of the real story about evolution. When a scientist comes up with a theory about evolution it is well publicized however, when it is shown to be false no one hears about it. Hank Hanegraaff dispels the fallacy that surrounds the long debunked evolution story and replaces it with documentable and irrefutable facts. This is a book that will change how you look at life and yourself. If this book is approached with an open mind you will get alot out of it. If you already have preconceived notions then you will gain little. Buy this book and learn something valueable. Realize that science should be fact based and not fact absent!
Rating: Summary: As a Christian I am embarassed Review: This book is an arguament to discredit evolutionists that aren't Christians. It does have some valid points though. He takes the credit away from these points by stateing something crazy. It isn't even focused on the Bible anymore. It is focused on making accusations with no basis. Bieng a Christian evolutionist I wanted to read something with some integrity...I obviously read the wrong book. of course, if you are new to the subject this book can easily convince you that evolution is wrong.