Rating:  Summary: Best Comprehensive Study of our Metabolic System Review: Finally, a book with the horse in front of the cart. The authors spend chapter after chapter telling use what's wrong with our eating style, and EXPLAINS it in every detail. And at the end he tells us how to use this information. They provide pathways to better health that we can not only work, but understand why it works as well. As far as no recipes, well, buy a low carbohydrate cook book!
Rating:  Summary: Drs. Eades 4 stars, Amazon Reviewer 0 stars Review: It's a pity we can't vote on the helpfulness of an Amazon reviewer (A.R.). It should be noted that the Eades are much less dogmatic than A.R. about their ideas, and much less likely to resort to sarcasm when someone disagrees with them. Somehow, I suspect they're also better qualified to judge the scientific validity of their ideas. How many years has A.R. been practicing medicine? Unlike A.R., the authors don't pretend to be all-knowing. In fact, they freely acknowledge that they have changed their minds about some things in their previous book, and they are careful to state that their advice is based on what they consider to be the best *current* evidence. The previous book, Protien Power, was much more oriented to weight-loss, while this new book focuses more on overall wellness. I have read both and benefited from both. The subject matter is sometimes rather technical, but their presentation is admirable. I suspect most readers will do fine if they're willing to give it a little thought.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent explanations Review: As a person who has just experienced amazing results from magnesium supplements, I was eager to read the chapters on the protein diet, magnesium and other supplements. I found valuable info not available elsewhere. There aren't many recipes but they can be obtained elsewhere...but where can you find a recipe for a beverage that will provide you almost all that nutrients you need for one day! This book has it.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent book & diet! Review: I would give this book 10 stars if I could. It is chock full of interesting information to support their health claims that will be gained from eating the low carb way. Not only that, there are many other suggestions to improve our quality of life. It isn't the easiest read if you are just looking for a diet plan to loose weight but it is well worth the effort.
Rating:  Summary: Love the diet-hate the book! Review: As many sequels are-this is a re-hash of the first book, but with fewer recipes and more vitamin "mumbo-jumbo". Don't get me wrong-this is a VERY FINE lifestyle/eating plan (I've maintained for 14 months an 85 pound weight loss), but the FIRST book is MUCH better. Save your money on this one if you are a Protein Power aficianado-and buy something skimpy to wear in the warmer weather!
Rating:  Summary: Rebuttal to Molly on Jan 14, 2000 Review: Molly -- There are literally hundreds of reviews of the Protein Power books from people who tried it and are amazed at the results. The health benefits have been confirmed by their doctors. As a nurse, don't you think you should give it a fair try and see the medical results for yourself before you condemn it? It seems that your attitude is shared by much of the medical community -- knock it before you investigate and throw it out because it isn't in line with the popular belief. Check your medical textbooks for the principles Drs. Eades espouse. They are right there in black and white and have been for many years. I lost almost 50 pounds and an amazing number of inches in just a few months on the original Protein Power diet. And within weeks I could walk uphill without breathing hard. People were surprised at the new roses in my cheeks; long shiny hair with no split ends -- the evident signs of good health. You owe it too yourself to try it Molly -- have a friend explain it to you if you can't understand the book yourself.
Rating:  Summary: Protein Power Review: I have just had the pleasure of reading Protein Power for the frist time, having had it on my bookshelf for 3years! I have struggled with my weight for over 25 years and have been trying to stick to the traditional low protein and high carb. diet. Needless to say, I gained over 35kgs(70lbs). The other amazing thing with this diet is that I have completely lost my desire for sweet foods: cakes, lollies,etc I have been on this diet for two weeks and have lost 10lbs already and an amazing 8"! This book is definately worth the read.
Rating:  Summary: Not just a diet book Review: This book might well be called "Paleolithic lifestyle for the modern man". The basic idea of the book is that our bodies have been developed to live in the Stone Age. Then came agriculture and we've been downhill ever since. The authors try to adapt that Paleolithic lifestyle to today without being radical. They don't suggest you have to go eat snails, tough there are some intriguing suggestions. One of them is to give regular blood transfusions to "balance" our current lack of parasites and help regulate iron contents in the body! Diet is a very important part of the book but not all. In this new book they discuss supplements, cholesterol, how the gut works, sunbathing, exercise AND diet. If you buy the "Paleolithic Hypothesis", which they make a fine case defending, then this book is for you. If you just want to diet, their own "Protein Power" would be an easier reading, though there are a few revisions in the new book. The book is very well written and even funny sometimes. It's not a "reheated" version of "Protein Power" but a completely new book where the authors had a lot of latitude, even to defend some polemic ideas that would certainly not help sales. They claim, for instance, that cultivating grain is a form of drug trade. I would also recommend "The Ketogenic Diet" for people that want to know the physiology of this kind of diet. By the way, I've been on the diet for almost a year now. I lost 60 pounds and feel great
Rating:  Summary: Finally! Everything We Really Need For Maximum Health Review: Dr's Michael and Mary Dan Eade's have created a wonderful addition to the Protein Power legacy of permanent fat-loss, saving lives, and amazing new levels of health with the new Protein Power LifePlan. One of the biggest complaints dieters who fail over and over again have is this-- not having the documented medical information that gives them the confidence to break their old habits, AND overcome the fears and pressures fostered by the constant media hype pushing low-fat diets. Now, thanks to the Eades, you have everything you really need to know to achieve as high a level of health & fitness as you desire. As a TV Broadcaster familiar with the poorly researched diet & health "reporting" you hear daily on the news, I strongly recommend you read the Protein Power LifePlan. It has made a huge difference in my health and the health of my loved ones-- and it can do the same for you.
Rating:  Summary: Read it for yourself for YOUR health-not to please others! Review: Hi guys - Well the Eades' have put a lot of things out there that many drs do not condone. But the bottom line is, it works. It works for many many people. Just like we do not all respond to the same anti-biotic, we do not all respond to the same diet. I read Molly's review too. I also checked her history. She has added a blasting opinion to every protein-based diet book in the review section, saying each book is a waste of money. Few found her reviews helpful. So, take it with a grain of salt, since she is very anti-protein! This diet may sound way out there. BUT, the Eades go into great detail, explaining HOW the cells utilize what we eat, HOW they react and WHAT certain foods do to them. I will never buy margarine again! I did not realize what it was doing INSIDE my body. I followed a low-fat diet for a year on the advice of my dr. I GAINED 50 lbs. Unusual? Perhaps. I was critized, and told I must have been cheating. I wasn't. I ate mostly fruits and salads, with occassional meats. Following this plan, I have lost 10 lbs in two weeks. That is probably not typical, but I have an a-typical amount to lose. I am out to lose 150 pounds. I am not wanting to lose 5 lbs to fit into a certain dress, I am trying to get a life back! I want to go to movie theaters again, ride bikes again, enjoy my life again. I for one, was tired of being trapped in this bodily prison that I thought I alone had created. I suffered from depression as well. The solution? Another pill. Well, the depression has lifted since following this diet. So have other symptoms, such as incontinence. The benefits are enormous. This diet might not work for you, but what have you got to lose by trying? I can feel my body getting back into line. I am also hypoglycemic, and this diet has allowed me to get off the blood sugar roller coaster. I highly recommend it. If you are overweight by over 50 lbs, and your doctor is telling you that your only problem is will power, you owe it to yourself to try it. It isn't all will power - there are complex body chemistries at play. So to borrow a phrase, Just Do It! Get the book and change your life!